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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by WrenWind

  1. *click clack*


    It is driving me nuts


    *click clack*


    pause then


    *click clack*


    Over and over again, the sound is begining to eat at my brain.


    Here I sit in my pit with the railroad tracks above me the only light I see is in flashes from between each of the coal cars as they fly by to destinations unknown.


    *click clack*


    Two more years of this and maybe i will be able to pay the company store back and get my own place.


    *lifts the pick axe and goes back to work trying to shut out the noise*




    *click clack*

  2. I think you can be tought to a certain point but to be a great writer you need to have imagination and a desire to put it to paper.


    Why do I write?


    Because I can't paint. The pictures that are in my head need an outlet somewhere.

    My poems are ways to say things that I have difficulty getting out verbally

  3. The world to day is wet . Rain pours down with a constant rythm. Trudging along a muddy path that stretches for here to there and back again a slip a fall and then you are looking at the world from a whole different perspective.


    Green everything is so green. Shades of it from chartruse to emerald shine in the muted light. A drop of water splashed off the tip of your nose. Look up and see a silvery green fairy sitting on a leaf just above your face pushing another water droplet of the tip. She giggles when it hits your cheek then she realizes you are awake and shakes the water from her gossamer wings and flutters out of sight.

  4. You say you didn't mean to

    but you did

    Your carefully woven words

    don't change how I feel

    You hurt me deeply

    and you don't see

    Your denial a flag

    that you ment every word


    Damn! you


    I am worth more

    than your words

    I will continue to shine

    with out you

    I cast out your words

    forget that I ever met you


    I don't need you

  5. :fairy:

    A tiny sneeze and leaf blown into my path . I couch down slowly and look around where i hought i heard the small sound come from in the dust on the edge of the forest trail I find a fairy sitting on her duff brushing pollen off her nose. "Oh pardon me little lass. Do you need a helping hand ?"


    She stands and flutters the dust form her wings ,tips the flower she wears for a hat and flies off with "Thank you but no "

  6. *Hugs* and lots of them . I have a son who can not always restrain his anger. Though for different reasons. He has lashed out at me in frustration and anger and broken bones in my hand slammed doors so hard that the whole frame has come out of the wall but he is learning to walk away and deal with his rage and not come back out of his room untill he has calmed down. It is good to hear him say "I need five more min" He is 13 now and is trying hard. But still frightening as he is now as tall as me and very strong.



    Hugs and courage. Your Poem is lovely


    I have posted this befor but i thought it fits well here too


    A Gift


    so tiny

    so perfect to look at

    every finger a miniature of my own


    but they say you are different

    they say you may not live

    something is wrong behind those beautiful eyes


    baby in a plastic box

    looking out through a maze of wires and tubes

    yet still even so small you smile and coo


    years later and i look into those same eyes

    a child in a man's body

    but still you smile and melt my heart




  7. I sat in a meadow watching the wind blow the grass in waves of green and gold, when a sparkle caught my eye . I followed the glittering and found a fairy caught in a spider's web.

    With delicate movements I released her then she sat on my hand for a time to rest. With a nod and a smile she flew away. She whispered "Thank you" and was gone.

  8. Why? It is a question we all ask and most of the time there is no real answer. I have come to beleave that the "why" isn't what is important but how we deal with the things that make us ask why. I like both of your poems today . Made me stop and think.



    Pools of shattered feelings

    This line is beautiful
  9. Tease


    Inuendo tossed back and forth

    Tension builds delightfully

    Flushed and blushing

    Out of breath



    Read the line again

    Faceless body, online heat

    The power flickers ,connection gone




  10. Broken heart finds me weeping

    Shattered dreams

    All my hopes are creeping

    Out the door


    Empty feeling in my chest

    Lost will to care

    Maybe it's time for eternal rest

    blue pills shine


    Selfish way out .won't do it

    pills down the drain

    Pain is part of how we fit

    grab a tissue


    Anger is good

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