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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Attempt number 2

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The demon watched the witch hunter approach, red eyes narrowed in hate. For days he had been tracked by the accursed human, now it was finally time to be rid of him. Slowly the creature began to summon its magic to him. Dark tendrils of power began to curl ‘round it’s misshapen body, around its twisted limbs and slowly gathering and forming in its clawed hands. He had waited so long for this moment, waited so long until the foolish mortal had made the mistake of tracking it too far from his pathetic gods, too far from their pathetic protection. The demon prepared to leap…



There, part 1 of something or other. Maybe I'll eventually come up with some names for the things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heinrich walked steadily onward, through the dank, musty tunnel that he knew to be the creatures lair. The demon believed himself safe, believed himself invulnerable here in its own land. But it was wrong. Heinrich had a secret, kept from the very witch hunters guild itself. If anyone in the guild discovered his secret then he, Heinrich Joran would be put up for trial himself. Heinrich had the power of sorcerey. He sent tendrils of his power out now...searching, seeking. Across the floor his lines of power travelled, along the walls and even across the cieling, for he knew the abilities of this form of creature.


Suddenly his lines came into contact with the creature-there, hidden the crevice off to his left. Carefull not to change his pace he moved on, resisting the urge to turn back and flee. Even though he was certain of his abilkities, even though he was sure he could defeat this creature he still feared it. He knew he was only mortal, whatever powers he posessed. Gathering his enchantments about him, he strode onward.

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Solivagus sighs impatiently to himself, tapping his right foot on the ground in an irritated manner while gazing towards the messy desk on which Wyvern currently rests his head. The overgrown lizard lies fast asleep at the cluttered desk, snoring loudly while occasionaly hissing or mumbling something about mountains of geld under his breath. Solivagus had tried to awaken the greedy lizard by several methods, including snapping a finger next to his face, poking and shaking him several times, and clobbering him over the head with a Wyvern Inc. Brand Baseball Bat (which broke after only a few hits). The eager applicant had finally given up in the hopes that the Elder of Initiates would awaken from his slumber soon, but unfortunatly this seemed to be far from the case. Several days had passed, and Wyvern hadn't even budged an eyelid...


Practically tearing his hair out in frustration, Solivagus finally lifts himself from his applicant easychair and heads towards the exit of the office in dismay when suddenly, Melba the Almost Secretary of Initiates comes hobbling into the chamber from the main office entrance. The obese Almost-Secretary is covered from head to toe in an unidentifiable slimy substance she had encountered in the Lady's Restroom of the Mighty Pen... at a glance, one might suppose that she had been involved in a large pie tossing contest of some sort. Clenching her teeth and growling while glaring angrily at the peacefull form of Wyvern slumbering at his desk, Melba takes out a tiny dropper filled with water and advances towards the lizard's napping area. Carefully aiming the dropper directly above the reptilian Elder's head, Melba lets a single droplet of water fall from it and drip lightly onto Wyvern's scales...


Much to Solivagus' surprise, Wyvern frantically springs out of his sleep the moment the water touches his scaly forehead. Running in circles around the room while desperatly seeking a towel, Wyvern cries:


"Arrrgh!!! Water! Water!!! Get it off of meeeeee!!!"


The overgrown lizard finally rushes up to Solivagus and quickly wipes the droplet of water off of his head using the sleeve of the applicant's shirt, stuttering numerous curses under his breath and slowly calming down. Solivagus is rather taken back by this rude action, and is about to protest when Wyvern suddenly points a scaly finger towards the figure of Melba and promptly goes into hysterics again:


"Arrrrgh!!! It's the J-E-L-L-O ™ monster from my dream, minus the price tags!"


Melba sighs and shakes her head in an irritated manner, afterwards responding:


"Actually, it's me, Melba, you overgrown sleezy crook of a wanna-be-dragon."


Wyvern considers this response for a moment, then exclaims:


"Arrrrrgh!!! It's Melba!!! Even worse!!!"


With that, Wyvern dashes towards the exit of the office only to be blocked by Solivagus, who is determined to get a verdict for his application. The overgrown lizard snatches the eager applicant's story, reads over it, and stamps it ACCEPTED, relating all to well to the difficulties of a demon being maliciously evil...




OOC: An ACCEPTED application, Solivagus, welcome to the Mighty Pen! Be certain to either post your e-mail address here or mail me at elitwack90@hotmail.com, so that I can send you some additional Pen info... :)

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Wyvern stops for a moment and turns his attention from his desperate attempts to flee from the Almost-Secretary of Initiates towards Solivagus' final comment. Turning curiously towards the newly Initiated member, the overgrown lizard clears his throat of a few ashes and responds:


"Thanks for the e-mail address, Solivagus... Most interesting that you show uneagerness to write after applying to a board where an application and membership are meant to imply a general eagerness to write and contribute to the community! I guess we now have a full spectrum of posters..."


Having said this, Wyvern briefly reminds the newly Initiated of his promise to not post things archived under different alias' on different boards, gives him an official Pen handshake™, and offers him a left over Pen Soaker-126 water gun for only a couple hundred geld...

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Jechum floats in...


Jechum wonders what the fascination with getting high is.


“If you want to get high, I recommend you learn how to float, other forms are hazards to your health.”


Jechum floats out..

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