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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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It's an oddly odd and off confusing, dissatisfying manner in which things work, but I've discovered something. Again. And again. And yet again.


Happiness and contentment suppress my creative urges.


There. I said it. And bloody if it doesn't right annoy me. It seems that for the greater part of this semester (which is coming to a close), the only things I have created have been for class, and too many of those were finished and turned in late or not at all. I dropped an English class. Again...That is, for the third time. But these aren't what makes me happy, content..obviously. The same one thing has been making me feel good for sixteen and a half months, and I'm not complaining about it. But christ if I don't wish I could be as inspired by joy as I am by depression. Not that I don't have ideas, but why act on them when I have other things to occupy? My hands won't cooperate. And I don't know what to do about it.

But for the title of this one....


Life. It's why I've been...dormant...for so long. Evening classes this semester and we've still yet to get the router all copacetic yet..may work on that later tonight....So I'm not online often enough in the right places (namely home). Work. I know it's been a while since I updated anything: I'm out of the Hardware Store that I used to work at, now work at a pizza buffet (Sicily's), making pizza, occasionally cutting the pizzas. I got a raise Friday after working there for about three months, so now I'm at $5.75 after a 60 cent raise. So I'm usually at work, school, or sleeping. My brother moved out of the house a while back, so I've got my own room. I've nicely improved my collection of shoarp and pointy objects. My D&D character is level 17, that's 12 rogue, 4 scout, 1 sorceror. I've beaten three metroid games in the past week and a half, most game time put in between classes. During classes. So over the past three months, the only people I've talked to, really, are co-workers, my girlfriend, and my 'friends' about once a week (but not in that order).Or rather, four months. I will make myself to be here more often, participate again, but when I do I'll really be needing to find where to throw myself back in...I guess I'll finish on that setting, and do a story taking place on that..I dunno, I guess it'll be the Near Realm...I'll figure it out. But I will return, mark my words. And if I don't, feel free to have Ayshela call me again......



Good news: in six weeks, Hurricane Season starts again. =| God bless Louisiana.

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*laughs* that's true, i think the last time you popped in here was after i phoned to make sure Katrina hadn't eaten you or spat you back out. Glad to see you around, whatever the cause.


Kind of funny, actually, seeing you post this. I'd been thinking very similar things, though from a totally different approach point, earlier this evening. *looks* Yeah, about the time you were posting this. How's that for strange? I've noticed many times over the years that a good share of those with both "something to say" and a driving urge to say it are those most easily classified as the walking wounded. Not always, but very often. Peace, tranquility, smooth operations of the gears of life do not prick and poke and jab uncomfortably so as to spur one out of placidly experiencing life and into commentary ON life in the same ways that discomfort, distress, disturbance, dissatisfaction, and a whole host of other "dis"es do. Given safe space in which to express themselves, and secured time to write in, and the "walking wounded" - bleeding, healing or healed - can and do produce remarkable work. It's rarer to find someone producing much of anything out of a tranquil heart and serene life. Incredible work when it happens, generally, but rarer by far.


Now... if getting you back here takes me phoning you, does that make me the necessary thorn in your side? ;)



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I wouldn't worry about... If you have not time to write the big projects... just keep a brief journal. this will force you to reflect on you happy life, and maybe something will come of that... If you don't have time for even this...Well man, it's not ever going to get any better Think about when after you graduate, and you're out on your own: you'll working a full time job...and even later working a job while supporting a familiy.


Of course you have prioritize, and hell I get writers block all the time, but keep in mind you are still writing in school, that counts you know.



Edited by reverie
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