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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by whynotsin

  1. What is a man?


    Here we examine,




    Their various parts.


    The instruments.





    And over wise drive.


    The often slow,

    Never quick

    All together dim



    He seeks,

    To explain,

    What he is

    Why he is here

    Never looking in the open,

    For an un-obscured answer.


    What pulls and attracts,

    Takes him apart,

    Is the unknown country.

    The far away place,

    The creatures that lurk in the dark.


    The interest that take them to new extremes,

    The women they court

    The honor they seek

    But mostly lust,

    The vision of a woman,

    In his bed,

    Much like a trophy won in war.


    He thinks

    He acts,

    On impulse

    And with haste.

    But that is his way.


    Can he truly know?

    The worthlessness of his life,

    Does he know?

    The futility of,



    His sun rises,


    He lives for but a brief day.

    Wasting it away.

    Staring away into space.

    Dreaming of forgotten ways.

    Imaging better days.


    But why?


    For man has forgotten the reason

    The way.

    The once true and innocent path.

    When everyone was…

    Happy and strong,

    Content with their hour long lives.


    Man is,

    A beast,

    An animal

    Breathing and eating.

    Mating and reproducing,

    At an alarming rate.

    He is a plague a virus.

    That will kill itself.

    The why of his ways will never be completely answered?

    And the way to the why is covered in debris,

    An impossible journey,

    So we,


  2. Have you ever fellen in love,and then found out your wrong? Kissing the sky roasting the post. kissing the fools, hmm tasty . tomatoes, with some potatos. over all sad and revealing poetry, with poerful structer and pacing.

  3. The forms are far spreading,

    Dear father,

    Tell me the way,

    I have lost it.


    Can you see the depth of my soul

    My ghost to which I can never escape.

    The err of my ways.

    Show me the way,

    I have lost it.


    The path before me,

    Which I so clearly saw,

    Is now washed away and overgrown

    The smooth easy road,

    Over traveled and little repaired,

    Now sits in disarray.

    The weeds,

    The trees,

    The fire bush and the thistle tree,

    Growing and consuming,

    The once easy way.


    Father please guide me,

    My eyes are gone,

    My sorrow deeper then the ocean

    My mind higher then the stars.

    Sow the way the path,

    I want to return home.

  4. Drops,

    They splash onto the moist soil,

    Quiet echoes in forgotten halls,

    In the darkness a boy weeps

    His bow slowly crosses the bridge,

    Deep growls of pain and emotion echo in this quietness,

    He plays to forget.


    His pain,

    His grief,

    Creating beautiful melodies.

    In the darkness he can be free,

    His bow flying faster,

    His heart pounding,

    Jumping and pulsating


    He plays to forget,

    But he can’t

    The scorn of a lover,

    The rejection of a mother,

    The failure as a father,


    He plays his fingers bleeding

    But he plays,

    His music shaking the entirety of his soul.

    Nothing to loses

    His madness consuming,


    Through out the abode

    All can hear the pain,

    Of a forgotten son.

    Men weep, as the tune spills out into the streets,

    Women collapse,


    He slows as his sadness increases,

    He can’t forget,

    He never will,

    So he plays.

  5. PT 3



    On the ride home Emily stared out the window at nothing in particular. Next to her the tins where singing a song from some kid show. It started to rain as they drove back to the city where their home was, the rain streamed in streaks across the window as she looked at the world just beyond her touch. Emily tried to imagine a world stripped of its social structures where the only true objective is joy and nothing else. It was Saturday and the next day she knew that her mother would drag her to church. She had always felt at odds with the place like she didn’t belong. Her grandparents made more sense then what she was feed there. Emily was growing up, she already had a fully matured body that the boys at her school stared at making her feel uncomfortable. She pulls back a little further from the window and se sees her reflection. Her hair has strands of slivery whit/gray color making it look like she put in highlights. Her long and slightly round faces made people think of an elf. Her body looked as if she had had a sun tan all over even though she rarely left her home, and when she did she would go into the woods outside the city.


    The car slowed down as it wove it’s way thru the streets near the house. The house they lived in was a small mansion that sat on a hill behind a gated wall. Her father had made his money as a lawyer fighting big profile cases. Her mother was a college professor at the city college where she taught religions of the world. When the car finally pulled into the driveway she rushed out and went into the house. Emily went up to her room and went into the shower. As she slipped out of her cloths and climbed into the shower she thought about how she never fit in with her family with any one. The water felt good on her skin as it steamed down her body, she didn’t realize the powerful spells she was forming as she hummed songs in the shower. Obviously the will of the gods had not faded away. As Emily walked out of her bathroom drying her hair she looked to her bed and screamed. She had seen an Elvin child sitting on her bed or at least she thought she saw one. Her song had called out to one of the oldest beings in the universe Whynasin. Her father came rushing into the room after he heard her scream. He walked up to Emily and held her close rocking her back and forth; she was shivering from her wet towel. Her father pulled back from her and looked at her. “ What’s wrong Emily? What happened? Ate you ok?’ His gray eyes flickered and he looked towards the bed where Whynasin had been. “ Don’t tell your mother what you saw, Emily he was real don’t worry. I have to call your grandparents, put some cloths on and come down to the den.”


    When Emily came into the den she saw her father hanging up the phone. His face for a minute seemed glow with a strange joy. Emily’s father turned to face her and said “ Get your stuff we’re leaving.”

  6. wind or water?



    The cold air comes up to me

    Beckoning me to follow

    Pulling and pushing

    Consuming me and enveloping me

    Taking me with it to places unseen


    I follow blind and a fool

    To where I go, I never am to know

    What it is that I follow,

    Never have I seen.

    Only the circling leaves give hint of form.

    Like the banks and the glass that define shape


    As a cloud floating across the sky

    Being driven and taken

    Not leading but merely existing

    Another face to be seen another voice to ignore


    Minds intertwine together forming what we call society

    Clashing thoughts

    Disruptive love

    All playing an integral part


    In darkness we stand looking for the light,

    Not knowing our eyes are closed

    Not feeling the wind the air,

    With it’s cold icy guiding touch.

  7. -My mind floats from place to place, Carla. I can no longer focus on just one plane. My mind fazes from time to time. I have become smoke on a windy day. Germaine rambled on about his state of being. What should I do about this?


    - You should not do anything Germaine, Just simply be happy with being.


    -I tire of this. I do not want to float forever, I wish to flow like the water through a determined course. Not drift dispersing and stretching with every gust.


    -We are all like the smoke, only that some of us hang lower, closer to the Earth.


    -I wish to find love Carla, with you. You have rejected me however and so I am further dispersed by the wind.


    -You know and I know we could never be. It is an unthinkable thing. My life is not one for love. We must remain as we are.


    -The pain of this state is unbearable. The sight of you is like needles piercing my heart.


    -There is no is no reason for this. You and I we have nothing to offer each other.


    -But we do. We can offer each other the forces necessary to turn us to solid state.


    The dialogue between the two continued. Germaine’s mind adrift and Carla close to the ground. Germaine looks into Carla’s soul and finds it empty, empty of any love for him.

  8. I have been reading eastern philosophy text a lot lately and I wrote this under such influence. I wanted to illustrate the pureness of existing with out anything and thus becoming everything. I think that to me I try to achieve this. There are many questions I ask my self about this work. If you have any more questions feel free to email me or IM. I welcome all comment from the Pen. Whynotsin@aol.com AIM:Whynotsin

  9. “Mind”


    Life and death he can look at them both,

    The true heart holds not on to life,

    Nor fears the approach of death

    To feel is to loose

    To see is to be but blind

    All weakness arises from strength

    All love from hate,

    All hate from love.

    All pain from pleasure.


    The quiet man is the happy one

    His lack of words speaks louder then a thousand

    His stillness quicker then the wind.

    Like the water he bends.

    Like water he destroys or creates.

    He is selfless and there for fulfilled.


    From time to time

    He looks out at the wind

    And feels himself become it

    Become the unfelt force of time,

    The overpowering yet invisible concept of space.

    One with himself he flows with the currents of life

    Like an old sea captain

    Understanding and manipulating the underlying forms of water and wind.


    As the night falls he understands and fears not the darkness as others do

    As his breath grows narrow he accepts and starts to fade

    Regret nor fear enter his mind

    Pain nor pleasure find place

    He is apart from the concepts of man

    He is beyond them and thus complete.




    Germaine Andino-Rexach

  10. here we go my first real post in forever




    Leaves fall through the haze

    Into subtle puddles

    Muddled and gray.


    Into the eternity

    The ether

    And time,


    A place of a one-time rime

    Where lost children

    Watched for home


    Like falling angles leaves crash

    Splashing softly inside of the past

    Falling away becoming mud.

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