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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by WrenWind

  1. Dear Diary


    Today was a reminder of all the right reasons i married the man i did . On our way to run some errands we stopped to get gas. at the station was a woman asking the attendant if she could help because she had locked her keys in the car when she stepped out of it to ask for directions . It was raining and cold and the attendant was not very helpful. My hub got out his AAA card and his phone and called for help. then he went and stood in the middle of the road and directed traffic around the woman's car till the tow truck showed up 15 min later. soaked to the bone he got back in the car with us and we finished our errands.


    my baby swam in T.O.P.S. time trials today and improved all his times :) . And My hub stepped up tp volunteer to time as not enough parents for the older group hung around to do it .


    No head ache today ...makes for a good day

  2. This was inspired by Psimon's "Temptress"



    Poseidon's Promise



    The Sirens sit and sing

    The perfect silhouette men see

    Sweet voices to lure them in



    He hears it float across the rocks

    His fate lies in his strength

    The pull to follow, great



    Sad songs for sad ladies

    Promised beauty, light and love

    Poseidon had a purpose



    Lure the wandering sailor

    Bring him to the murky depths

    Revenge against the race of man


    On the rock the sirens sing

    The promise still not kept.

    Two of three they have


    Beauty of face and form for sure

    A voice for songs so lovely

    But love. will never be


    For those who follow. die

    The Siren's song the last they hear

    And those who resist, move on

  3. I wrote this today for a friend


    He stands by the grave staring at the upturned earth.

    It is almost too much to bear.

    Only 19 and he has stood here too many times.

    There is no one left to share


    Balled fists shoved deep into his pockets.

    The casket is lowered with care.

    A cleric speaks words of honour and safe passage

    For the soul of a friend no longer there.


    The people he loves seem to slip away.

    No giving in to the despair.

    There isn't even time to ask why.

    His grief stuck in his throat



    It was now his turn to say goodbye

  4. Rolling thunder, forked lightning, sheets of ice-rain,

    Threaten to shred the soul and forge it from pain,

    Solace is pursued but the Eye cannot be found,

    Emotion the tempest inflicted on self,


    Something about this struck me .


    I enjoyed this very much





  5. The sweet sounds of nature hummed all around the forest as though harmonizing with his thoughts. It had been so long since he had seen their faces, held them in his arms. Now he was free. Free to return home. Free to find his wife and the two sons he had watched come into the world. The boys would be grown now. He sighed and continues to walk with determination. He would be there for the birthday celebrations. Three days ..."Yes!" he would make it.


    The two blades attacked and parried rhythmically while not one drop of blood had yet dropped to the pristine marble floor. The men were a perfect match. Brothers, identical twins that have fought against and beside each other all their lives. Neither one would draw blood unless by accident. Once the practice was done they bowed to each other and then to the master of swords and waited to be dismissed.


    Above the hall The lady of the house watched with pride. Her two sons have passed onto the level of journeyman . Then she will have to say good bye to them as they each leave to wander. It is time to let them be the men they have grown to be. She watches as the master dismisses the session and her sons fly from the room. Images of their father flash past her, taking hold of her and whisking her to another time and place where she is a younger version of herself. Stumbling though unknown forest lost alone and cold. A hand touches her shoulder and startles her back into the real world. "Ma'am Lord Param is waiting." Sighing relieved, she thinks, "That must NEVER happen again." She follows her advisor to council chambers fussing with her hair and dress. "I can't let memories take over, I can't!!!"

  6. Letters of the alphabet

    Give thought and time to pause

    Untill the words are set


    Thoughts caught in a gauze

    Mind churning in blank space

    Hoping on for some small applause


    In your mind you find that place

    Creative center of the mind

    That lets you join the race


    Contructive criticism, polite and kind

    Like minds wise and knowing

    Try to help us out of binds


    Oh! Wonderful the words are flowing

    Now feeling that I am set free

    Sets to write now face aglowing


    Thank you all for helping me.


    Sorrry about the subject matter being so similar but I didn't know where to start . Hard chalenge for me Thanks for forcing me to stretch my brain

  7. So many people don't realise how much work it is too truly love someone. The conscious decisions we have to make to follow through. It is a good poem with profound sentiment.


    Those of us who have made those decisions appreciate this work very much. :)

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