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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. Frozen emotional frost covers my heart i still love but there is no passion i'm not even sure what that is somewhere along the way i have lost something vital, making all that i feel only echos of what they should be controlled emotion everything wrapped in layers of rational thought .... remembering a passage read as a child about why people cry for pity for happiness for physical pain but mostly because we feel sorry for ourselves i doubt the author realized the impact his article would have on an 11 year old girl it made me analyze every tear now they are frozen along with the passion he forgot to include Wren
  2. Gut reaction ............... very unsettling. It made a shiver run down my spine and check to make sure my doors were locked
  3. so tiny so perfect to look at every finger a miniature of my own but they say you are different they say you may not live something is wrong behind those beautiful eyes baby in a plastic box looking out through a maze of wires and tubes yet still even so small you smile and coo years later and i look into those same eyes a child in a man's body but still you smile and melt my heart
  4. to me is had the sound of a father talking to his son ...i liked it
  5. *picks up her knitting and settles into her rocking chair and waits*
  6. Lentement La vie tourne lentement car elle est couverte de neige. trop froide pour sortir rien que les etoiles et le vent montre que tout n'est pas geller viens me joindre devant le foyer rechauffer tes mains Lentement car dans un instant tout se change le temps reprends sa vitesse normal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly The world turns slowly because it is covered in snow too cold to go out Nothing but the wind and the twinkle of the stars show that all is not frozen in time Come join me by the fire warm your hands Slowly because in an instant everything changes life will return to it's normal speed Wren
  7. No problem it took me a year to get the guts to post here I can wait as long as nessesary . Thanks for the heads-up Wren
  8. Different Stars -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walk a little under the stars and wonder what do you see Patterns that I have never seen and probably never will But to know that we we look into the same expance , that we exist in the same world makes my heart sing. I run through a field of flowers and think of times gone by My mind is full of blossoms sent and many thoughts of you Time slides away from us but memories stay that we have shared this field before Intensified by age I now sit wrinkled and old in my bed and wish for youth's caress More time I will to be once more happy and free but alas it can not be my body frail and tired that I remember you keeps my heart alive my soul meets yours again under different stars Wren
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