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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

James Crow

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Everything posted by James Crow

  1. Theme 11: Memories The Clock tick tick tick tick tick As the clock makes note of the seconds, it reminds me of the years. tick tick tick tick You and I were children, playing by the river. You slipped and fell as you where pulled down my hand caught yours and helped you up. You gave me a smile and said never let me go. tick tick tick You and I were teens, playing by the stream. I tripped and fell and as I pulled you close my hand caught yours and helped in our love. You gave me a smile and said never let me go. tick tick You and I were older now, playing by the brook. I fell to one knee as I pulled out a ring my hand caught yours and helped it on. You gave me a smile, and said never let me go. tick You and I are old, “playing” by the creak. You are lowered down as I pulled out my heart my hand caught yours and helped the good-bye. “You gave me a smile, and said never let me go.” ti..... As my heart makes note of the beats, it won't be long till we are together again. t...
  2. Theme 10: Breathe Again Caged Bird Walking by the pet store, I saw a pretty little bird trapped in a cage. I said, Caged bird, Caged bird sing for me. Sing for me and I'll set you free. The bird looked at me, tears filled her eyes as she sung. I then set her free. Now they made a caged bird out of me. As I sat on the ground, I heard the most beautiful sound. It was that little bird. She sang, Caged bird, Caged bird sing for me. Sing for me and I'll set you free.
  3. Theme 9: Drive Questions Why do I take the next step? Knowing where it will lead me. Why do I watch the grains fall? Slowly burying me. Why do I let my courage fail me? Time after time. Why do I let my dreams tease me? Destroying my fantasies. Why do I let my heart beat for one more second? Knowing the pain will just increase. Why are the only answers I get from an echo? Only to put me back at the start. Why shouldn't I take my life? ....... It is all because you kissed me goodnight.
  4. I should be posting a bit more regularly now, hopefully. Also sorry if these are not the quality you were hoping for, I'll do better in the following poems. You have my word, a poet's word. So see you all tomorrow.
  5. Theme 8: Innocence Baby Eyes I been around for many a turn. Seen what was wrought since I've been born and still I say, “Everything will be okay.” People just sigh and say. Stop looking with your baby eyes. The world will soon collapse, ____________________decay _______________________die! Look at the world and all the graves! Can't you see now what role you have to play. With my head high I turn and sigh, saying, “Yes, the world needs more baby eyes.”
  6. Theme 7: Heaven Out of Business Wandering about after I died. A massive pearly gate I happed to spy. Nobody was in sight as the gate fell from its height. Looking about I stepped inside. A marvelous table graced my eyes. Nobody made a sound as the dust piled all around. Searching about I cried. No glorious angels, it was all a lie. Nobody was around so I turned off the open sign.
  7. Theme 6: Break Away Save Me My life was in a rut, with no way out. Dreams that I wish I could do, but I am in too deep now. Always hearing a voice in me say, Save me! Run away from my fantasy. Till the end of eternity. As I neared the door to work, I saw a fantasy of mine, getting closer to me. And as you stepped beside me, I whispered in your ear, Save yourself! Run away with your fantasies. Till the beginning of eternity. You stopped and looked at me. Surprise on your face was all that I could see. My heart stopped, as you spoke to me. “Let us Save each other! Running inside our fantasies. For the rest of eternity."
  8. Theme 5:Seeking Solace Keep These Words Seek me out, when everyone turns away, everyone runs away. Keep these words in your mind, near your heart. “Get up! Seize the day. Open your mind. Let us leave this world, ascend to a higher place. Call out so everyone can see solace!
  9. I am so, so, SO! Sorry about not posting my poems. Allergies hit me hard this week, but the good news is I feel better and have been writing a poem a day. So now without any further adue. My poems. Theme 4:Dark Dragon A small town feared the roar that came from the mountains that night. The roar of an ancient beast, of a mighty dragon from lore. In the darkness a fire blazed out of control, and in that light they saw what they feared most. A great beast of red, glowing eyes. To light up the world. Just to watch it die! As the blaze went out, and the sun rose up, all that was left of the town was darkness, only ash.
  10. Theme 3: Light Night Light Since time began man has feared the night. So with a simple thought they invented light. First was fire, then came candles, next the light bulb. Well, fires frizzle out, candles run out, light bulbs burn out! Will man never win this war with the night!? I think I just might. Staying with you feels right, to me you are my night light.
  11. I really like it. Wounder what that says about me Post more, please!
  12. Now the Crow that laid a golden egg enters the room with a smile, "Lords and Ladies, please lend me your eyes. I would like to post..." Theme 2: Love Two Love Birds I think I fell in love. If I am a crow, then she is a dove, and her coo, out does my caw. But I sit alone on the wire, dreaming second after second. I hope I fell in love. If I a crow, could caw for a dove. If her a dove, could coo for a crow. But still I perch alone on the wire, pining minute after minute. I know I fell in love. As a crow, coo for a dove. As a dove, caw for a crow. Now she cuddles with me on the wire, singing hour after hour. ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ I would like to say that the list of themes that I found differs slightly from Mardrax's, not a lot, just a few themes that I have noticed. I also have to thank you all for believing in me. See you tomorrow!
  13. The goose loved all of the praise, he got when he laid the golden egg. Some people gathered round, watching without a sound. And to their surprise, they could hardly believe their eyes. A shiny egg hit the ground. The goose worried because of the praise, he got as he laid the egg. More people gathered round, staring and making sound. And to their dismay, they wondered how many it could lay. Another egg hit the ground. The goose froze because of the praise, growing with each egg. Many people gathered round, glaring and booming sound. And to their surprise, they all covered their eyes. The egg smashed on the ground. The goose filled with fear, as the sound of the egg drew near. Everyone gathered round, gazing and comforting with sound. And to their cheers, the goose found love instead of fear. The goose then laid on the ground.
  14. Theme 1: Introduction Coal Miner Moving tons and tons of coal, for a boss that everyone knows. Trapped in here so very long that my skin has failed to see the sun for ages. Found you, flowers in your hair. Lost, you stumbled down into here and asked me to save you! To myself I thought you would be the one doing the saving. There would be no more Moving tons and tons of coal, for a CEO that few people know. Then a thought came to me about running over fields of grass, hearing a voice behind me laugh. Upon turning I feel the sun on my face, and the comforting embrace of you. Before I could answer, the tunnel collapsed! I saw the fragile flowers wilt, as you snapped in two. And without a tear I went back to Moving tons and tons of coal, for a face that no one really knows. ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ 100 poems more to go, 100 more poems. Write one down, And post it around, 99 more poems to go!!
  15. I like the work you have done so far and the idea. 1 poem a day for 100 days to teach discipline. I think that I will join you, might be easier with a friend. Although due to work I must start tomorrow. See you then and keep up the great work.
  16. James Crow


    Please use any my poems, if they will aid in your quest. I also plan to write some stories in the near future, use them if you must. I am sorry for my bluntness but I have a fierce opponent to face. So I am off to kill my rival, Mr. W. Block! With that James turned and walked down the dark hallways of the Mighty Pen. Glancing back with a wicked smile. May we see each other soon, my fellow bards. Also in all honesty the new skin is....dark? Fits the mood I am currently in, but also the state of the pen. A home with a small light burning, a becon to those seeking...ghost. ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ In hindsight, the new background has an old noir feel. I still like the dark tan the best but your new skin might just have solved my W. Block problem!
  17. James Crow


    Beautiful, simply beautiful.
  18. James Crow


    To hear a wolf howl, at the moon. To see men on the prowl, at high noon. To feel acts most afoul, makes me swoon. To speak like the owl, during the commune. To fly like the wildfowl, fleeing the monsoon. To any who wish to yowl, better join soon. In less words, COUNT ME IN!!!!!!.... also sorry for the little poem, couldn't help myself:)
  19. I love it, simply love it. Your timing was perfect, at least for me. So I figured I would let you know, great job!!!
  20. This is not the poem I wanted to post next, but the other one is giving me problems and then I got sick. Next thing I know it is almost Febuary 14th!!! I was going to post this one though so here it is. I made the hiden meaning of this poem easy to find. Hope you like it. I would also like to share my first true poem, the one that I will never get out of my head and the father to all my others, I wrote it around this time many years ago and I would like to share it now. ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ Along time ago, We gave each other a rose. The rose was fake, But the real slice of the cake, It was given with a love that we shared. ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ There you go and Happy Valentine's Day (early)☺
  21. I would like to be very clear, Let us start off slow. Open your heart. Very good. Everything will be alright, Year after year. Open your mind now. "U" is a letter and your only clue.
  22. I can't belive I put the in that one line twice. Also you where right about drown into drowed, it sounds and flows better. The formating changes opened my eyes to new possibilities, just wait till my next poem, also thanks again.
  23. Thanks for the advise. I tried to use it on my new poem. Thanks again for all the help you and everyone here has given me.
  24. I walked up to a cathedral, a lot on my mind. As I made it to doors I whispered, “sanctuary, _________sanctuary” No one could hear me, ___cause my words were drowned out by the patter of the rain. I strutted down the hall, a lot of problems on my mind. As I made it to the cross I said, “Sanctuary, _______Sanctuary” No one could hear me, ___cause my words were drowned out by the humming of people praying. I climbed to the tower, a lot of problems plaguing my mind. As I made it to the top I shouted, “SANCUARY, ___________SANCUARY” No one could hear me, ___cause my words were drowned out by the ringing of the bells! I ran up to the roof, so many problems destroying my mind! As I made it to the edge I screamed, “SANCUARY, ____________SANCUARY!” No one could hear me, ___cause my words were drowned out by the explosions of thunder!! I fell down on my knees, all my problems pouring out from my eyes. As my head landed into my hands I muttered, “san...cu....ary, ___________san......cu........
  25. I went to the coffee house, And saw a beautiful girl. She said, “How may I help you?” I responded, “I would like a drink but can't make up my mind. I don't know what to do.” She looked at me and said, “I can offer some suggestions. You could go with the same boring thing as you've had before, Like regular and decaf. Or you could try a little taste of Italy, With the Latte. Or something a little sweeter, Like the Mocha. Or something really strong, Like the Espresso. Or maybe something a little weaker, Like the Americano. Or a quick buzz, With a Cappuccino. Or perhaps you would like something a lot softer, Like the Caramel Macchiato. Or go with something always true, That will stay with you, Like the Hot Tea.” I gave her a grin. Made my order, And left. I went to the coffee house, And saw a crying girl. I said, “How may I help you?” She responded, “I need a new boyfriend and I can't make up my mind. I don't know what to do!” I looked at her and said, “I can offer some suggestions. You could go with the same boring thing as you've had before, A jerk and a snob. Or you could try a little taste of Italy, With a Foreigner. Or something a little sweeter, Like a Dreamer. Or something really strong, Like a Athlete. Or maybe something a little weaker, Like a Nerd. Or a quick buzz, With a Celebrity. Or perhaps you would like something a lot softer, Like a Romantic. Or go with something always true, That will stay with you, Like Me.” She gave me a grin. Made her order, And left.
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