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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Kendall Cotton - A FARS excerpt


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Elder of Lists and Manners

Posts: 335

(10/28/01 9:06:44 pm)

Reply Day Twenty-two


Slow progress today.


When we woke up, we had no boots!


It happened on Cromwell’s watch – he must have fallen asleep. Cromwell’s bow, my sword, and Jenny’s club had all been moved to point the same direction.


We are out of water, so we’ve decided to try that way. We’re moving carefully because of sore feet and possible ambush.


– later. We broke through some dense underbrush and found the Overland Trail by the river! Cromwell says he knows where we are now. We are going to camp along the river. Water! Praise Tanar Lady of Waters!


– night. When CK woke me for my watch, I noticed a dark spot on his leg.


It was a leech!


Yuck. Jenny had one too. They didn’t even feel them, the bites are numb. When we cut them off, the bleeding didn’t stop for a long time. Since when do leeches leave the water?

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Elder of Lists and Manners

Posts: 336

(10/28/01 9:08:13 pm)

Reply Day Twenty-Three


Came on four Kobolds fighting a Giant Serpent.

Jenny got sick watching the snake eat a Kobold whole, but we didn’t interfere.


We worked our way around and continued on. Cromwell says we should reach Asmenfarmod late tonight or early tomorrow!


– evening. My watch. I thought I saw Mom’s pet bird, Malice.

If it wasn’t him, it was some other black oversized raven.

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Elder of Lists and Manners

Posts: 337

(10/28/01 9:12:04 pm)

Reply Day Twenty-four




We paid our coppers and crossed the river into home.


Jenny and I both made our Adulthood!


The Tanners and Coopers are really sad about the loss of Jeremy and Bobby.


Cromwell’s big brother, Anduras, is back. He left eleven years ago. This means Anduras will be the next Kithe and not Cromwell. Cromwell has left and gone hunting. I think he’s upset about not being the next head of the Kithe Family. There's so many Cottons, I've never had to worry about it.


Mid-Atlantic Riff is now the High Druid of Tas! Can you imagine that one? After all those years he spent running around crazy! I don't think I'll ever understand how gods decide things.


Jenny and I are supposed to get together tonight at the Gold Dragon Inn for a date!


She says now that we’re adults, she can thank me properly for saving her life.


She makes me nervous.


Uncle Mordecai says he’ll help me build a little house if I’ll help him in the fields.


Sounds good to me – I don’t ever want to go adventuring again.

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Elder of Lists and Manners

Posts: 339

(10/29/01 12:43:21 pm)

Reply Errata


For anyone interested, here are the AD&D equivalents of the characters from my starting notes.

Scores were generated by rolling:

4 numbers (3D6),

1 number (4D6 (discard lowest)),

1 number (4D6 (discard highest))

arrange as desired.



Cromwell Kithe: Great Grandson of The Kithe. Age: 16. Black Hair, grey eyes, high sharp cheekbones, long sharp nose, slender sinewy build.


Int: 17, Wis: 15, Str: 17, Const.: 17, Dex: 18, Char: 14

Long Bow (+3 Kithe bonus)

Short Sword

Knife +2

Hand-to-hand +2.




Kendall 'Kid' Cotton: Age 14. Brown hair, eyes, stoutly built farm boy. One of the crowd even when alone. The kinda kid you'd leave holding your horse while you went into the store if you were a stranger in town.


Int: 12, Wis: 10, Str. 13, Const.: 14, Dex: 6, Char: 10






Jenny Tanner: Age 15. Curly blond hair, black eyes. Curveous. Simple earthy and open, likes boys and such in a sweet tomboyish way. Natural worshipper of Yrranna, Dianite (Maiden phase) acolyte.


Int: 8, Wis: 18, Str: 15, Const.:13, Dex: 14, Char: 13; Inate power: Throw (thrown stones +1).

Club +1




Jeremy Tanner: Age 14. Curly blond hair, black eyes. Short slender build, always has a slight sniffle (allergies). Very sharp cutting quick tongue but can switch to charming in a heartbeat. Resents his sister's health, vitality and strength. Always the watcher and commentator in events because he tires so quickly he'd rather not try. Uses poor health for sympathy.


Int: 15, Wis: 9, Str: 8, Const.: 6, Dex: 15, Char.: 13 Power: 3/Slots:2

Spells: (power cost/slots used; * == Memorized)

**Flame Dart (1/1)

Sleep (1/1)

Start Fire (1/1)

Mend (1/1)

Soften Leather (2/1)




Bobby Cooper: Age 13. black curly hair, black eyes. Lil' bitty kid with a too big sense of humor. Practical joker. The only one weaker and smaller than Jeremy. Bobby is apparently bothered by nothing but boredom, and is always in trouble. Indifferently trying to be a mage.


Int: 12, Wis: 13, Str: 3, Const. 10, Dex: 10, Char. 14 Power: 5/Slots 1


Spark (1/0.5)

Yawn (1/0.5) *

Sneeze (1/0.5) *

Spider Climb (1/1)


Edited for spelling and grammar (always the bane of quick posts.)


Edited by: peredhil31 at: 11/1/01 11:21:39 am

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