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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A request of sorts

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I saw that there are sometimes weekly challenges. I love to write stories, and could even probably dish out some challenges, however, I'm not as proficient in the technicalities of poetry (which I'm sure has been obvious). So, I was hoping that someone *eyes the people who answered her previous question about poetry* would maybe issue out poetry challenges.




Write a poem ABAB style.


Write a poem with errr *tries to remember some of those words told to her in the question thread* errr Okay, well I take it you get the idea. :0) I don't care if the topic is given, I really just crave some exercises that will help me learn/improve my form and technicque. I have the gift of gab, and consider myself wholly creative, but I severely lack technique. This sound like a good idea, or is it just me?


Anyone game?


~Silly Sally :butterfly:

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