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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Snypiuer

  1. Just uploaded a bunch of new themes. Some will need new logos. Let me know which you like and which I should get rid of. After that, I'll do logos for the ones we keep - if they need them. Also uploaded a chatbox. It's at the bottom of the HOME page. Let me know what you think about it and we'll decide if we keep it or go back to the old one.

  2. Once you go to a forum, make sure you go back to HOME when you want to look for something else. I, for some reason, kept ending up with just the Tavern until I figured it out. Also, go to your Profile and click the My Activity button on the top right and everything you've posted should come up.

  3. O.K., with the new version, log-in and display names were merged. We had the choice of making them all the log-in names or the display name. Had we gone with display names, everyone would have had to log-in with that instead of their normal log-in and this may have caused a problem for some to actually log-in. For anyone whose display name has changed, you can change your log-in name to your display name in your settings. I, personally, think the option to retain seperate log-in and display names should have been built in to the new version. Sorry to anyone this effects - I blame social media, such as Facebook, for this.

  4. O.K., I'm figuring some things out. Still working on them, but 2 new skins. Go to bottom of page and find THEMES. Old School still needs our name, but let me know what you think and I'll get more options in the next few days!

  5. The version we were using was no longer being supported and the new version required us to move servers. I'm looking into how to do things with this new version and will let you know what I find. There are a LOT of different avenues, with this version, to go down. Any other suggestions or concerns you, or anyone, comes up with, PLEASE post them and I'll do what I can!

  6. O.K., we've updated to the newest version of IPS. Give me time to figure out a few things and I'll, either, get the Chat Box back up or someting else. Just need to see what's available. I'll also look into getting some skins to spiffy the place up.

    Any input you feel like giving is ALWAYS appreciated!

  7. Has everyone been hearing, on a continuous loop for the last few days, the opening to Freeze Frame by J. Geils, just the instrumental, right when he's about to start singing, it starts over . . . wait . . . now it's Moon Shadow by Cat Stevens, just the part that goes - I'm being followed by a moon shadow, moon shadow, moon shadow.


    Last week it was random songs from the Heavy Metal sound track. Mainly Heavy Metal by Sammy Hagar and Veteran of the Psychic Wars by Blue Oyster Cult with brief, rapid bits of DEVO. Good week.


    At least Cat Stevens is better than something REALLY horrible, like Madonnas' Like a Virgin. THAT on a continuous loop would su . . . wait . . . crap

  8. Will you come with us and be set free?

    From bonds that bind and ties that be


    Will you turn your eyes and walk away

    From your past, your yesterday


    Will you search, for the unknown

    Strange new things, a brand new home


    Will you take that step, wherever it may lead

    And come with us


    To be set free



    Next line: Angry flowers lie in wait

    • Like 1
  9. O.K., this is another one of those I'm not sure I actually came up with or if I saw it, or something like it, and believe it's my own. Either way, I think it should have been written by SOMEONE by now!



    God left the other day.

    Just packed his bags and went away.

    There was no screaming,

    Not one shout.

    He said his peace and then,

    "I'm out!"


    We asked,

    "Hey, God, why must you go!?"

    He sighed, hung his head and said,

    "If you must know . . .


    I thought, by now, I could move on.

    You'd take your place and carry on.

    Tell me,

    Doesn't anyone find it . . . odd,

    That not one of you has become a god?


    You're made in my image.

    You're just like me!

    Yet, you refuse to become

    What you ALL should be.


    I gave you free-will.

    And the knowledge of Dark and Light.

    Still, you whine and beg,

    'Please tell us wrong from right!'


    You pray for guidance on what to do.


    You want everything handed to you!

    Then, you sin and look for someone to blame.

    You do even worse and claim it in my name.


    I'm tired and weary, but I know it's my own fault.

    I thought My creation

    Would grow to an adult.


    But, it seems, that all I did

    Was create a child,


    An eternal kid.


    So, consider my leaving . . .

    Tough love.

    One last gift, from your 'Daddy',

    High above.


    So, get your act together and figure it out.

    I will ALWAYS love you.

    But, I'm done.


    That's it.


    I'm out!"

    • Like 1
  10. Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Collections Volume VII: Society and Solitude (1870)


    Chapter XII: Old Age


    ... but these are rare exceptions. Nature, in the main, vindicates her law. Skill to do comes of doing; knowledge comes by eyes always open, and working hands; and there is no knowledge that is not power. ...


    (Knew it was Emerson, but took some looking up to figure out WHERE it came from - thanks rwe.org!)


    I prefer G.I. Joe:


    Now you know and knowing is half the battle!


    GO JOE!

  11. Wha...? You don't...? LEMMY!?


    Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister was one of the last, true, heavy metal rock and rollers. Lead singer of the band Motörhead.


    YouTube Motörhead "Ace of Spades" and crank the volume ALL the way up.


    As for the question, it comes from the 1994 movie "Airheads":


    Who'd win a wrestling match, Lemmy or God?

    Umm, Lemmy?

    *buzzer sound*


    *buzzer sound* It's a trick question. Lemmy IS God!

  12. What would you do if you were to discover that, since the instant you began to think, EVERYONE else on the planet was able to hear your thoughts and no one ever told you because you were the only person who couldn't hear other people's thoughts and no one wanted to make you feel bad?


    What if this question was a subtle hint for you to monitor your thoughts - like offering a piece of gum is a subtle hint a persons' breath stinks?


    What if more than one person answering this question was nothing more than a trick to make you believe this was nothing more than a thought exercise?

  13. O.K., as many of you know, we had a problem a while back with our formatting when we did an upgrade and many of our older posts lost all spacing and they turned into one big paragraph. This left the original poster having to go in and try to remember EXACTLY how they had spaced their work. I, personally, fixed a few of my own, but think I may not have done so as I originally had. I use spacing in a LOT of my work to provide some tone and rhythm, so you can see the dilemma I and others may have. Well, as I mentioned in the Holiday post, I've been stuck with an iPad and, just a little while ago, went to fix some of my old posts for the first time with it. To my surprise, all I had to do was click the Edit button and the post was automatically spaced properly! Just saved the modified post and BAM! I don't know if it's the iPad or if IPS changed something. I just wish I had known this BEFORE I "fixed" the other ones!


    So, give it a try and let me know if it works if you can do it before I get a computer to try it on. If it doesn't work, see if you can get ahold of an iPad. If anyone wants to give me permission, I'll try to see if I can fix their old posts for them using either the Moderator or Admin feature. I have no idea if I can, but willing to try IF I get permission from the Original Poster to do so.

    • Like 1
  14. Well, here we are at the end of the year. I've been stuck with an iPad and haven't been able to do any skins for a while. I hope to get to a computer soon to at least set up a Christmas skin and a New Year skin. Either way, come the beginning of the year, I'll be out of commission for a while. But, will be back as soon as I can with, if all goes as planned, a lap top. Once we're ready to upgrade to IPS Version 4, I'll need it to redo all our skins.


    We have new members, Zatar being the newest, and new posts - for those of you who just monitor the News Forum. So say HI! and do some reading and, if you have the time, give some feedback.


    So, Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Merry Kwanzaa! Festive Festivus! Blessed Winter Solstice - Yule! AND ANY AND ALL HOLIDAYS I MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN OR AM UNAWARE OF!

  15. Is it just me, or is the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" nothing more than a propaganda piece to make people believe that a life of giving up EVERYTHING they ever wanted, so that everyone else around them can have THEIR dreams come true, is BETTER than actually having their own dreams come true? Does ANYONE else see the conundrum here? How is a lifetime of bitter disappointment better!? Everyone in the movie that benefits from George Baileys' sacrifices seem pretty, freaking happy while ol' George just trudges on and makes the best of what he has to work with.


    George had dreams and the ambition to make those dreams come true. Instead, well, let's make list of ol' Georges', so called, "Wonderful" life:


    1. It starts with his idiot brother. Said brother falls through the ice and George saves him, causing George to get sick and get an ear infection - which leads to him having hearing problems. That's O.K., ol' George is a trooper. He gets older and gets a job.


    2. George works at a pharmacy where his boss gets some bad news and, in his misery, mistakenly fills a prescription with poison. When George points out the mistake, his boss smacks him. Where? That's right! In his bad ear! Take that George! Save a life, go deaf in one ear!


    I'd like to take a break to say, I miss the days when it was O.K. to smack a kid - even if it wasn't even YOUR kid. I'd also like to point out that, if ol' George had learned his lesson from this incident, that no good deed goes unpunished, he wouldn't have had a lifetime of disappointment - so MAYBE ol' George just got what he deserved. Back to the list!


    3. George gets older and saves his money. He's going to travel! George is going overseas! George is going to college! Georges' dad has a stroke and the board of directors for the Savings and Loans, his dad started, won't keep it open unless he, George, takes his dad's' place! LUCKY GEORGE!


    4. It's O.K. ol' George is a man with a plan. He'll postpone his dreams and use the money he saved to send his idiot brother to college so that HE can come back and run the Savings and Loans. George is a freaking GENIUS! Georges' idiot brother isn't such an idiot and comes back from college with a wife and says (I'm paraphrasing here - YEAH, that's what I'm calling it!), "So, George, buddy, I'm getting laid regularly and her old man is giving me a job, sooo . . . thanks for the edumacashun and SEE YA SUCKER!"


    At this point, George should just head to the bridge.


    5. George decides if he's going to be stuck running the Savings and Loans, he might as well get laid regularly too. So, he gets married and plans to use the money he was saving to travel the world (that is, until his idiot brother showed up and flushed THAT dream down the toilet), to honeymoon in New York and Bermuda. It's not traveling the world, but it's something - and you can't deny the man his honeymoon! Wait for it . . . that's right! There's a run on the banks and, instead of just letting the Savings and Loans get bought out, he uses the honeymoon money to cover the deposits.


    You hear that? That's the sound of an overworked toilet flushing another of ol' George Baileys' dreams.


    6. This one is ALL on George. He creates a residential development of nice homes and, basically, sells them at cost TO THE SAME PEOPLE THAT FORCED HIM TO USE HIS HONEYMOON MONEY TO COVER THEIR DEPOSITS! How about make a bit of a profit George? No? Take a rest toilet, that one ol' George deserves to eat!


    7. Here's another one all on George. He's offered a job making more money than he ever could hope for and he turns it down - George, your freaking wife is pregnant! Arghh!


    8. War! Yay! It's not ideal, but there is travel and you can pretty much count on adventure. And, who's going to say anything or judge ol' George for signing up? Why, it's his duty as an American! Wait a minute . . . get your 4F butt back to the Savings and Loans George! You half-deaf . . .


    9. George gets to be the air raid warden while friends and family become war heroes and rich from selling parts to the military. At least he's getting laid - 4 kids.You go George!


    10. Finally, after all that, and ol' George is resigned to just living the rest of his life stuck in the same town he was born in and never left, working at a job he never wanted, what happens? His uncle, the TRUE idiot of the family absent-mindedly places the Savings and Loans $8,000 bank deposit in a folded newspaper and HANDS it to the banker who hates George and wants nothing more than to see him thrown in jail - actually, it wouldn't be a stretch to say he REALLY wants ol' George dead! George is going to prison! He doesn't want to, but let's face facts here, does ANYTHING in ol' Georges' life point to him NOT being locked up? Hey, George, at least you'll finally get out of Bedford Falls and, not to worry, you'll STILL be getting laid regularly - whether you want to or not!


    All this leads to George realizing he's worth more dead than alive, you know what? I know I said "FINALLY" on the last one, but there's more.


    11. George decides to give up his "DREAM", of just existing, in order to save the Savings and Loans. That's right, he's going to give up LIVING so that the business doesn't get shut down and people aren't thrown in jail and his family doesn't have to be ashamed that he was locked up. Get that straight, it wasn't because he was worried he was going to end up having the back of his head shaved and the face of a woman tattooed on it that his cell-mate called Martha. No, IT WAS TO SAVE THE BUSINESS AND TO SAVE HIS FAMILIES' REPUTATION.


    12. You would THINK that would be enough. No. No, it's not. An angel shows up to help ol' George? No. The angel has a dream. A dream to, one day, have wings! What better way to get them than to rub ol' Georges' face in the fact that he had to suffer through life long disappointment so that OTHERS could, not only, do what he was only allowed to dream of, but to live FAR better lives than him. And, on top of that, make him believe he's being SELFISH for wishing he had never been born instead of living a life of broken dreams that has lead him to the point where he is WILLING TO KILL HIMSELF! Go for it Clarence, get them wings!


    13. Hmmmm, 13 . . . figures. Final, finally. George sees the error of his selfish, selfish ways, more clearly than a reluctant guest in Stockholm and realizes he's the "RICHEST MAN IN TOWN" because everyone is willing to help him. George, George, George, you poor, pathetic, delusional fool. These same people will throw the fact that they gave you a few dollars to help keep you out of jail, right in your face the VERY first time they're late making a payment on a loan you've ALREADY made to them. And, your rich friend, the one who could pay the $8,000 outright, if he wanted to, only gave you a line of credit. You'll have to pay back everything you borrow from it. George! You will NEVER be able to afford to leave Bedford Falls! You will die there and the last thing you're going to think on your death bed is, "I should have let that idiot drown!"


    So, there we have it. A "WONDERFUL LIFE" where the hero of our story lives a life of disappointment and the villain, who is ALREADY the richest man in town gets $8,000 for free, in a day and age when $8,000 could buy you a freaking huge house.

  16. O.K., that one was weird. For some reason, I got a vision of the scene from Mickey Rooney's "Boys' Town" where all the boys and Father Flanagan are marching up to the bad guys' hideout. BUT, and here's the weird part, it was to the song "Babes in Arms" from his and Judy Garlands movie "Babes in Arms". You would THINK that I would, at least, see the marching scene that is ACTUALLY done to the song from the movie the song comes from . . . weird, right!?

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