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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Nausea stood next to the sleeping body and prodded her in the stomach.

'Stop that,' Cramps said, 'she hasn't eaten, you don't want to kill her.'

'I'm not!' came the indignant reply, 'I'm just making her uncomfortable!'

'I think we can all vouch for that one,' Headache spoke from his place by the body's head.

The rest nodded in agreement, except for three who stood quietly bickering in the corner.

For a moment they all paused and watched as the body twitched and muttered.

Fever and Nightmare grinned maliciously at each other before continuing with their work.

'Maybe we should ease up,' Cramps suggested, 'we are being kinda mean to her.'

The suggestion was met with looks of disdain.

'Why is it always the girly symptoms that complain?' Fever muttered, causing Cramps to shrug, unabashed.

'Just because I visit her every month doesn't mean I think she deserves this.'

'Bah! She's too bloody healthy!' Nightmare complained, 'hasn't had a decent bad dream in weeks. Months even! Ya can't hide forever, I always say!'

The conversation ceased once more, the silence only broken by the body's continued mutterings and the near silent bickering of the three in the corner.

'And what are they arguing about?' Cramps persisted.

'Deciding who gets the final claim on the body,' was all that Headache would say, causing Cramps to sigh and shake her head, muttering something under her breath about men.

Suddenly, a persistant beeping sound erupted from Fever's wrist.

'Aww crap,' the ailment complained.

'Sorry guys, 'nother assignment, I gotta go.'

As Fever disappeared, Nausea ''accidentally'' prodded the body too hard.

The symptoms all watched as the form snapped awake and ran for the bathroom, the sound of retching soon drifting into earshot.

'Nice one,' Nightmare complained, before wandering off to wait for the next night shift.

Moments later, Runny Nose came in.

'Did I miss much?'

Cramps sighed and threw up her hands.

'Don't know why I even bother,' she muttered, soon interrupted as two of the bickering symptoms high-fived each other whilst the third, looking very annoyed, picked up his things and left.

As Appendicitis left the room, Infection and Flu joined the circle around the temporarily vacant bed.

'We've decided to run a merger' Flu explained happily, 'Infection's just paging Fever. get comfortable guys! We're going to be here all week!'


[OOC: 'nuff said, really...]

Edited by Mynx
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The Raven tiptoes up to the door to the room, (hops noisily fluttering his wings and trying very hard, though not very successfully to, to not make scratching noises with his talons on the wood floor).


he peeks around the door frame, grins, and throws in a small grenade, a home made concoction of various antibiotics, steroids, lemon juice, chicken soup, and eucaliptus oil.


There is a bang and several startled bursts of laughter, and one annoyed groan, before a bucket of treacle flies through the doorway, bounces off the wall and lands perfectly on the Raven.




*hugs tight, treacle coating you to ward agains further infection*


get well soon.



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*hugs Mynx gently and brings in a large pot of chicken rice soup*

*tucks Mynx back in bed with a cup of tea, a bowl of soup, a large box of tissues, a teddy bear and a fuzzy soft blanket*


get well soon!

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*Yan Yan Ganaffi looks over the large cardboard box of supplies marked "Mynx Emergencey Relief Box" stamped on the side. Carefully, he places inside several boxes of American candy, a Jacksonville Jaguars cap, and a mysterious bundle wrapped in silk. He takes out a quill and writes in a card;


" Dear evil bladed kitty of doom,


I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad. Here are a few articles that will help you. Remember, you have people that care about you. Sorry that it takes so long for something to travel from Ambrifyl to where you are. I just hope you are feeling better so you can enjoy it.





Yan Yan Ganaffi"

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Infection jumped up and down on top of Mynx's closed mouth, his tiny feet not even denting the surface of her feline lips. He paused in exhaustian and cursed at his lack of a Cough Crowbar, glancing towards Flu and Nausea for a moment. The two symptoms were discussing the age-old argument of whether it was the Nausea or the Flu that came first, and seemed to be oblivious to him in the heat of their argument. He carefully tip-toed towards Mynx's left nostril, cautiously glancing in all directions before sticking his head inside...


"What the-" blurted Runny Nose from his hiding place, spilling a large stream of snot. "Infection? What're you-?!"


Flu and Nausea both turned in the direction of Runny Nose's voice, only to find Infection with his head stuck in Mynx's left nostril. The two of them laughed and began pointing their fingers.


"Hey, Infection" yelled Nausea amidst guffaws. "Don't you know that nasal pathways went out with, like, Flinstones Vitamin C tablets?"


"Reminds me of the time you came up with that 'brilliant idea,'" Flu jeered. "Y'know, the one about 'infecting' the exhaust pipes of cars to spread germs quicker?"


The two of them laughed heartily as Runny Nose aided Infection in dislodging himself from the nostril. Infection wiped the mucus from his face and sulked once freed, avoiding the sneers of Flu and Nausea. The four of them turned their heads to the sky, however, as the sound of ringing trumpets signaled the presence of a figure in flight.


"It's a bird!" cried Runny Nose.


"It's a plane!" exclaimed Infection.


"Oh, it's a plane alright" said Flu, still sneering as the figure landed. "A plain antibiotic. Next, please."


"I'm not just any old antibiotic" boomed the caped pill in a squeaky voice. "I'm Almost Dragonic Brand, sealed and approved!"


"Oh" said Nausea. "Well, in that case, welcome to the club. You can start by helping Infection open that mouth over there."



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