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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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The Soldier Remains the Same


the bands play a marching tune

and the flags fly in the breezes

the anthems cut through the air

and every breath freezes

even though the notes often differ

and its called by a different name

regardless of the song

the soldier remains the same


the tools of death grow larger

and more powerful every year

the battle evolves

to combat the current fear

and though the land that is fought over

to which the nations lay claim

is scarred beyond recollection

the soldier remains the same


he's young and he's old

he's meak and he's bold

he fights for a cause;

more precious than gold

and holds his head high even when lamed

war 's ever changing but the soldier remains the same


I'm blaming Peredhil for this one, since his talk of retirement from the Military sort of inspired me. The whole poem is his if he'll take it.

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It's often a person's belief that gives him the reason to wear the uniform. In some ways the sadness I read in this poem suggests that the reasons remain the same. Nicely worded poem Mira.

Edited by Regel
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you forgot complaining, all soldier complain no matter what situation they're in... When the complaining stops, starting looking for the knives...


Also most soldiers start out with such high ideals coming out basic training... "Brain washing," may be too strong of a word (well unless you join the cult of the marine corp,) but there is definetly a great amount of ethusasim there from the trainee's. Well for the first month or so.


Then reality sets in of just how far your actual unit's climate/culture is from those high ideals your recruiter sold you on. And there is also that sense of vertigo you get from being lost in a bureaucratic "system" where the unscrupulous and mediocre flourish and the honorable are driven out by backstabbers and general revulsion... I.e. you can't believe they let these @$@#$ idiots get to have near absolute power over your life.


And as with any idealist that gets his heart broken they then turn into a cynics...


They will usually remain this way, until some great shining light usually in the form of a great leader/friend/mentor/event comes into their life, and shows them the righteous path towards competent leadership. Or through they own observations of the great woe's about them, they'll have an epiphany or defining moment which gives them the resolve to "go on" despite all the @#$#@ $##!# stuff that goes on around them.


They even may themselves strive to become leaders, so as to pass on this great sense of responsibility and honor that has been given them. Of course they are in the minority.


The majority that do wish to get promoted do so out want of to two things: power or money. They generally look on passing the requirments to promotion as things that should be circumvented whenever possible. E.G. going to college mills to get their degrees, sharing answers from past exams/papers from said mills. Sharing exams/answers on military education courses... Outright lying on their evaluation reports. Getting they buddies to look the other way when they can't pass their weight limit. And let us not forgot all the mini-cover ups that go on. Ranging from Sexual harassment, various arrests usually involving alcohol/drugs, Sponsal abuse, incompetance (yep they cover that up too. Reason? they don't want to hurt his/her career with a bad report.) Like in any other profession, it pays to have friends in high places... And the military is in the business of keeping people in, not kicking them out. So in summary, the Doctirine of "Getting by" or "Getting Over" prevails.


But all and all I liked your poem and felt is a noble piece. Though, I suggest the reason that the ethernal soldier fight's is this:


For whatever reason, and there are many: someone tells him he has too.



Edited by reverie
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