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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A date with Elrond Peredhil

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It took Wren a few days to get the smell of Yack out of her hair but a little tlc and lots of shampoo later her curls were free and bouncy again. Her mind now had time to begin to figure out what to do for her date with Elrond Peredhil. It had so be something special, quiet and memorable.


An evening picnic but she worried that he would show up in his Armani suit. Come to think of it would that be so bad?


So she hires a horse and carriage to get Elrond to the park to meet her. Then they enjoy a meandering walk along the paths until they are beside the lake. There already set up is a gazeebo decorated with flowers and fairy lights. Soft music can be heard seeming to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. At the entrance to the gazeebo stand his sons in matching livery grinning like silly fools. Each one sweeps away the gauze and ushers the couple in.

Inside everything is set. A table set for two with a bottle of champagne cooling in an ice bucket.


Wren had dressed with care. It had been a lovely day and would be a warm evening so she went for the Marilyn Monroe styled organza halter dress with matching shoes and shawl. the frosty mauve of the materiel matching the colour of her eyes. She wore no make up and her hair was left to tumble to her waist unrestricted save for a flower tucked in behind her left ear.


"Welcome Elrond please sit with me and enjoy the meal."

The lights dim and the music continues to play softly. The boys slip away quietly to set up the final part of the date.


The meal is served by two amazingly silent over grown guinea pigs neither one even making eye contact with the other. As soon as they laid down the last plate the both took off at a dead run down the path back toward the keep. Peredhil only raised an eybrow and smiled. "I wonder what has gotten into them? I don't think I have ever seen them so ...silent" Wren only smiled holding out her glass for Elrond to fill.


Quiet company and good food is enjoyed over the evening. As the last dregs of light from the sunset sink below the horizon a rythmic dipping of ores in water gets closer and closer.

Wren stands up and blows out the candles. Then she takes Elrond's hand and leads him to the shore meeting the long canoe just as the boys pull it close enough for the couple to step in. The date ends when the canoe gets to the end of the lake where the carriage waits to take Elrond home.


"I hope you enjoyed this my friend." Wren kisses his cheek and *Poofs* with a twinkle of an eye.

Edited by WrenWind
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