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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Exploring the caves beneath The Pen

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A sub-thread from Missing, the Search for Annael


Stick walked quickly down the halls, Knight on his left, Tanuchan on his right and Riven following closely behind.


"Wow, I haven't seen this part of the Keep yet." said Knight as he examined the bare and dusty walls.


"Yeah, no one really comes down here unless they need to... and there's not really any reason to." replied Stick.


They walked on in silence for a few more minutes until they came to an intersection. Stick led them left and down a short hallway that ended with a wall that had a large wooden door on it. "Here we are." Stick opened up the door and the party entered a wide room. Where the stonework ended, natural rock began. The mouth of the cave was wide, and began at a light incline. Torches hung in rings along the manufactured walls, and a faint glow came from deep within the cave. "Let's go." Stick then grabbed a torch off the wall and proceeded to enter the cave.


"Huh... I wonder what got into him all of the sudden..." Knight mutters to no one in particular, while Tanuchan and Riven follow with slightly perplexed looks.

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Riven places a hand on Stick's shoulder before he gets to far into the cave, "One moment, my friend. Is there a map available for these caves? Do we at least have a compass? Or supplies to make a map as we go along?" Riven lifts his right hand and points to the ring, "I know we have these but, it would be nice to have someway to track which tunnels we have already explored or if someday in the future we have to return to the caves we have at least a vague idea what the layout of the tunnels are."


"Sorry, " Riven looks to the group, "but, I have this thing about knowing at least a little bit about where I am heading plus, we have no idea what is down there so, it might be nice to know in case we have to lose something on our trail."

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Tanny shakes her head, looking further down the tunnel.


"These caves have never been fully explored, from what I've heard. There are torches until some point further down, but there certainly are areas that are still dark and unknown. I have never been down here, but I've thought more than once that it would be nice if one day we could make at least a rough map of the cave complex under the Castle."


She thinks of the last dark tunnel she had followed, that started under Salinye's manor and ended up in a dark haunted house and is now magically closed*. Then, picks parchment and a quill from her pouch, handing them to Riven.


"I'm never without parchment and quill... these are enchanted, so you won't have to worry about ink and lack of space to write. Would you be so kind as to try to map the tunnels? I'm going on as a wolf, and ... well, paws aren't that good to write."


She smiles as Riven nods with a somewhat puzzled look. "I hope you haven't forgotten that I'm a shapechanger?"


"Oh! Of course... but then... you have all the senses and instincts..."


"Yes. I don't need compasses as long as I can see, hear, or smell. I have a good visual memory also, so I think that between that and your map, we won't get lost. Hopefully."


Stick coughs, impatiently. "Well, folks... are we going to stay here and discuss the expedition, or are we going down and try to find Annael? If you keep like this, it will be Christmas next year when we find her."


"Let's go." Tanny shimmers into her wolf form, making sure that the Ring that hangs from her neck is easily reachable. Then, turning to Stick, she talks in wolf**, "It seems you know at least a bit of the way, Stick... lead us, then."


Stick and Tanny take the path down; Knight shrugs and, exchanging a glance with Riven, follows them. The mage, picking the quill and parchment, writes a line and a sign before following them.




* as described in the Halloween Werewolf thread

** assume that anything that Tanny says while in wolf shape is in Wolf-ish; as stated in the main thread, Stick's able to understand her.

Edited by Tanuchan
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((OOC: Is Wolf-ish like Bunny-speak? In the even that it is, Knight is fluent in it, as per his many adventures with Stick and Mr. Bunny. Also have to remember that he's the Vice President of the official Mr. Bunny Fan Club... Arawn, wherever he may be, {good luck to him} is the actual president, but I digress...))



"Well, whatever's down here, we'll be fine. I've brought with me some provisions, nothing major, just some things that I brought back with me from another time, and another place. And, I have what Stick has affectionately dubbed the BFH- the Big Friggin' Hammer. Sorta like the BPS, but a hammer... Oh! And I do have a wee bit of magic left- watch this!"


With that, he raised his hand, and conjured a small fireball- which he cast before them about 5 feet- and suspended it, perpetually in front of them, to act as a light, as necessary.


"How's that?"

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Stick scrapes off the end of the BPS, which he had ignited with a flame. "Good enough, I guess." Stick grins, a bit of usual self showing again. "I suppose I should lead on. It's pretty straightforward for about an hour's walk from here. Eventually, we'll enter a large cavern that's beneath the lake. That physic-defying lake."


"What do you mean 'physic-defying'?" asked Knight, who hadn't yet seen all of The Pen's Keep. Riven also looked interested in finding out.


"Well, you'd think a lake that appeared to be full above ground would need to be contained by a rough 'bowl' of land... but not this lake. I'm guessing it's part of the magic that holds the place together that has something to do with it... I'm not really sure. In any case, you'll see when we get there."


Stick nodded to everyone, then lead on at a decent pace. The BPS bounced almost wildly on his shoulder as they began the slow decent into the caves. The light from Knight's fireball casted all sorts of weird shadows on the walls. As they went further, the cave seemed more and more natural as the walls became less smooth. The ground became rockier and the air became more humid.


"So anyways, asides from what Tanny mentioned, I have my own... talents... that help me in these kind of places, Riven."


"Oh, what kind of talents?"


"Well, it's a long story, but essentially I'm able to use small portions of energy from the earth around me. That ability is amplified in these caves because it's completely as it should be; it's in its healthiest state."


"I see."


"Yes. Oh yes, I was going to mention. Once we get down to the lake, that's where the cave starts to branch off. We'll make a plan once we get there."




((OOC: Wolf-ish is simply the language that wolves speak, I believe. Stick can speak it because at one point in his multi-talented life, he was a druid.))

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The group of adventures arrive at the phsyic-defying lake. Once there Riven steps away from the group for a moment to explore the area, as he is doing so, he chants a mantra softly to himself. When he is finished several balls of light appear in his hands.


The balls of light are glass balls with a magicial light source in them.


Riven quickly places several of the balls around the room. The extra balls of light, Riven tosses down the four branches of the cave. Riven sniffs the air of each of the branches, "This one has fresher air which means it has an openning above ground."

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Stick nods. "Yes, one of these tunnels lead up to the forest outside The Keep, and also branches to an area next to the lake above ground." Stick sat down next to the lake and closed his eyes. "I just need to meditate for a moment to help us decide which way to head next." The lichen that seemed to grow out of random spots on the side of rocks glowed weakly as the sun from the lake above shined in through the water, casting all sorts of shadows that seemed to dance on the walls, the roof and the ground.

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Stick shimmers back into existence after Life had taken him away for nearly a day's time. When he comes back he is still in his meditative pose, but now there are two indsitinguishable creatures latched onto his shoulders. It's hard to tell, but they seem to mimick the environment around them. They shift from clear to opaque, light to dark and their colour seems to be constantly changing. Their actual form seems to be unclear, but it looks like they have four major appendages extruding from a rather formless body. As far as facial features are concerned, none can be seen. Slowly, Stick opens his eyes and stands up.


"Well, what have you figured out?" asks Knight.


"Nothing, really. Nothing except that we need to move on, anyways."


Tanuchan speaks to Stick, still in her wolf-form, "Good, the sooner we are out of these caves, the better."


Stick thinks for a moment then responds, "Yes. Although I prefer these caves, I suppose it'd do everyone else some good to get out of here. Unfortunately, these are rather large caves. Everyone ready?" getting consenting nods from everyone, he leads on. The mysterious creatures on his shoulders don't show any sign of activity except their constant shimmering and changing. The tall warrior leads the party down a tunnel across from the way they came. It seems to stretch out for a while, until eventually begins to drop in altitude again. Thanks to the light of Knight's fireball, the party is able to see that they have entered into a spacious cavern with a deep bottom. The path they are on eventually narrows out and becomes merely a ledge on the wall that twists all the way to the bottom.


As the group descends down the narrow ledge, nothing can really be seen except the immediate area around them. However, as they get farther along, a strange light can be seen eminating from the bottom. As they get closer, it seems to be shimmering and changing shape, much alike the creatures on Stick's shoulders, which Riven points out.


"Yeah, what are those, anyways?"


Stick shrugs, "I'm not sure. While I was meditating, they kind of harassed me for a while, but now... I've managed to stabilize them somehow. I don't doubt that they have something to do with what hapenned to Annael... somehow."

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"Well, I hate to interrupt the inspection folks, but we have searching to do here. I'm certain that they're at least reasonably benign, else when Stick returned.. We'd have had him screaming for us to remove him.."


With this, Knight keeps walking along, his head and eyes darting back and forth, looking the place over.


"So Stick buddy... what is all this?"

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A sudden movement startles both Knight and Riven, as Tanny reappears grumbling.


"Hmph... apparently Life is decided to interfere with our plans for rescuing Annael... sorry, guys."


Stick just nods, translating her wolf-growling to his companions. "Don't worry... I have had my small tour with her also..."


Noticing the two strange creatures on Stick's shoulders, Tanny raises herself to their level to sniff them carefully.


"They don't emanate anything... no traces of good or evil, no surface thoughts..." says Riven.


"Could they be true Neutral creatures?"


Tanny grounds herself and uses the earth energy to weave a simple shield around the creatures, observing their reaction. They wiggle and twist, their appendages moving around frantically and a strange vibration coming from them, almost as a voice but not quite. Stick, startled, looks at them then at Tanny. "Hey, what did you do?"


"A simple earth-shield... it cuts them from elemental energy. And it annoys them..." Nodding, she lets the shield go, and the creatures settle down. "I could sense they're linked to earth, and being cut off from her upsets them a lot. But they aren't hostile to us... whatever they are, it's obvious that they like you, Stick." Tanny grins, as Stick pats one of them absently.


Turning her attention to the strange light at the bottom of the cave, and still linked to earth, she says to Stick, "There's a slight trembling in the flow of earth, Stick... something down there. Do you want me to explore a bit?"

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Stick replies back in a pale comparison of wolfish.


Aye. But I will go with you... I think I understand what's going on... somewhat.


You do?


Maybe. It's just a hunch, really...


Care to explain?


Not particularly...


I see... well, lead on, in any case.


As Tanuchan and Stick seem to be growling and barking at each other incrompehensibly, Knight looks from Stick, then over at Riven, and shrugs.


"He just keeps on surprising me... things have changed..."


Just then, Stick turns and addresses Knight and Riven, "Tanuchan and I will be examining the distortion. If something... happens... and we disappear, I want you to find Peredhil, and bring him here. I just may have a lead..."


"Okay, but..." Knight started.


"...but don't worry about it. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. I'm following a hunch."

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Riven crosses his arms over his chest, and lets out a huff, "Why do you two get all to have all the fun?" Riven pushes past both Tanny and Stick to head further down the cave.


Stick, 'I wouldn't..."


Riven *telepath to all* I know you wouldn't...but I would.


Riven disappears down the darkness of the cave.

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"Oh for the love of-"


Stick cuts Knight off- knowing that if he lets Knight speak more than what he has, he will never comply.


"You know old friend, that you need to. Go back, and find Big P like I asked, would you?"


Knight merely shrugged and nodded, and trekked back to find the Elder..

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"On second thought, Knight... perhaps you should make sure Riven doesn't get lost... alone. I'm sure you can provide him with adequate backup. Oh, and don't worry, we'll have plenty of chances later on to take care of business." The words came out slowly and sort of choppy, almost of as if Stick was in slow motion. Regardless, he flashed his companion one of his trademark grins to ensure him that everything was alright.


As he stepped towards the pulsating mass of light, Stick seemed to shimmer in and out of reality. The creatures on his shoulders seemed to react strongly, and almost looked like they were pulling Stick towards the light. He stepped in, then disappeared. Light surrounded him, then all was dark.



OOC: Sorry, I have to stop there, as I need to re-compose my thoughts. Don't let that hold you guys back, though. I'm totally winging it here, so feel free to improvise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tanny reacts instinctively at Stick's shimmering in and out of their plane, throwing a line of energy to earh and drawing its energy into her - grounding and centering, trying to reach out with a shimmering net of earth energy to catch Stick.


However, as she reaches for more energy, she also gets engulfed by the strange shifting in planes. A multitude of images flicker in front of her, in what looks like a series of snapshots of different worlds. She feels herself losing control over her shape, going back to human form but as a baby, then turning into an old woman, then shifting into a transparent tanuki...


Hold! Get a hold on yourself, girl! You control the change, you control the energy that flows in your own body!


The words of the old teacher and clan's Loremaster help Tanny to get a firm grip on her drifting mind, and she feels herself back to her solid human body. A bright light flares, blinding her, then there's darkness.



Stick looks around himself lazily, wondering at the darkness that seems to shape itself in mutating forms. It's like a darker darkness shifting shapes in the light darkness that surrounds him.


Dark darkness... light darkness... how odd this sounds...


He muses lightly, almost smiling, staring dreamly into the subtle shades of dark.


A floating point of light calls his attention, and he blinks slowly, trying to focus his thoughts. Part of his mind prods him, saying that light is significant, while the other half keeps being distracted by the shifting darkness.


"Stick! Stick, are you alright?"


Tanny looks at her dreamy friend, touching and then shaking him. "Stick!"


Being somehow still linked to earth, she senses a spidery web around Stick; shaping the enerby as a broom, she sweeps the ghostly energy cobwebs away from him.


Stick blinks, awareness returning to him. "Tanny?"


"Are you alright, Stick? What happened?"


He looks around, noticing for the first time the weird shades of darkness that are broken by Tanny's ball of light that floats over her shoulder.


"Where are we... and where are the others?" She probes ahead with her senses, puzzled and holding securely to her link to earth. How is it that I can still hold a link to earth?


"Knight... what did he do? Did he try to follow you, Tanny?"


She shakes her head. "I have no idea, Stick... last I noticed, he seemed to be in doubt whether to follow Riven... then, when you started to shimmer in and out, he shoulted something. I know nothing else."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Running back to them in a huff, having been summoned previously by the demon that is typically called real-life, Knight looked at the two of them.


"I followed after Riven for a while, couldn't find him... and *POOF* I got summoned back... So here you find me hauling back down, because I'm not entirely sure where you guys had gotten off to. I am able to track, so it was not too difficult to find you all."


He flashed a toothy grin at them, and looked over the group. "So, what's the deal folks?"

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