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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A Desert Flower

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A desert Flower



Like a dry and desolate desert

People looked upon me

Dirt, thorns, a poison bite

I can hurt people

I can dry them up

Grasping them with my twisted weeds,

Driving them toward insanity

They can hurt me

Treat me like garbage

Dry hot days left me alone


Then a drop of rain

A cloud of dark gray

Gentle slits of angel tears

soaking in my dry plains

A swift of spring

A dash of magic

Then out of the dry crackling ground

Beauty in a desert flower



Dry bitterness, broiling heat waves of malice

Seasons of resentment

The angel's sweet kiss of forgiveness

The magic and power

In a single desert flower


EDIT: spelling gently fixed by request :)

Edited by sweetnightmare
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It's good to have a happy ending. :) I especially like those last two lines, they wrap the poem up nicely. On the last stanza, though, you got a little sloppy with the spelling. Nothing a few second edit won't fix. ;)


One suggestion...on the second stanza, "Then all of a sudden" just doesn't sound that great IMO. Perhaps try to throw in something creative and original to spice it up. Just a suggestion.

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I much prefer that. :)


P.S. Don't be down on the Macs, I'm a user...I get by. ;) Besides, I find it's best just to read over what you've written, and if you're not sure about a word, go to the dictionary. Spell check is alright, but you don't want to rely too heavily on it. Plus, when you read over it again, you might find a way to improve on what you've written. You never know.

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A very nice poem, sweetnightmare. I really like the imagery that you incorporate throughout it, particularly the metaphor of "Gentle slits of angel tears" for rain drops, which I found striking. The contrast between the "Dry bitterness" of the flower in heat and its "beauty" after the rains have fallen is also intriguing, and makes for an interesting read.


In terms of potential improvements, one thing that struck me as a bit out of place was the way that the last stanza begins with "Here is a lesson to be learned," which seems to come off as rather pretentious in tone. Perhaps if this line were simply dropped from the stanza, it would work better.


Once again, nice work. :) Great to see you posting in these halls.

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This poem is beautiful!

I would only maybe (in my opinion change one thing, to make it sound more like the rest which is poetic)


So this is the suggestion:



"Even bring them to an insane point"


To something like


"Or drive them toward insanity"

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