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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Posts posted by Rune

  1. OOC: hehe, It is your story Tassle! you should decide if it was an ok start! I personally think it was quite uber wicked and am glad you posted it!


    Stopping at the local gas station to fuel up before the night's events, Ryan notices a familiar face inside the store. After filling the tank he walks towards the tiny window to pay for his purchase. His eye's remain locked on the figure inside. Glancing for a brief moment at the old man who rudely coughs into the speaker he jams the 10 bucks into the payment tray and heads back to the truck.


    "Why does that person look familiar?" He thought out loud. Before leaving he looked back one last time to attempt to jar his memory before shrugging to himself and driving off.

  2. OOC: My Application essay is based on fact, and therefore may not appeal to some. As a result I jotted down a quick overview of what happens when a demon decides to apply to the pen. Feel free to read one, or the other.. or both if your that bored. The essay itself is not complete, but I’ve sat on it long enough. I will finish it up at a later date. ^_^




    Rune pats her tummy.


    “Down bugglies (butterflies), down I say.” She scowls at her own stomach and sits down on her bed. Looking out into the empty room she attempts to reassure herself that everything will be ok. Fumbling with the pieces of paper in her hand she rips one slightly.



    “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness.” The demon child stammers to herself and quickly jumps up to work to confine the tear so that it does not ruin the paper. Treating it as though it were more valuable than gold she lays the three sheets on top of one another and them separates them out to recount them once again.


    “Ok, good. All three of them are here.” She says to herself before stacking them up again.


    Turning her back on the paper she stomps her foot and gets a determined look on her face. She begins her pep talk by first point out how childish she is for fearing the process, and then continues by smacking herself around for not having done it sooner, and ends by congratulating herself on how nicely she had written the words and how straight her W’s were. With a nod of her head she leaves the room and heads toward the Recruiter’s office.


    She reaches the massive wooden door that is the final protective barrier between what will make her simple piece of paper become an application. She reaches for the handle, and realizes that its slightly too high. Grunting to herself she stands on her tiptoes and manages to get her tiny hands around the door handle. Pulling with all her might she tries to pry open the heavy door, but alas its sturdy (and heavy) craftsmanship is just too much for her to handle. She pouts and sits down on the ground, Her elbows resting on her knees.


    “No one mentioned anything about there being ‘bigger than me’ doors in the way.” She mumbles. A gold plate in the bottom left hand corner of the door catches her eye. Peering at it closely she runs her fingers over the words as she reads them aloud. “Almost Dragonic Productions. Hmm, Sounds like a nice company, maybe I can call them and ask them to open the door for me.”


    “Would you like to come in?” A grainy voice booms out of nowhere.


    “who? What?” Rune jumps up from the ground, spinning on her heels in an attempt to find whoever just addressed her.


    “Up here” the voice continues, matter-of-factly. “Would you like to come inside?” Peering up towards the handle, Rune realizes that the door is speaking to her. She giggles in delight at the concept, having never met a door in the past. “Yes, I would very much like to come inside. But before I go, could you introduce yourself? I’ve never met a door, and I bet it would be something I’d very much like to remember.”


    “Well of course.” The door responds. “I used to be the door to a very influential wizard’s main chamber. But after the wizard zapped himself a few too many times he sold me rather cheaply to some dragon fellow. Actually, I am not sure if he was a dragon or not, but he brought me here. I was a bit insulted at being bought so cheaply, after all I am a very intelligent and sharp door, not at all dull in the slightest.” The door shook in its frame, obviously upset at the thought of being considered cheap. The clock rang out from the main courtyard, signaling lunchtime within the pen keep.


    “Oh my goodness, its already lunchtime. I really must go Master door, could you let me inside?” Rune urged.


    “Why of course, do have fun and come back and visit sometime!” The door swung open allowing her passage. “Thank you” she curtsied and then passed through the entrance. The distraction of the door having calmed her nerves, she placed her application on the massive desk inside and turned to leave. Several hours later Wyvern returns to his office. Pushing on the door he finds that it will not budge.


    “Not this again” He mumbles. All that can be heard from the door is a muffled “humph” as it remains sturdy in its frame.



    OOC: And this is the actual essay part.


    Untitled at the moment.


    The track appeared to slice the countryside in half. On one side there was a field full of flowers for as far as the eye could see. The other side appeared vast and limitless as the ocean framed the picture perfect setting, casting a backdrop of intertwined blues and golds as the sun reflected off of the water's surface. The locomotive’s whistle could be heard in the distance. The soft sound was carried on the sun soaked wind. As the sound reached the shore of the beach it vanished, leaving only a ghostly symphony of waves and seagulls in it's wake.


    This tranquil setting appeared to be untouched as the sun started to set after it's journey from one sea to another. The train's whistle appeared to fit in perfectly, causing little harm to the native creatures and setting. Even the tracks were camouflaged by overgrown vegetation. The strength of the steel that could support all the weight of the train appeared frail when covered by the green foliage. Smaller avian citizens picked through the roots and grass of the track searching for dinner for their young. As the day wore on, the sun's rays turned amber as it sank into the quenching sea.


    The train grew closer. A solitary figure could be seen standing by the track. The posture and stance made it obvious this was not a man, but a child. His lanky arms supported hands that showed days of labor even though his face earned him little more than 15 years. His black hair framed his listless expression as he peered towards the direction of the whistle. The train loomed closer, it’s sound amplified as it rushed towards him. Birds of every variety turned towards the direction of the train. Motionless they watched for the beast to approach. The boy became fixated on the black shadow that had come into view. The whistle grew louder as the train approached. It's wheels furiously chewed up the vegetation that once covered the track as it roared through the peaceful setting. The boy remained motionless, unaffected by the approaching rage. The ground shook violently as the locomotive stormed into full view. The birds that had been motionless fled from the scene in a fury of angry squawks. The train ripped past, Its fury causing the wind to whip the boy's hair against his face. He mumbled to himself but the words were unheard. As quick and violently as it has approached it departed. The sun set as though it too fled the impending doom of the train. The boy turned his back on the beach and headed home. His arms hung lethargically by his side as though he was carrying more weight than his lanky frame could handle.


    As he passed through the outskirts of town and onto the main street, memories of the past flooded his senses. Focusing on the ground he trudged forward. He was exhausted after having worked all day and knew he would be in for a lecture for getting home so late. He passed a couple on the street corner who greeted him with snarls of disgust and comments of no particular fact. He brushed them off and continued forward, too tired to even turn and glance in their direction. The street lamps overhead brought a particular memory to mind. As he passed underneath their concentrated light and then back into darkness the internal images took on a moving picture feel. The light penetrated his heavy eyelids and caused him to feel slightly dizzy as he awkwardly made his way down the sidewalk.


    The movie playing in his head was of his family. It reminded him of an old black and white movie his grandfather had showed him once when he was younger. The light from the street lamps provided the strobe effect that was often common with that particular style of old movies. He saw his mother sitting on a rock with flowers in her hair. The same beach he had just visited provided the backdrop as the wind stroked the light layers of fabric that made up her spring dress. His youngest brother ran around her, picking flowers and bringing them to her one by one. His father was tossing a baseball to another boy, the middle child of the three, and laughing as the child scrambled to catch the ball but always seemed to miss. Then he saw himself, standing by the train tracks. He realized that he was alone even then, perhaps because his father had respected his need to be a man and had given him the truth when he asked for it, even though he had not been ready for the responsibility. A car zipped past, tearing him from his dream world with a loud horn blast. He stopped at the gate to his home, surveying the scene before going further. The yard was a mess, toys were scattered everywhere. The house needed to be painted, the fence mended, and the shrubs had overgrown the windows. He sighed to himself and pushed on the gate.


    He entered the small two bedroom house through the kitchen door. His father was sitting at the table, drinking coffee that had long since cooled and looking worried. He glanced at the boy as he entered the kitchen.


    “I’m sorry, Father.” The child apologized. He looked as if he were trying his best to report to an Army General.


    He allowed his gaze to drop to the floor. The silence grew to be unbearable under his father's stony stare. He stammered on, “They needed the final load done by this evening, sir. I had to stay to help.. but they are going to pay me for the overtime.” He looked up hopefully with his last words. Maybe the concept of monetary reimbursement would smooth over the fact he was so late.


    Hope faded into fear as his father's gaze remained fixed on his face. Emotionless, he rose and moved slowly towards his son. The boy flinched in anticipation of an attack, only to discover himself being taken into the older man's arms in an embrace. His unbelieving body held stiff for a moment then relaxed as his father stroked his hair gently, his powerful arms hugging the teenager as though the boy had been missing for days instead of hours. Moments later he released him and stepped back into his habitual rigid posture. The boy stumbled slightly on release, trying to regain his composure and balance after the unexpected affection. The two men locked on one another's faces.


    “Are you ok?” His Father inquired.


    “Of course, Father. Why wouldn’t I be?” The boy looked completely confused by the entire conversation.


    “You have school tomorrow. I agreed to let you have a job only if you promised not to over work yourself. I am concerned that you are trying to do too much.” The man turned on his heels. His back now faced his oldest son. His face reflected the horror of his own past and it is obvious that the man had this same situation filed away in his own reservoir of memories.


    “But we need the money, ” the boy began to protest. His father cut his outburst short as he turned to face him. “Robert. I will not have this argument with you. I want you to get cleaned up and I want you to go to bed. If you come home this late again, then you will not be allowed to go back.” The boy scowled at his father, all composure lost, before storming out of the kitchen and retreating to the small dark room where his brothers lay sleeping.


    He pried his shoes off his feet and sat down hard on the bed, shaking his younger brother out of his slumber as the mattress reacted to his weight.


    “W-w-what’s going on?” his brother asked sleepily.


    “Nothing! Go back to sleep” Robert snapped.


    “What time is it?” His brother responded.


    “Listen John, Go to sleep!” Robert threw a pillow towards his brother angrily and then got up to go to the washroom. John mumbled something before turning over and quickly falling back to sleep. He was unaware when the older brother finally crawled into the small bed an hour later.


    The following day at school went by in a blur as Robert barely paid attention to his courses. When the final bell rang he rushed to meet John outside his classroom.


    “Let’s go” the teenager urged his brother to hurry. “We are running late and Ms. Omerkov is going to charge Dad extra again.”


    He grabbed John’s backpack strap and pulled to try and get him to quicken the pace. The added strain on the old backpack caused it to rip and his books tumbled to the floor. The other children started to laugh and point at his misfortune as he tried to gather his papers and books. His face seemed to mimic his stance among the children, symbolic of his separation as an equal among them, since the crimson tone of his cheeks was a complete contrast to his light blue shirt. A drawing he had completed in class fell into view and a schoolmate picked it up.


    “Who is this?” the bully teased, “Your girlfriend?”


    John snatched the paper and shouted at him to assure him that his conclusion was negative. The bully snickered and started chanting a rhyme to spur the other children into a unified chorus of teasing. John was flustered as they laughed at his embarrassment. Robert, fueled by exhaustion and anger, lost his temper. Since he was several years older Robert’s attack appeared unfair and vicious to the other children. They reacted in a panic as the bully heroically became the victim in the situation he had created just moments before. The children erupted, their cries creating an artificial intensity that hovered over the situation. By the time a teacher arrived to investigate most of the children were convinced that Robert was trying to murder the boy. The brothers were labeled the instigators and quickly taken to the principal’s office to await the school system’s judgment.


    Robert sighed as the door was closed behind them. He was certain that his irresponsibility would cause his father more grief. A sudden realization that every attempt to prove himself in his father’s eyes had inevitably turned negative flooded his senses. They sat facing forward in the cold and stale office.


    “Why did you have to go and pull on my backpack” John complained. “I was trying to hurry.” Robert rolled his eyes at the comment. John shot him a vicious scowl and folded up the wrinkled and torn paper the bully earlier had spotted.


    “Give me that” Robert said as he snatched the paper from his hands. “Who is this suppose to be anyways?” His eyes scanned the drawing of a young woman. Her hair was pinned up, in as elegant a style as a 7 year old child could muster, with a red crayon. Her stick arms and legs were outlined with a dress which was also covered in large crayon flowers.


    “No one” John snapped back before grabbing the paper from his brother. He gingerly folded the drawing into a square and slipped it into his history book. Robert shook his head and mumbled something about how childish he was acting. The stick figure was John's attempt to bring the memories of his mother back to life in the only way he knew how. “A real man moved on. Only babies clung to the past like that.” Robert thought to himself.


    The principal opened the door and rushed inside, panting slightly. His dress shirt was pulled tight around his stomach area, which swelled suspiciously like a beer belly. The crème-colored shirt was stained slightly from sweat in certain places and although it was clean the color resembled something that had not been washed in days. His breath was in short raspy strokes as he attempted to settle into his chair. His hands trembled as he reached for a lesson book from the desk drawer. With the book in place as an emergency distraction if needed, he addressed the two boys directly.


    “Alright, I want to let you know that there will be no fighting in my school…” he began before locking eyes on Robert. He stood up and moved closer to the boy before grabbing him by the arm and twisting it slightly.


    “Ouch, sir that hurts.” Robert responded as his arm was turned outward causing him to wretch forward.


    “Where did this bruise come from?” the principle asked, referring to a large injury he had obtained yesterday while loading a box at the factory.


    “What.. what bruise?” Robert stammered. He was faced with a loaded question. Telling the man the truth would cost him his job since he was too young to be working for the factory in the first place.


    “You mean to tell me you don’t know how you got this bruise?” the teacher eyed him suspiciously.


    “Has he been fighting?” The man turned his gaze on John who panicked slightly and stammered


    “No.. no.. no sir! He doesn’t ever fight anyone.” A gleam entered the man’s eye as he let go and left the room without saying another word. You could barely make out his voice in the other room. It sounded as though he was talking on the telephone.

  3. Rune muttered to herself. "Well this isnt working, guess ill have to do it the hard way." She stopped suddenly in the walkway. Josh, paying more attention to the paintings and other things in the hallway, tripped over the little girl creating a grand accident worthy of news coverage. Rune giggled and pointed as Josh groaned. "Your arms not pose to bend that way silly." she chuckled to herself before stomping her foot. "Enough playing, we have got to find Peredhil." Josh rolled his eyes and attempted to straighten himself out.


    Rune stood on her tiptoes once more and fell into a slight trance. Her eyes rolled back into her head as her eyelids fluttered across the white area that was now exposed. A few moments later she blinked and appeared to be back to normal. "There he is.." she said to herself. "Hey .. Hey Master Peredhil, I have a question for you.. Are you lost? and if so..do you wish to be found?" Josh looked around for some sign of the stranger to which Rune was speaking.


    Peredhil, now making his way through the many hallways of the pen keep to investigate the unnerving slam he had felt earlier, stopped dead in his tracks. "Rune?" he said, looking around the hallway. "Where are.. Oh, i keep forgetting you can communicate like that. No, I am not lost.. I know where I am going." he said with a smile.


    "Yes, yes you do." Rune continued in her telepathic state. "But you see, I do not know where you are..and since I do not know, then you are lost!" Her voice reached a high pitch on the last note as she thought herself quite brilliant figuring out such complicated things. Peredhil couldnt help but chuckle slightly. "Right Rune.. I am lost, Do you wish to find me?"


    "Oh yes, I do very much wish to find you sir. You see i have a question and its entirely too dramatic to ask you this way... talking face to face would be a much more grown up thing to do." Rune noddled to herself, once more proud of her decision making.


    [edit] keep forgetting to turn off my siggie :P [/edit]

  4. That was written so well, so much intensity.. even the words themselves appeared to be trapped in the prison the man was experiencing. Amazing job Zadown... One of few stories where the sad ending actually made me sigh to myself even though I knew I was just reading a story.

  5. thought this was kinda neat..and it might be intentional but notice how the first part the lines start small and get longer


    Gather it all

    To begin it again

    Time pulls me forward

    So follow me then...


    Then in the second..they start long and get shorter:


    For a while, I shall stumble

    As new trails are blazed...

    Found in a flury

    Old path we will raise...


    If you changed "Old path we will raise... " to "Old path will raise... " it works out perfectly.


    Not that that really matters. ^_^ Just thought it was kinda neat.


    Great poem.

  6. DoomGaze, Your such a detailed and in dept writer. There is so much there and so much to comment on that when it comes time to comment its hard to figure out something to say (similiar to Tassle for me). There is a very vivid picture painted with your words.. so full that the poem is almost 3D. I always enjoy poems that about half way in I stop reading the poem and the poem starts reading itself.


    Thank you for sharing.

  7. I will echo Pere's comments and say ouch! and since that was the intended message then you did really well.


    Never take my poems to seriously I seem to get in a depresswed state of mind often,never anything serious. So like um.....chill out I'm not gonna kill myself

    Since you are an adult, I will respect that statement and urge you to please be upfront and honest with us if that ever does happen. People care about ya, which is why they are concerned.

  8. Rune stumbles into the room, stepping on the hem of her pants (which are just way too big for her little legs) and almost falls forward. Taking a seat behind Gwaihir she adjusts herself into the large chair which appears to dwarf her tiny frame. Folding her hands politely on her lap she listens to the presentation and then claps with the rest of the crowd when the author is finished. She walks forward and waits in line patiently to express her gratitude for the presentation and the chance to experience the intense message in the poem.


    She looks up at Doomgaze with bright blue innocent eyes as a single tear rolls down her cheek. Taking the author's hand in hers, she touches it to her forehead and then turns to leave. Her voice can be heard telepathically as she walks out of the room.


    "Thank you for sharing your poem..and your insight Doomgaze. I was truely touched by the words and am moved by the intensity. Please post more, I look forward to experiencing it."

  9. I couldn't find anything I posted on the ezboard.. So I decided I'd go ahead and post them here.. Give anyone who didn't read them a chance to see what kind of crap I write... Sometimes I think it's a good thing I have writer's block.. So like this way, I don't make people read works of crap.. Eh... But thanks though.



    I apologize if my response sounded rude in any way. I just wanted you to know that your other poems should have been ported over so that you wouldnt worry if they were or not. If you were offended, please accept my apology.


    As for your work being crap, thats crazy. I thought they were great and Im sure others did as well. I look forward to reading anything you might post in the future.

  10. The bird kept shrieking.


    The shadow kept advancing.


    The bird kept shrieking.


    The shadow.. well you get the idea.


    The bird conveyed it's terror through a series of short and fierce squawks. They echo'ed through the chamber creating an eerie effect.

    Back upstairs, Rune, still covered in flour and now clad in a backpack filled with fruit, prepared for the journey ahead.


    "Here, let me clean you up first." Josh replied and reached over to grab a towel. "No wait!" Rune said. "I can do it." She stuck her tongue out at the man who rolled his eyes. "Well do hurry up will you."


    Rune bowed her head and closed her eyes. Holding her hands together she stood on her tiptoes and began to scribe symbols into the air. Her tiny fingers left trails of light to reveal what she was writing. "There" she said, beaming at the man. "What?" he said, looking around for some change. "Oh, just give it a minute..im small..and so my spells are small and take alittle while to be noticed!" Before she could say anything else the flour lifted off her skin and hovered slightly as though it were forming a smoke cloud. "Oh great" Josh thought, "more smoke." Next thing he knew there was a pop, and suddenly the room was filled with several hundred flowers.


    "Rune!" he shouted as he was buried under the flowers. "What did you do??"


    "Oh.. sorry, I think I spelled flower wrong in the spell." She giggled slightly and blushed at her mistake.


    Several minutes passed as the 2 attempt to wade out of the mess before they are safe in the hallway. "We need to find someone who really knows what they are doing.." Rune said matter of factly. "Hey, I know what i'm doi.." Josh began but was intur'pted. "Lets head downstairs, I want to ask Peredhil.. He is an Ancient..so I think that means he is older than dirt. And if he is older than dirt he must know something about this place having been around for so long." Rune beamed at her logic and pulled Josh along.

  11. A friend put it into better words than I could ever come up with..


    As many of you are probably aware the United States Space Shuttle Columbia suffered a catastrophic accident during re-entry today (February 1, 2003).


    My heart goes out to the brave men and women of the Columbia crew. On a personal level I'm very saddened by this incident as well as worried. The space program in my mind has always represented the pinnacle of human achievement.


    I remember the Space Shuttle Challenger tragedy many years ago when I was a younger man. At the time I did not understand the full impact of that incident, mainly how it's demoralizing effect crippled our venture into space for decades to come.


    Let's not allow that to happen this time - this tragedy should instead ignite our pioneering spirit. We should want to touch the stars more than ever now.

    My condolences go out to the families of:

    William McCool

    Michael Anderson

    Kalpana Chawla

    David Brown

    Laurel Clark

    Ilan Ramon

  12. "Sure!" Rune giggled, and ran downstairs to the kitchen to grab some cheese..and some crackers..luckily the kitchen was nearby and she returned quickly. "Here you go mister, hope it makes you feel better!"


    The man woofed down the cheese, crumbled up the crackers and swallowed them whole then gulped down some more water.


    "Ah, much better" he exclaimed. "Worms and grubs might be healthy..but their taste is ap'pauling!"

  13. "urgle?" she remarked. She stood slightly off balance on her left foot and tried hard to figure out the meaning of the word.


    The man appeared to be in serious pain at this point, he was groaning slightly and waving his right hand around.


    Rune smirked, and then shrugged. She stuck her tongue out at the air and responded. "I dont understand you mister."


    "excuse me" he managed to form the words slightly, although they were hoarse. "could you get off my hand.."


    Rune gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She jumped backwards. "oh my goodness, oh my goodness" she repeated. She looked at her feet as though they had commited a crime. "shame on you" she said, wagging her finger at the ground. "you should be more careful feet..." she continued, matter of fact like.

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