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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Friendship, Ignored


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Friendship, Ignored


I've neglected to repay the investors

who underwrote my personal growth

failing even to meet interest payments

let alone pay back the principle


This is all that's satisfactory enough to put up. This is most certainly incomplete but I needed to put this out there.

Edited by HappyBuddha
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If it's really a friendship that's been ignored, then I doubt that repayment would become a relevent principal. All relationships have their difficult twists, but I think unknotting the problems can be easier than struggling to make up for lost time. There's usually a sense of forgiveness once everything's been talked out, though I guess there could certainly be exceptions...

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no payment

one request

let me watch you grow :)


*huggles big time*


After saying that, I really do like this snippet. Very eloquant in a very short time. Thanks for sharing it ^_^


Edit: I hope no one misinterprets the above three sentences >_<

Edited by Appy
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While I understand the emotion which underlies this fragment, I seriously doubt that any "investors" are looking for repayment. Phases of life change, and those changes take adjustment periods. Those who know you, and know much of life at all, know both that that happens and that you do circle back around and catch up with people as you can. It can be hard when your phase and theirs don't match up, but as long as you try that's all anyone can ask.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The lines already written lie together, almost identical, like the lines of a ledger; the completed poem might take that shape. (A nitpick: "principal" is the financial term.) The fragment you've given us has the form of a common poetic opening, and with the lack of punctuation, I think that's what it was.

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