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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Zepheri

  1. Haha! No alternative interpretation at the moment, but I just wanted to say that I thought this "Green Eggs and Ham" continuation was cool. :-) I like how you derailed the story and took it in the direction of over-the-top morbidity, and appreciated the various Seuss-ian references (poor cat in the hat!).


    Your continuation also reveals the true moral of the story: if your cooked ham turns out green, it's probably a good idea to either throw it out or test it on Aardvark first.




    Thank you for your comment ^_________________^ *hug*

  2. I would like to try it out... I don't know all of you, and you don't me, but I thik it will be fun. Do you think it would be helpful if we gave a bit of info on our selfs first Sweetcherrie? That way we can help out with the writing.... just a thought...


    I would like to sign in with my character Zepheri... if that is ok...

  3. WOW!!!! That's so ture. I agree with everything you said. One should never just settle for someone, they should be with that person becuase they love them. I do hope you can find the girl that makes you want to run through a storm or fight an evil dragon for. Becuase I know that if you do that, then this girl is turly for you.




    It's nice to see you post something my friend, how about giving me a call? We haven't talked in forever!!!!




    <3 u ^_________^

  4. OMG!!!! Such a twist on things I like it very much so!!! Is Max good or evil? We may never know!!! ^_^ And who is that kid that walked in there? How does he know everything? I wish to read more!!! I wish to know!!! You are doing a wonderful job my friend, please keep up the good work, my mind is going crazy with questions that need to be answered!!! ^_____________^

  5. My friend you have a wonderful story being created here!!! I love the character, the detail!! I'm not to well when it comes to grammar and spelling so I cannot help you with that, I’m sorry. However I do love that past and present come together, it seems that is what you are doing anyway. I like that Jenna is not quickly to believe in what is going on, that she is defiant, her reactions are well done. Max seems to be... I think his character needs to be a bit more developed, I'm not getting too much of who he is, but I think it's a good start I would like to see more of Max's character latter on. As far as improvement, I would say, "I would really like to know what is happening!!!" then again it is a story and everything cannot be revealed just yet. I don't see anything that you need to work on as of right now besides Max, like I said. My mane thing is that you and I seem to have similarities in our writing style, I like that a lot!!! I can relate to what you are saying/writing, I can read it very easily and I enjoy doing so. I hope I have helped you, I'm not sure if I did. If you have any specific questions on a paragraph or something you would like for me to look at by all means tell me and I'll do what I can for you my friend.
  6. I like these poems. I feel sad when reading them, however my work is just the same. I like that can relate my life and feelings to them. You did a great job on that, capturing the emotions anyway. This is the first time I’ve read your work; I must say I’m very impressed. I would give you more, such as grammar and what not, but I’m retarded when it comes to that. Keep up the good work ^___^
  7. thanks everyone for the feedback and the suggestions. i shall take them into consideration. This is one of the only stories i have stuck to with writing so naturally i want it to come out well. thanks again and more is on the way


    More better be on the way!!!! :angry: or else.....I'm not sure what else at the time, but I'll get back to you on that.

  8. WOW, this is a great song. There is a lot of meaning behind it. It brings back a lot of my own childhood.

    This part here reminds me of the fact that I'm always having to move every three years, I've lived in a lot of places in my short life.


    I live in southern France

    I'm from a Texas ranch

    I come from Mecca and Peru

    I live across the street

    In the mountains, on a beach

    I come from everywhere

    And my name is you


    This part here i think any one could relate too, I at first liked to climb trees, but now I love to read and sometimes wacth TV.


    I like to run and climb

    I like to sit and read

    I like to watch my TV, too


    Thanks for sharing this with us, I really like it. Are there memories that come back when you here this song?

  9. I've read this before ^_^ and as always I love your work. I'm not sure what to say then what I have already told you before. I still love this and I really want to read more of it, and I want you to finish it!!! I really want to know what happens...so get to writing!!!!

  10. Absolutely NO problem, my dear. I hope it comes of some use to you.

    And yes...Poe rocks.


    Like I said, post more! You're a fantastic writer!



    Thank you Fae ^_^. I think I'm an okay writer, I still need more work. If you want to read more, I posted a story (Dragon Stones.) on here, perhaps, if you want too, you can take a look.

  11. To: NightFae and Dros


    Thank you both for your advice. I'm glad you like my work. ^_^ I will look out for your stories, poems, what have you as well.

    I also love Poe. I can relate to Poe in the fact that all of his works are sad, or horror stories. That is mostly what I right, along with fantasy.

    Once again thank you both.

  12. Thank you for your help on this. I understand everything now and can see how you go those ideas. I think I was trying to use archaic vioce in the one poem, as far as active/passive vioce I wasn't intending on either, it just happened. But once agan thank you for your help.

  13. I like this; it gives me something different to write about, to practice. I had fun writing it. ^_^ Perhaps I can continue with this? What do you guys think? I would like to know if I did well on my first try and if I should continue doing exercises like this.
  14. To: reverie


    Thank you for you comments. It is always nice to get feedback. A few questions for you though.

    1) what is active voice?

    2) what is archaic?


    I hate commas and what not, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one with this problem. I do understand what you mean, I should break-up the "I remember it" parts, it is much easier to read that way. Yes, I did not expect people to ge the poem and it is just for me, but i wanted to let people know that before hand, just incase they wanted to know; to save time on asking.

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