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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Happy 4th!


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Dear America,


Happy Birthday! Wow 230 years, way to go! I swear you don't look a day over 150. Ah, such fond memories the birth of Modern Democracy, Civil Rights, Women's Lib, voter empowerment. Just don't let it all go to your head. You'll come a long way from that spry and impetuous young dreamer that used to jump up and down at our feet for our attention. Lack of yest got you down? Don't worry too much about it, it happens to the best of us. Welcome to middle age. Now don't go doing anything rash like hooking up with another young nation or two. You've much too old for that. Think of your children. How are they going to look up to you if you keep getting into bed with all those young floozies. Boys must play they say, but you're not a boy anymore. Which reminds me since we're on the subject, don't you think you're old enough now to start cleaning up your yard. I swear you'd think I was running a boarding house for rutting pigs the way you carry own sometimes. And for Pete's sake, take your Christmas lights down. It's is the fourth of July, ya know.


Ah, but I've hurt your feelings. I know, I know, you've been busy, what with trying to fix the world and all, but would it hurt to take a moment and put away some of your toys. They're strew out all over the lawn going this way and that, someone could trip over them, and some of the neigbors have started to complain. Hmm, but that's okay. Maybe you could get someone to help out with all that tinkering you like to do. Well now this is getting long, and a little on the heavy side, what it being your day and all. Why don't you take it easy American, take the day off. Hey that's something, why don't you let your cousin Australia drive for a while. Oh come on, he cleaned up years ago, he can do it. Just give him a chance. Or why not Canada. She'd do a good job. People just love to make her smile. So take the day off, put your feet up, eat ya a polish dog, and have a tall glass of lemonade. You're earned it.


Happy Birthday,



Edited by reverie
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Yes, happy make-things-go-BOOM! day, America!

Even though it technically ended an hour ago on the West coast.

But I don't believe that was the point.

I would've posted this sooner, but I was too busy making things go BOOM! ^.^

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