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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Snypiuer

  1. I like it, but wonder if it wouldn't work better as 2 separate works? I see how you come to an awareness and, eventually, overcome. It works, but would it be more powerful if separated? I'm not sure. Maybe this is actually a "middle" piece where you chronicle the end of your coming to awareness and the beginning of overcoming . . . Just tossing it out there - THOUGHT GRENADE!

  2. If it is indefabigle proof you seek, I give you Neb the Umbiquous!


    *At this point, Snypiuer pulls from his pocket, a haggard looking mouse which he retrieved from the rafters above the Tavern. He places the mouse on a small chair he has placed on a table and whispers to it, "You sit there and don't try to run off, or I'll staple your tail to that chair again!" The mouse lets out a small squeak and, with fear in his eyes, sits upright with his front paws clenched tightly together against his chest*


    Snypiuer: Do you, Neb the Umbiquous, swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you Fimple!?


    Neb: *The very frightened and confused mouse repsponds* squeak


    Snypiuer: Very well. First question, are you, in fact, the entity known as Neb the Umbiquous?


    Neb: squeak


    Snypiuer: Good. Now, is it true you are acquainted with every nook and cranny of the Keep of the Pen is Mightier than the Sword?


    Neb: squeak


    Snypiuer: Ahhh! So it would be fair to say you are an expert on the ins and outs of said Keep and its' inhabitants?


    Neb: squeak


    Snypiuer: Let the record show that Neb the Umbiquous IS an expert on the Keep of the Pen is Mightier than the Sword AND its' inhabitants!


    Neb: squeak?


    Snypiuer: Now, Neb . . . I may call you Neb?


    Neb: squeak


    Snypiuer: Oh! I'm sorry than, MR. UMBIQUOUS!


    Neb: squeak?


    Snypiuer: So, Mr. Umbiquous, as an expert, can you say, DEFINITIVELY, that Snypiuer DOES, in deed, lurk within, AND, if so, does he lurk within, ALWAYS!?


    Neb: squeak




    THERE you go! STRAIGHT from the expert! I, not only, lurk within, but I do so . . . ALWAYS.


    *While Snypiuer, ungraciously, claims this as proof, the very frightend and confused mouse makes a break for it and scurries away*


    AND, while I could bring forth many, MANY more experts and produce MASSIVE amounts of evidence to further prove my statement, I believe the mere stature of Neb the Umbiquous is enough to . . . Neb?


    Where'd he go!?

  3. Somewhere in the Keep of the Pen is Mightier than the Sword, Snypiuer, in his custodian uniform and still in search of creaky noises that he is unsure if they are coming from his old bones or from somewhere within the Keep, stops his slow, hunched-over shuffle and looks around, confused. He now wonders whether or not his thoughts are echoing in his skull or if someone is just messing with him. He continues his slow, shuffling search, muttering to himself, "I've either been alone here so long that I've gone completely off my noodle or someone wants a story about how an old, dried-up janitor put his foot . . . muttermuttermutter . . . I'll show them what a . . . grumblegrumblegrumble . . . HA!"

  4. O.K., Snypiuer has written off and on about things he has done (or MAY have done - things he will neither confirm nor deny) that one COULD consider to be "BAD".


    Here's another:


    Snypiuer goes to store. At check-out counter, bag boy is annoying checkout girl. Bag boy is, obviously, high school kid and so is check-out girl. Check-out girl is decent looking. Now, Snypiuer is in NO way a looker. He is not a Brad Pitt or a George Clooney and he is DEFINITELY no where even NEAR the scale of the raw sexuality that is a Steve Buscemi. But he does know looks and she was . . . O.K.




    Snypiuer: Dude, why don't you just ask her out?


    Bag Boy: Huh!?


    Snypiuer: She's cute, ask her out.


    Bag Boy: What!?


    Snypiuer: Let's face it, you OBVIOUSLY like her or you wouldn't be annoying her so much.


    Bag Boy: I'm, I'm, I'm . . . just


    Snypiuer: Look. We both know that, even if she wasn't cute, you're young, you're horney, that's enough. Your hormone saturated brain wants her. Ask her out. What's the worst that can happen?


    Bag Boy: ahhh *With a look of shock, fear and EXTREME embarrassment, he quickly walks away*


    Snypiuer: Well, he'll either ask you out or leave you alone from now on. Just remember, they're ALL horney until they're about . . . you know what? Don't even TRY to put an age to it, just remember that they're ALL horney.


    Check-out girl: *Wide-eyed with a 'what-just-happened?' look* umm, thanks?


    Snypiuer: No prob, you have a WONDERFUL evening!

    • Like 1
  5. O.K., Snypiuer will NOT go see 'American Sniper' at the theater.




    'Cause Snypiuer is a MAN DAMN IT! And a man does NOT cry in public at a movie!


    Not that he WOULD cry! It's just that Snypiuer is VERY patriotic . . . and . . . he has allergies . . . and . . . stuff . . .




    He will watch it on DVD . . . alone.



  6. Well, I threw together a quick New Year skin for you! Not great and the CBox did NOT play nice! I will put CBox back to normal in a couple days. The New Year skin is the default for now and I'll switch that when I put CBox back to normal.


    Hope you enjoy it.


    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!! :jig::star::yahoo:

  7. Hi, we've added a few skins that are lighter and we're working on redoing all skins. If you go to the bottom of the page, on the left you'll find 'Change Theme', click on that and a list of skins will appear. If the skin starts with 'Pen' that's a new or updated skin. We're keeping the logos simple for now because there are a LOT of skins to come. We'll put them up and see which ones you like - A poll will be set up when we get more running. Once we have a good idea of which ones to keep, we'll upgrade the logos to fit each theme.


    If you have any comments or suggestions on ANY skin before the poll is up, PLEASE go ahead and let me know either here or with a PM!

    • Like 1
  8. I've moved back to the Pen - Myspace is dead, Facebook is too much drama, and so I've come home. With the help of a few others, we've been been rearranging a number of things, applying board and security updates.

    Along the way, we discovered that the formatting in many of the older posts has gone. This isn't an issue for most of the works, but is of concern for poetry, where the format is part of the mood and message.

    If you have posted a poem or song in the Banquet Hall, and can spare the time, it would be very nice if you could come by the Pen and reformat your works. They'll either be in the Banquet Hall, or under the Vaults of Time, in the Banquet Hall Archives.

    If you've forgotten your username, and/or password, please email me at peredhil31@hotmail.com, and let me know. If you have forgotten your username, it would help if you remember the email you used.

    I can update emails and passwords for you, if that would help.

    I'm currently dedicating two to three hours six days a week to the Pen, and look to be doing so for the foreseeable future.

    If you haven't the time to reformat your Poetry, let me know and I'll make my best guesses as to what you intended.



    • Like 1
  9. Dear Pennites,


    It may or may not be implied (though it shall neither be confirmed nor denied) that Snypiuer has just been cleared to reveal that, for approximately 40 years now, world governments (headed by U.S. Intelligence) have been secretly researching a 'Holiday' mystery. It has been conducted under a Top Secret Govt. Commission known as the "SIISSL - Scientific Inquisition Investigating Seasonal Salutations in Lyrics".

    Since the early 1970's, a seasonal phenomenon has been studied, in depth, by the greatest minds the Human race has ever produced, using the most advanced scientific tools available (including proto-type equipment based on theoretical extra-dimensional sciences) and the FULL resources of the most clandestine Black Book agencies.

    Once again, neither confirming or denying any ACTUAL costs, it may or may not be ASSUMED that, after exhausting irreplaceable resources, uncountable man-hours, unimaginable monetary expenditures, years of countless experiments and even more deaths and horrible disfigurements in conjunction with said experiments, a (non-official) preliminary conclusion has been arrived at.

    And, at this point in time, this commission is unofficially ready to, off-the-record, neither confirm nor deny that it is possible that, all aspects and conditions being equal, a non-binding consensus has been reached by a minority of peripheral investigators, pertaining to the core focus of said commission.


    This being:

    It is possible (in an unofficial and non-binding way) that, MAYBE, if taken in certain context, it can be inferred that, depending on one's own comprehension of the subject, that, when viewed and considered in its entirety, it seems that it could very well be that one 'Jose Feliciano' may or may not intend to, or have a desire to, 'wish' specific or non-specific individuals, what may or may-not be considered and/or referred to as a 'Merry Christmas' and/or a 'Happy New Year'

    Keep in mind that this is purely a preliminary conclusion and that the actual final 'official' findings are decades, if not centuries, from being confirmed - if, in deed, they are even possible to quantify.

    As such, it is best to simply disregard the entire preceding message and, in the future (perhaps - if further advancement is noted) a fuller, more complete, unofficial, non-binding preliminary conclusion may or may not be neither confirmed nor denied in either a private and/or public briefing, if at all.

    It is also to be noted that this message, in and of itself, is in no way intended to, nor should it be implied in any way what so ever, that being made public, as-such, neither gives credence nor substantiates, in any way, the existence or possible existence of ANY organization, either covert or public, which, may or may not, in any way, shape or form be involved with investigating any, or all, possible or hypothetical Seasonal Salutations or ANYTHING in conjunction to, pertaining to, or related to (in any way) aforementioned Salutations. And, therefor, should not, in any way, shape or form be construed to do so, by any individual, group, organization or network of individuals, groups or organizations.

    This may or may not be Snypiuer, neither confirming nor denying a desire, or intent, to wish any or all members of the Mighty Pen (and/or their families and/or loved ones), a Merry Christmas and/or a Happy New Year! :santaclaus:

  10. At that very moment, Mr Moog (1 of Snypiuers' overlarge squirrel companions) enters the room wearing a grass skirt and Pacific Islander tribal tattoos. A fast drum beat is heard as he does a fire dance . . . it takes about 3 seconds for him to set himself on fire. At which point, Pith (the tallest of Snypiuers' squirrel companions) races in to turn his buddy out . . . BUT, not before Sil (the last of the companions) gives Mr Moog a look of, 'you poor dumb ninny' and launching into her best Alicia Keys voice, "This squirrel is on FIRE!" Pit laughs as he puts Mr Moog out and even Mr Moog gets a chuckle out of it. Suddenly, all 3 look at eachother and, for the briefest of moments, just at the furthest corner of their eyes, they glance at the shadow in the far corner of the room. They quickly gather themselves, make apologies and practically flee the room.

  11. As the entourage was seated and Zool and Brighid chatted with Swami Noguru, no one noticed the dark shadow that was suddenly sittting in the far corner of the room. By . . . happenstance? . . . the wait staff avoided seating diners in that general area. Still, Zool, Brighid and the Swami all felt a small shiver and gave eachother a small, quick glance of trepidation. They immediately played it off and went on with there revelries. All the while with a tiny feeling of dread at the back of their thoughts.

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