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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Sherlock Holmes early life


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For reasons beyond my comprehension I would like to know about the early life of Sherlock Holmes.

Sure, we know he has a brother.

But, in a time when a consulting detective is unknown, where did he get his idea to be one?

I imagine he went to one of the great colleges, but, any military service? Jobs other than consulting detective?



I believe this is one of his earliest mentions:



On Saturday, July 3, 1880, the traditional English university long vacation began, and with it, the beginning of the brilliant career of Mr. Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective.

But nothing before hand.

No: "he was born of a upper middle class family near chelsea, his father a..."


that you'd expect from a biography.

Anybody have any clues?




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well... you could always watch the movie, "young sherlock holms," but that probably had no input from the author...


hmm, well I do recall that Mr Holms had an appreciation for atleast two things besides deduction: Music and Cocaine... Heh, he's not quite as stuffy as we thought, is he? Though back then his obsession with the violin was probably more upsetting to the locals than his other mind clearing hobby...





the dreamlost


the dream continues...

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Young Sherlock Holmes was not a very good movie.

In any case, I just imagine Holmes in early entry level jobs.


"You, Mr. Holmes, are the junior level accountant clerk here. You cannot make charges of embezzlemnt."


"As a shoe clerk, Mr. Holmes, you leave a lot to be desired. My 'affairs' are my own business."








Ah well.

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