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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

If I join it will be with help

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Adglomero flew high up to the top of the Keep of The Pen, riding upon the back of her Roc, Hiemalis. Drawing level with the windows of the room she swore under her breath. How the hell was she supposed to get through the wall?


Ordering her roc to hover she sent out a telepathic message to her friend in The Pen. Help me. I can't get in!


Suddenly she felt a surge of power and the wall shimmered, enlarging just enough to allow her to climb in. "Go nest on the spires" she said to Hiemalis, before looking at her surroundings.


She spotted the Wyvern immediatly-he had been well described to her. Quickly she walked over to him, her leather riding gear making no sound as she walked. As the creature looked up she froze in panic. What would he think of her manners, bursting in on him like this!


Suddenly she felt a message form in her head from her contact. It seemed to be tinged with a slight trace of amusement and she had to grit her teeth not to snarl back it it. Relax. He won't hurt you. Be patient


Patience is not one of my virtues! she snapped back angrily.


I noticed. Now ask him before he dies of boredom or old age.


Irritably Adglomero opened her mouth and her message came out all at once.


"Please can I join I've been wanting to do this roleplay thing with my friend and I want to be part of this place so that I..." Realising she was rambling she blushed furiously and waited nervously for the Wyverns reply.


Say one word and I'll never talk to you again She snapped at her so called friend.


Now is that any way to treat someone who has helped you so much? The voice answered with a chuckle before the contact broke.



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Ayshela sneaks in the door unnoticed and glides up beside Vanessa. Gently attracting her attention, she drew her toward chairs by the wall and motioned her to have a seat.


"Don't mind Elder Wyvern, he has a tendency to get lost in thought about his many schemes for making geld. It may be a while before he realizes you're here. If you're the patient sort you may want to wait here, and if not you may prefer wandering the Keep and talking with the inhabitants. We're a pretty friendly bunch and it will make the time pass more quickly."


With a smile and a reasuring pat on the shoulder, Ayshela vanished out the door again.



OOC: Guests are more than welcome to read and post in the other forums. Come on in and join the fun while you're waiting! =)

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Wyvern awakens from his concentrated efforts to form a successful tax evasion plan and practically jumps out of his seat in surprise as Adglomero speaks up, not noticing the applicant due to her entering by magical means through the left wall of the office. Glancing towards the main entrance of the chamber and grumbling something about still not getting to test the latest tax collector trap that he had attached to the front door, the overgrown lizard turns towards the eager applicant and cheerfully greets her with a smile full of razor sharp teeth.


"Greetings Adglomero! Please take a seat, I'm certain an acceptance can be arranged..."


Flipping through the countless number of documents littered on his desktop in search of an application acceptance stamp, the Elder of Initiates suddenly feels a strong breeze as it flows through the open office window. Shivering and raising himself from his desk, Wyvern wanders over to shut the window and warm the office up a bit, only to suddenly notice Adglomero's enormous Roc hovering directly outdoors. Pausing for a moment, the reptilian Elder's scaly jaw drops open as a loose feather comes soaring at him and smacks him right in the face, causing him to topple over.


Gasping and glancing towards the stunned Elder in a horrified manner, Adglomero mentally curses to her companion before meekly speaking up and saying:


"Umm... Mr. Wyvern, are you alright? I'm sorry, my friend Hiemalis has been known to accidentally let a stray feather loose every now and then..."


Much to the applicant's surprise, rather than growing angered or bitter, the overgrown lizard proceeds to take out a magnifying spectacle from his position on the ground and examines the fabric of the feather.


"Hmmmm... very nice colors and texture, could go for quite a bit if sold on the proper market as a fan..."


"Erm, are you alright Mr. Wyvern?" repeats Adglomero reluctantly, eyeing the reptilian Elder's reactions curiously.


"I'm fine, thanks..." hisses Wyvern, getting back to his feet while unsuccessfully attempting to stuff the huge feather into one of his pockets. Glancing back towards the window, then at the applicant, he sinisterly grins and mutters:


"I'd be perfectly happy to accept your application, Adglomero... if your Roc Hiemalis would be willing to donate one of his eggs every Tuesday for a Wyvern breakfast omlet!"


Adglomero's jaw drops open and she stares in horror at Wyvern as Melba, who happens to be cleaning a corner of the office, notices the lizard's scheme and quickly grabs the nearest Anti-Wyvern mallet. Muttering curses under his breath and quickly stamping Vanessa's application ACCEPTED, Wyvern rushes to the office door to escape Melba's onslaught only to accidentally set off his tax collector trap and have a cascade of false legal documents tumble down upon him, littering him with paper cuts...




OOC: On a more serious note, a nicely roleplayed application Vanessa, certainly ACCEPTED. Welcome to the Mighty Pen! :) I look forward to reading more of your writing and participating in some roleplaying threads with you in the future.

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Adglomero lets out a whoop of joy at being accepted, then realises Wyverns condition and gasps. Quickly she ran over and dug the strange figure out of all the paper before quickly dressing his wounds and then hugging him a tight thankyou.


"Good luck with tax evasion :P

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