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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

For Shara


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First... I'd like to note that I'm really not interested in technical feedback at this time. It's just a little too raw and close to my heart yet to allow me to respond well. Thank you.


You found your way to our hearts

gentle cuddling, cute pounces

and now a savage dart

rips my heart asunder


You deserved more, little one

with your love of life

your curious exploration of all

your love of soya milk and keyboards


But now...



You're in a better place,

I have to believe.

Beyond pain and suffering,

forever a kitten.


We'll see you on the other side

little Shara.


My girlfriend also wrote her own poem...




Round and green,

your eyes blinked up at me.

Struggling to get out of your box,

“I’m fine, really, just let me go.”


I thought I knew what’s best,

so I gave permission,

to try to make right, better.


And now your round, green eyes,

will forever more stay closed.


Know that you were loved.

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Yesterday at ten in the evening I heard a kitten meowing. It kept on screaming, and it sounded as if it was hurt, or most definitely in need. I was talking to my mum on skype, so I told her to hang on while I would have a look.


Straight in front of my house a black kitten crawled out from under a van, meowing loudly, and covered in some sort of black grease. I picked it up, and it turned out that it had its mouth wide open, and then the mouth was filled with some sort of black goo. I cleaned her mouth, and gave her water to drink.


Holding her a bit closer the kitten smelled like diesel oil and feces, and her lower jaw looked as if it was severely damaged. She could not close it, and all the water she tried to drink just ran straight out again. Still she was about the liveliest kitten I’ve ever seen, and very cuddly with that.


I gave her a bath, washed her with my own shampoo, and walked over to the neighbour to get a blowdryer and get her dry. We decided together that the kitten was a she since there were no testicles to be seen.


Later I introduced her to my boyfriend, and named her Shara. I emptied out the bathroom and fabricated a bed from a dirty towel. She meowed for a while, but then it went silent and she had gone to sleep.


This morning I let her out and she greeted me happily. While my boyfriend and I spoke Shara kept on running everywhere. Trying to drink my soja milk, and attempting to learn typing on my laptop.


I called the vet and made an appointment, she would need a check-up, and her jaw would have to be looked at. I could come that afternoon, and the whole day long she kept me away from work.


Then it was time to go. I had found a box, and had put the towel on the bottom. I swear, nothing is so hard as trying to keep a kitten in a box while she doesn’t want to, and you’re on a wobbly tram.


The vet was very nice, and looked at her. It was most likely a dislocated jaw, and that would have to be repaired as she was asleep. Then the vet told me Shara was not a she, but a he, and that he was already 3 months old, and only small because he was underfed.


We agreed that she would call me when he would wake up, and that I would come back tomorrow to pick him up. Already trying to think of a name, but deciding that this time it would be Greg’s choice, after all I had already decided on Shara, just because it seemed to fit.


I went shopping. Got him a kitty toilet, a travel basket, food, the whole deal. Even a small collar with a bell on it. I came home all excited, and my friends in IRC were as excited as I was. I couldn’t wait to tell Greg that he could pick a name, because She turned out to be a He, and waited for the vet’s call to tell me that all had gone fine.


She called.


Shara’s jaw was dislocated so badly that she could not move it, and then the vet asked me for permission to operate. It would cost more, but I told her that I didn’t care. If there was a chance, I wanted to try, this kitten deserved it.


We hung up, and I still had hope. Shara had been so lively, so jumpy, nothing could be that wrong. Well, I was.


The vet called back and told me that she had consulted three other specialists, but that the jaw was so damaged that nothing could be done. She also told me that Shara would not be able to eat. I knew that the next question would be the fatal one, so I told her quickly that she could be done what was needed, and that they could let him go peacefully while sleeping.


We hung up, and I started crying.



This kitten has been with me only for a day, but if everybody were as brave the world would be a better place. And if all people who would do this sort of stuff to animals would simply be treated likewise the world would likely be paradise…


I needed to vent, and there is nothing that gets me so angry as abuse of animals.


On the door from the vet there was a small note saying that there were kittens to be picked up for free. I will pick one of these kittens up, and give it all the love I had wanted to give to Shara. If I cannot save one kitten, I sure as hell will do my utmost to save the next.

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