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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by reverie

  1. 14 DEC 2002… Theme of Signe


    Long Distance…


    Pulled apart by life again

    But love found me, so I should grin

    Though we live so far apart

    -we live so far apart…


    Staying brave by the countless days

    Though, I cry within…

    Just to hear you smile again.

    -Just to hear you smile within


    So over the phone and on the screen

    She wrote me a letter, said I know what you mean…


    A few moments longer and I can see you too

    A few moments longer, for a dream to come true…


    Oh why can’t it be today…

    Why can’t it be today…


    When, I want you.

    -All alone,

    Why go away?


    Seen, so many miles

    -So long

    Wish you could stay



    Don’t worry love

    I’ll see you again

    Forgive all the red eyes

    And flash me your grin


    A few moments longers

    Not enough,

    We need more…

    Linger forever

    Forget the world

    We must soar…



    When, I want you.

    -All alone,

    Why go away?


    Seen, so many miles

    -So long

    Wish you could stay…




    the dreamlost

    "dot, dot, dot." (aimee mann)

    the dream continues...



    Edited by: reverie  at: 12/14/02 9:59:11 am

  2. pretty harsh... but then again so is most that lies underneath... is interesting to note that you can find that attitude you are discribing with every wave of immigrants that ever washed up on the america shores... funny how the past just keep repeating itself...




    the dreamlost

    "turn, turn, turn"(byrds,dillion???)

    the dream continues...

  3. bravo... u have a lot talent little one... ever heard of a slam poet? think you have the potenial to be one... look them up...


    Also like how your poems seem to flow into one another... nice progession... keep it up



    the dreamlost

    "oh sweet bird of repose" (sky heros)

    the dream continues

  4. good questions... life's just not easy ya know... i wish it was... but it's not... we sacrifice everyday to hold on to what little pebble of space we have... and sometimes you get tired...






    the dreamlost


    "all is vanity"(ecc)


    the dream continues...

  5. The Runner (29NOV2002)


    Carry your torch into the night

    Running so hard for the things that might.

    Maybe, you’re scared, but it’s not what you fear



    Do not fade away…


    Though the night has grown so cold

    Too much heart for hurt to hold…


    And the miles become your friend

    Looking back you smile and grin…


    Though the flame may flicker,

    -the flame may wave…

    You'll keep running, all the way.


    Look whose going, and you’re here to stay


    Do not fade away…


    So, carry your torch into the night

    Running so hard for the things that might

    Maybe you’re scared, but it’s not what you fear



    Do not fade away…




    the dreamlost

    "into the grace of god go I" (four squirrels)

    the dream continues...



    Edited by: reverie  at: 11/29/02 1:38:45 pm

  6. Hiya ppl... Happy Turkey Day... Espcially to thoughs poors souls that have to work today... Aww, the drawpacks of shift work... Holy @#% i forgot the Cranberrie... NOOOOOOOOOO!












    the dreamlost


    "Gooble, Gooble"


    the dream continues...

  7. written as a gift... 21nov02




    When you sing that silly song

    A quarter’s lapse has come and gone.


    Counting Candles, oh so bright

    Seen to rival, a star-field night.


    Set in flame, you face enframed.

    Do not dismay, these daunting rays.


    Within each flame, a scene will show

    The time you know, from flicker to glow…





    the dreamlost

    "time cannot be stopped nor revived"

    the dream continues...


    Edited by: reverie  at: 11/25/02 7:40:38 am

  8. lol... fun, fun...


    A world away, a kind of play

    Forsaking life, to build a life


    leaning in, to suck your soul

    The smallest price, so pay the toll...


    Numbers dwindle over time

    Up to you, to hold the binds?


    No, do not go,

    We need you here

    To build a quest, for all rest


    Help you say? Why go away?


    Our we not the ones you sought

    The ones who channeled, trained, and fought


    To fade away, in light of day...


    To leave us now? How shall we play?


    We need you dear, our matriarch

    To learn us all the trails you fought


    Your leaving now? So be it go...

    Leave the house, to crumble so...


    Twist and turn, and start anew...

    Burn my eyes, i missed you too...




    the dreamlost


    "a cave of thought"


    the dream continues...

  9. Across the way…24NOV2002 1815…


    Wondering boy across the way

    Sits on a bench-

    Looking for things

    -he should say…


    But he's not what you wanted

    -So look a way

    From the wandering boy across the way…


    See him off writing

    Frantic in style..

    Searching his head

    For things that will smile


    But he’s not you wanted

    -so look away

    From the wandering boy

    Across the way…





    the dreamlost

    "strike a beat..."

    the dream continues...


    Edited by: reverie  at: 11/24/02 4:03:28 pm

  10. kewl, thanx... was supposed to be an auto-writing ramble... but it turned into verse... oh well, why fight it... oh, oh... just got my cable modem installed(was moving at 28k before...) zoooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!! burn, baby burn... hahahahhahahahah!!!!!









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