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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Mardrax

  1. I love the flow in this, how seamlessly you keep every line flowing into the next, without a real need for pause to switch meter, while still switching from time to time. How there's a certain rising and falling in between the not-quite-separate verses. The ending too. Powerful image, without falling out of tone with the rest.

    Only thing that doesn't really work, -in the way I read it, anyway- is the "conglomeration". I think it just falls out of tone a bit, complexity-wise, being the only 3+ syllable word.


    Be sure to keep those dreams bubbling Dego. I love the froth that bubbles over every time you toss some more wood on the fire.

  2. Right. Long time none of my melodrama. Have some :P

    I'm not content with the lack of structure in this, then again, I still feel falling to and from structure is something that reflects the way my mind works well. There's a couple of other things I don't really like as well. May be coming back to this when I feel like it.


    Feedback is, as always, highly appreciated.




    I could tell you a thousand times

    about limbs doing things while I sleep

    I could give you a thousand lines

    and I still wouldn't blame you

    if you told me you found me a creep


    I hate myself for that.


    Since if I'd tell you a thousand times

    about limbs doing things while I sleep

    I wouldn't be giving you

    all of the truth


    I tried to hold you, of course

    Consciously? Very much so.

    I tried a tentative hand

    hoping you'd hold it

    and never let go


    Hoping you'd take

    the thousand butterflies

    you'd poked up that day,

    and heed their existence


    You turned away though

    And so did I

    giving me no option

    but to rock them to sleep myself


    Yet butterflies will flutter

    and butterflies won't listen

    as you told me

    and I found out, waking

    to you pushing me off


    Until that hazy light of afternoon,

    shining in, boiling me out,

    giving some shine to the curls

    that framed your sleeping face


    "Like a cherub", I thought,

    "had brown been the next blonde"

    Still, like that cherub,

    you quickly absconded


    And I couldn't blame you.

    'Cause if I gave you a thousand lines

    You still wouldn't want to share

    these butterflies with me

  3. Well. Here you go Jason. I really didn't have time to get to this sooner. It's not a very solid attempt, I admit. But it's more of a social comment anyway. Still, feel welcome to use it if you still want to do this ^^

    Here goes:


    Beat the eraser


    You'd think that writing a song is not

    not too difficult

    You'd think that writing a symphony

    would be a piece of cake

    Yet we all stood

    twiddling our thumbs


    You'd think a writing community

    would just shake their arms

    And lyrics would come rolling out their sleaves

    Yet that seems untrue

    As we all stood

    scratching ideas


    Pen mightier than the sword

    but eraser still beats the pen

    Just confidence and

    some random words will

    beat the eraser

    (kinda stuck here. I guess I'd space it: eighth note(beat)-eighth rest-eighth(the)-three quarters(e-ra-ser) syncopated between the beats, crossing one eighth into the next measure. if you know what I mean :P)


    So then here is my attempt

    my attempt at this

    songwriting thing that we do so well

    just to save our face

    since writing is

    what we do best


    Pen mightier than the sword

    climb into your pens!

    Find inspiration

    just inspiration

    and beat the eraser

  4. So there you were


    just running, oh poor you


    I stumbled, tripped on the threshold

    in a drunken attempt at arpeggiating

    with the most awkward timing



    So there you were


    your path gone before you


    To break beat I steadied

    my gattling to mute


    So there you were


    to leave you alone


    And suddenly spitfire tore up the mud

    a blastbeat on snares like a rat-tat-tat-thud

    but blastbeats just tend to get old really fast

    leaving you gasping in the mosh that amassed


    So there you are


    with nowhere to go


    And here I am


    not knowing what -




    Sound confused? It is.


    I... really don't know what to think of this. It's not my best, I'll give anyone that.

    It's stumbling through from sheer awkwardness into more awkwardness. And I guess it's meant to.

    But I think the awkward is too awkward. The second stanza stands out in that respect primarily. The first line of it bugs me. <- fixed somewhat. Now to see if this will settle.

    I'm not sure about the last 3 lines. I like them. They're just right. But I don't know if they belong.

  5. And bumpity.


    Closure added.


    Satisfied? Meh. I might be revising this at some point.

    The middle bit is still letting me down.

    The closing part accomplishes pretty much everything I'd want it to though.

    It seems more structured than the preceding, which is good.


    For now: enjoy of it what you can.

    And of course, feedback is always appreciated.

  6. To refrain from saying the same things that have been said, and definitely have been worth saying:

    I really like the 'A trap in its own regard' line. (mind the apostrophe there though; it's not a verb, its a possessive pronoun)

    I can read it in four different ways when combined with the surrounding lines, each of them equally meaningful.


    Great stuff ^^

  7. Good stuff. I like how you paint the scene around the rain, as opposed to the other way around. Unusual, but it works wonders.

    The general inconsistent lack of punctuation hampers reading for me though. Either use it to full effect, or don't use it is what I'd say. That may just be me though.

  8. So right. I'm in no good mood, that should be obvious. Be warned, whinage follows.



    I'm crying out

    my wrenched guts


    onto uncaring paper


    The same guts

    that went topsy-turvy





    The same guts

    I should be spilling

    to you, and only you

    invite me to spil them


    The same guts

    that wrinkle

    to a shallow shell

    every time I try


    Those same guts

    here they are

    take them

    one word, one tear

    at a time


    But please

    let me keep the latter

    I have so precious few




    That said, I'm at least somewhat satisfied with this, yet the 5th (dare I call it so?) stanza irks me.

    As always, feedback is greatly appreciated ^^

  9. I should call it a three-part, instead of calling it one.

    That is, I'm expecting a conclusion will spring up some time, as events and feelings unfold, and meet eachother on some middle ground. Or more likely, just after I get my act together.

  10. Out of the blue, you asked me

    you had me all open, baffled

    at loss for words



    You pushed the cart

    and I had but to leap

    yet I just stood



    And the cart moved on


    Thankfully, like the world

    the wheel spins in circles




    Yet for all my waiting

    this cart seems to avoid

    anything constituting anything

    near my grasp


    With every moment, passing

    it fades farther into the nothing

    that it carries


    And the cart moves on


    Doubting, I find myself,

    if I'll be there for the backswing




    And there I found myself

    hailing you as you pushed

    that cart of yours



    Looking in as we spoke

    inside your loaded cart

    I seemed

    too much


    And the cart is moving on


    While I stand, watching you go

    that apology lingering between us

  11. Definately digging it.

    I like how you built most of the song over the same chord progression, only varying it in the end.

    Keeping the music low key with the heavy muting is definitely a good thing in my book, but it makes the switch to ringing chords all the more sudden, and maybe a bit overwhelming. With the chorus -even when repeated- being a bit on the short side, it leaves me just getting into it when you lapse it out. It works though, and it might just be my headache talking right now.


    One thing that does bug me is the hesitancy with which you enter the second verse, both the first couple of notes on the guitar and the complete first line of vocals. My own approach would be to make the first line "like the...tomb" run into eachother smoothly, instead of inserting a rest after 'closure'. This would create a bit of element of buildup, in advance of the chorus. Not to mention variance in something that may be percieved as 'more of the same' after the first verse immediately preceding it. Of course, there's something to say for keeping it in line with the rest as well.


    Also, I'd cut a measure out of the break in between the two verses.


    All in all, good stuff. Definitely catchy. I've been walking around with a tune like this in my head since a jam session two years back. This might exorcise it :P

  12. Awesome atmosphere. It doesn't have a beat, but I can def'nately dance to it.

    The only quirks I could point out are the end of the second stanza, which sounds a bit awkward to me, a bit forced maybe. I can't really put better words to it. Either because I'm just at a loss, or because all my sinusses are pounding a beat of their own.

    That, and the very last sentence. Maybe it's just because it ends in a period. Maybe it's because of the actual content. I don't know. It seems a bit contradictory to the overjoyed, almost screaming mood of the rest. It sounds rather matter of factly, to me anyway.


    Anyway, good stuff, and good to hear from you again ^^

  13. NOW can you stop saying you're not that good at the entire writing thing?

    That said, while it's good, the structure seems a bit haphazard to me. It kindof forms a verse-chorus-verse construction, yet not quite.

    Also, have you thought about ending the "I am nothing more..." line there, and moving the rest to the next?

  14. It still is a beauty, well thought of, well performed. From memory, this version seems more calculated than the previous, and I'm not quite sure if that's an improvement. Though that might be just my memory playing up on me. A sleepless night spent doing homework tends to deprive of the will to look stuff up.


    one small thing I'm assuming is a mistake: "I am can..." in the last stanza, 11th line.

    Keep it up.

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