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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Quick Character Reference

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Some of you may recall my Quill Quest, and I have tried to update it at various points with varying success. The initial idea is still largely correct (creating a quick-reference list of the main characters by member name) but changes have been made.

First, some people have already written their own. This isn't bad.. it's great! The initial idea was that there be a list, and it's obviously too much for one person to do everyone, so for all those that have contributed to the final list by writing their own, thank you. I'll concentrate on those that haven't.

Secondly, I'd been trying to meet with everyone on IRC or MSN or whatever, and that works all right for those that hang out on chat lines and messengers, but it also means that I'm wasting time on both our ends because I don't know ahead of time who is going to be online at any point, so I don't have time to read descriptions beforehand and ask only the unanswered questions. For many characters, I should be able to write this without even interviewing.

Which leads to the third, the new way to sign up. Instead of organizing by rank, I want people to "sign up" by posting in the Piazza. (This is the only way that I can think of for me to post something and each person still be able to edit their own). The main things to know about the Piazza are that each character has their own thread, different information about each character (like History, Physical Appearance, et cetera) has its own post, and titles have the ~ on either side. If you want to be a part of this:

  • If you already have a description in the Piazza, including a Brief Description, do nothing. You're done.
  • If you already have a character description in the Piazza, but no Brief Description, please make a mostly-blank post, with just the words "Reserved for Brief Description" or some such. I'll read over the description and create a Brief Description when I have the time.
  • If you have a description in the Greenroom, please transfer it over to the Piazza, with one (again, mostly blank) post at the top for the Brief Description, and then the rest. It'd be great if you have the time to separate it out to those different sections (History, Physical Appearance, et cetera), but it's not absolutely necessary. (The main point is that this forum is more easily searchable than the Greenroom, publicly accessible, and pretty much updates itself. The different segments in different posts make the searching more flexible.)
  • If you have no character description yet, but have time to write one, go ahead! Don't forget the almost-blank post.
  • If you have no character description and no time to write one, but enough time to spare me about an hour sometime to interview you, this is still good enough. Create a topic with a single almost-blank post in it, add me to your messenger-of-choice, and wait for me to be online at the same time as you.

You can find me on...

  • MSN - Parmeisan
  • Yahoo - Parmeisan
  • AIM - Katzaniel
  • IRC (#thepen) - Katzaniel, Katz, QQKatz
  • ICQ - Parmeisan (242-574-084)

although I frequent those less and less frequently as you go down the list. ;)


PS. The Initial Announcement is here, and when all is said and done I will probably ask a mod to combine the topics, but for now, what's said here is really just confusing. Also, there are things I posted in the Piazza itself that are so wrong/misleading I will probably go delete them now (if I didn't already, I vaguely remember that I may have).

PPS. I have yet to decide where I will post the list of finished characters, possibly right in this thread... anyway, the current "finished" list is this:

Pennite Character Degenero Angelus Degenero Angelus Vlad Vlad Gwaihir Gwaihir

PPPS. If you're Orlan, I'm done yours but I need a place to post it.

Edit: Bad links!

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  • 3 months later...

I was going to wait until these were all posted, but I'm too excited. That'll have to be another update. The point is, I've written ten of them; a major milestone! I will, however, continue to write these for anyone who wants one.


Pennite Character
Degenero Angelus Degenero Angelus
Gwaihir Gwaihir
Jechum No Link
Mynx Mynx
Orlan No Link
Patrick Durham Patham
Salinye Salinye (Probably not there yet)
Sweetcherrie Sweet
Vlad Vlad
Yui-chan Yui-chan
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