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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Golden Path


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What fools are we that seek to understand

These mysteries that dealt from Heaven’s hand?

What foolish youths who walk the road alone!

Who trust themselves to figure on their own

What troubles lie beyond their point of view,

For we must know the choice we make is true.

And so we stand and gaze back at the way,

At the path we’ve travelled, wond'ring all the same,

“If time were gone what ought we to have done?”

I’d say to us, “ignore it and move on!

What’s done is done, now face the road ahead,

Who knows what’s there to reach the journey’s end.

But time moves on and we must move as well,

And take what comes: we brought it on ourselves!

How could we know? We threw away our guide.

And for what? The sake of foolish pride?

‘Free will’ be damned, we had that anyway,

We just chose poorly, threw it all away.

While those great proud men stand and fall today,

It’s not just them who’s lives are disarrayed.

You stupid men who seized upon your ‘Rights’

Look at the products of all your petty fights!”

And saying this, I’d laugh and turn around

On down the path this guide of mine has found.




(Thank you for the tip :))

Edited by HopperWolf
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*Hugs* I like it... the rhythm is rough in a few spots, or so it seems to me...


The most notable one to me was this line:

"We just chose poorly and threw it all away."


I wound up mentally replacing the "and" with a comma, at which point it fit perfectly.


I love that part of the poem especially...



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