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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Intangible

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A work in progress about "that feeling". You know, the one that tells you something just isn't right, yet you can't place your finger on what or why? I hope this piece will be able to place the finger when it's finished.



Overwhelming, a presence assaults my mind

Suffocating with Its urgency

“You’re not welcome,” my mind hurls back

At the same time, recoiling.


Continuing on, my steps wavering

Resolving myself to the task at hand

Urgency building, It will not be ignored

Walling It out with thoughts of my own.

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*nods* and whether to pay attention to "that feeling" and check things out carefully, as it sits there and nags incessently but vaguely..

or to fold it up and set it aside as best you can while you go on with the tasks at hand..

quite a dilemma, isn't it?


i do hope you come back to this and expand it. You might want to pay attention to your punctuation here, to more clearly separate your thoughts and feeling-waves as you continue it. This is a very good beginning, though, and i'm looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

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