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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Mardrax

  1. D'oh. That's what you get for typing late at night, with perhaps one too many drinks.
    Also: the Romans won. Yay!

    So here goes.


    with things slipping away
    ever further away
    until nothing remains
    with deepest interests
    and shallowest desires
    remaining yet unfulfilled
    cling to my mind
    as I cling back in kind
    and we bind eachother

    when nothing remains




    Time flies, all wibbly wobbly insects

  2. Wait for the ricochet
    as people stand gawking

    Eyes cast your way


    You must have said something

    that must have been bad

    Yet now there is nothing


    Nothing left to be said

    as you stand there waiting

    Running thoughts through your head


    Your heart picks up thumping

    Turns your face all red

    as you wait for their dumping


    You see their stilled tongues

    preparing to voice

    Now here surely it comes


    And they snicker


    Their laughter is brief

    but from your discomfort
    it offers



    Ancient friends in absentia

  3. Politest of elders, how can you not seethat life's just the greatest reposit'ry

    of hopes and ideas, strewn over a canvas?

    Spread by a twister, like this girl from Kansas

    of whom all you would see were her shoes and her glee.

    But a blur, fast and white would turn all else in sight

    forevermore speeding, obscured in their flight

    to where it might just be blank.

    Yet let me be frank,

    when her house set down, she went all over town

    with monkies that flew after a witch's gown

    on the most glorious journey for shoes.


    So set your house down, politest of birds

    and see how your blank pages form their own words.

  4. Theme 28: Sorrow


    Roaming No More; Lament For A Phone


    My head rested 'gainst the plastic seat before me

    Tried in vain to block out the sound of babies -

    Crying their lungs out as mommy tried to hush them -

    Echoing like bats hunting in my cranium


    That familiar, empty feeling presided, mixed

    With that other familiar friend; self-contempt

    Never far away, but on these days it can't

    Help but stay away from the front of the stage


    The stage where I

    Stood, grasping, touching

    Myself, looking, seeking, frantically

    That one bit of - No, it couldn't

    Be gone.


    In that one moment, I saw

    All of my friends fading

    All of my brainchilds dying

    All of my feelings passing

    As I felt my pockets,

    Once, twice,

    Three times over



    An hour of frantic searching later

    And boarding the tram in defeat

    I was still roaming

    But no one picked up on it

    As I faced the loss of the world

    By myself, utterly.

  5. Theme 27: Foreign


    What we don't know


    The kids in the playground outside my window

    Shouting loudly amongst eachother

    Arguing the merits of football players

    Stacks of supermarket stickers in hand


    That one girl, a chromosome too many

    Running down the stairs in shocked amazement

    "Oooh, so bad," As she stares at the ruin of my door

    "We're okay, dear," and instantly that smile on her face


    That woman from upstairs, her cooking must be awesome

    As she drags a behind that could fit me thrice

    Up three flights of stairs every day to get it

    And still finds energy to greet me brightly every time


    All of these people kind, outgoing

    Nary a one of them afraid to speak out to his neighbour

    I walk among them in austere black, secluded

    And people call them foreigners?

  6. Theme 26: Europe


    All your base


    Oh bright and shining

    -Example of the west

    While somehow in the east

    Even that follows - and you them


    What has become of your so proud cathedrals?

    Testaments to your ability to climb, to a spire

    Of latching on to your neighbour and pulling

    Him down as you climb his shoulders?

    For giants you have never been, but shoulders

    Of a million men, tamed the land, raised

    Everyone after you towards new heights


    I look at you now, quibbling, amongst you

    Those would drive out the base of our spire

    Those who think painted glass in fancy windows

    Will provide a lofty perch for a rosy view

    Without having the columns to support it


    "We do not want these," you say,

    "They steal from our world of brilliant white."

    And yet you do not see the stone you've charred

    Is the stone we've built on, every time

    When someone thought to burn our towers

    Lying buried deep in solid foundations.


    While your scope may have broadened

    Terra Incognita now lies 'neath your feet

    And those who don't look where they tread

    Will most surely look where they fall

    So keep on riding that bull, dear girl

    But know where it takes you

  7. Theme 25: Lurking

    It hangs there In the back of my mind
    My confession
    It hides there

    Not wanting to be seen
    But it burns

    I keep it there
    Since despite the pain It warms me.
    I hush it

    Still your roar, dear one
    Don't spoil this.

  8. Also, yeah. That. Amongst other things.

    I've had the deepest dip I've gone through in years, with no desire to fuel it by solidifying it into writing, and the knowledge that if I would put pen to paper, I would.


    I'll catch up, dear friends. I promise.

  9. Theme 24: Want

    Weeks without end I've lulled myself to rest
    That empty grey feeling inside
    Me prevailing
    And crushing out all
    Will to live and to laugh

    "What do you want?"

    The question burned on
    My lips, trembling in the twilight
    Of my saviour and my scourge
    That soft white
    That shone through the pane
    That separated us
    With means beyond mere distance

    No matter how close you chose to come
    No matter how hard you tried to shine
    Your gentle, self conscious light could never
    Hope to penetrate my wall of self raised black
    Mixing to a dull grey of mutual misunderstanding

    Saying I lied in saying you'd be home
    While the pull of you caused tides in me
    And still I resolved, each and every day
    No matter how distant you were
    No matter fow faintly you shone
    No matter the pane between us
    I'd reel you in one day.

    Keeping casting out my nets
    Hoping you'd choose to be caught
    And show me glass walls can be shattered
    And the dimmest glow's a floodlight up close.

    But as the moon cast her image
    On the waters of my roiling seas
    I'd have to take solace in drifting there
    A boat in her shadow.

    And still, every night, I raise my head
    Let my hair tickle the small of my back
    As I inhale sea air with the salty pang of tears

    And howl at her, before jumping in
    To swim, basking in her glory.

  10. *Shrug* I haven't quite been managing daily myself, and James has had a few days of outage as well. Don't worry about it.

    Either way, you've nothing to live up to. You're doing this for you, not us.

    (And perhaps a t-shirt and drinks at the end ;))


    And kudos for what you've been doing so far. Impressive. ^_^

  11. Theme 23: Distasteful


    Corruption Part 3: Wrongful Decompression


    Mothers and children of quiet suburbia

    Since this war started we've barely heard all o' ya

    But now that it's over, you all rush to the streets

    Cheering and hollering over some old man's death

    While all are unseeing that is you he defeats

    Why don't you remember there is always a Seth?


    Are these now your values, so pure and so just

    That you cheer as a life is ground into the dust?

    Are these now the mores, so free and so true

    That you'd wish for your children to carry beyond you?


    I sit here, laugh quietly, ashamed of my mirth

    Ashamed of my uncaring, unfeeling smile

    As the earth's 'proudest nation' shows off its dearth

    I might chuckle and snicker, but I still cough up bile.

  12. Theme 22: Mother (Yay, week 3 done!)


    Corruption Part 2: Peace of the Pie


    She turned on her heel

    Her summer dress whirled

    The kids ran with a squeal

    Back into mommy's world

    To sit down at their table

    And gobble their cake

    With whipped cream, if able

    And as mommy opened the window out wide

    They looked at the brightly lit playground outside


    And heard the phone ring, heard it ring twice

    And saw that expression upon mommy's eyes

    And they heard daddy's voice grow ever so grim

    "Hello honey, kids. It's over. We've got him."

  13. Snypiuer: This and this might get you a bit further. ^^


    Theme 21: War


    Corruption Part 1: Child's Play


    Kids running through the streets

    Chasing eachother with make believe

    Rifles, grenades, they are the elites

    Since you just can't misconceive

    "Ratatat BOW! You're so totally dead!"

    "No way pal, you missed!"

    "It was right in the head!"

    "What? Through the car? Give me a break!"

    "Are you coming in kids? We're having cake!"

  14. Theme 20: Fortitude


    Go With The Fall


    In my mind's eye

    I still see you racing

    On two crutches, that one day


    Living out of the back of your car

    Your foundations smashed to smithereens

    In oh so many ways, the extent yet unknown

    And still you went racing, going with the fall

    As you called it. A tough chick.


    Nevermind that might be the day

    That you made things much worse than they were

    That you tore at bonds further, with your boundless

    Will to push, harder. You can do this. Have to

    Do this. No one else will.


    And still, I walked beside you

    And still, I always will

    And still, I'll keep saying that

    Sometimes it's better

    And takes the stronger one

    To sit


  15. Theme 19: Grey




    Even, the songs I hear

    Even, the food I eat

    Even, the walls around me

    That seem to dampen everything

    A slight background hum

    Of sensations, undone.



    Everything equal.

    Balanced, flavourless

    Gruel of sensations

    Watered down and boiled

    Free of all taste


    Please, for all your highs and lows

    They reverbrated with mine

    And your colours mixed

    With my black austerity

    And oh so white moods


    I gave you brightness

    You gave me contrast

    And now that you're gone

    All I'm left with is grey.

  16. Theme 18: Under


    Well Stayed


    Encircled in stone

    A gap in the wall with a light peeking

    Like the Earth's deepest dark took a break


    And me reaching

    From beyond the river, extending myself

    Fear to wet my feet holds me back


    And you standing

    All the way up there, looking down

    Wondering how long I'll take to decide


    And all the world waiting

    A safe distance away from my well of dreams, crumbled

    Fearing the consequences of what I might take up


    And still I stand reaching

    For deepest enlightenment

    Which might as well sweep me away.

  17. Theme 17: Blood


    Blood Bears No Memory


    He sat there, staring

    Vacantly into the oblivion

    That had been


    Most of his world

    Lost to him, as many

    Had come, and many gone


    His life's juices smeared

    Across bed, walls, floor

    Handskin flayed


    And they stood, watching

    Afraid of a man who'd lost

    Touch with everything


    "Easy," he said. "Take it easy."

    "Of course, sir. Don't I always?"

    While in the back of her head

    The thought prevailed.

    "I hate that man."


    And she left, like she came

    Like the many who had gone.

    Leaving him, his awareness

    -Like his room- clean.



  18. Theme 16: Spit


    It came up

    Like a point driven home

    Far from home

    In anticipation of coming thrills


    You lay looking at the ceiling

    Wondering wether you should

    While we talked of all kinds of


    Ah, there we go

    No, I don't mind

    If our exchange of words can't

    Sort your thoughts, let's

    Let our juices mingle freely


    But if you say you owe her

    Cut it out.

  19. Theme 15: Silence


    The wind whispers


    My house rings loudly

    It reverbrates with the lingering echoes

    Of all those things you've set atremble

    And left to ring out in your wake


    Through glaring absence, you call me

    Things I rather needn't face or hear

    Chasing me around, yet never behind me

    In that absence of you, I falter


    And now, even I'm gone

    Leaving the Thumper to its on devices

    Hoping it won't call out to Shai-Hulud

    As I step - slip - slide from the desert

    And the desert wind whispers

    Grinding all things to dust.

  20. Theme 14: Smile. Week two down! Getting hard to consistently do this, with situations not going my way, me generally feeling like crap and being fairly helpless to stop it. Still, persisting.



    Every thought of you

    Every sight of you

    Every word from you

    That ever passed through my ears

    Used to elicit smiles, at least inside


    Now though, it seems I've forgotten


    And most thoughts of you

    Most words from you

    -Since sights are never there-

    Fill me with a certain unpleasant

    Flavour of despair, of helplessness


    While still, in my heart of hearts

    I see you, hear you, think of you

    And think "yes dear, I still love you

    But oh the pain it costs me."

    And inwardly still, I laugh.

  21. Theme 13: Misfortune


    Inner Locus


    The thought sometimes hits me

    Whenever someone says "Really

    what're the odds of this happening

    to of all people, me?"

    That really, you contruct the odds

    And what you call misfortune

    Another will call karma, or simply

    Cause and effect.

    And sometimes, I'll shrug it off

    While others, I'll bite into it

    -Like a dog chewing a favourite bone

    To suck out the sweet marrow inside

    And crush it 'tween my jaws-

    Savouring the concept of taking

    Responsibility for my actions

    Rather than having them depend

    On some omnipotent outside force

    Outside my reach, my understanding

    And tell myself "God, that sucks,

    But really mate, unconditionally,

    it's your own damned fault."

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