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Gyrfalcon the Movie: Directors Cut


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Wyvern the director enters the "Wilderness of Terra" set. He wears a french baret cap, plaid shorts and dark director shades. He sits down in his director chair, next to the cameramen. Wyvern then takes out a large microphone and shouts:

"O.K people! Time to commence the filmings!"


-Name: Introduction to Gyrfalcon the Movie

-Actors needed: Racouol only. (Gyrfalcon)

-Scenario: At first, the screen is dark. Then, the sun slowly shows its face above the horizon, silohetting the wilderness of Terra. We then see the silohett of Gyrfalcon (Racouol). Gyrfalcon wanders through the wilderness as the credits role. He then stops by a stone. Then he commences a solliloquy (For those who don't know, a first-person narrative) about life and death (Good luck Racouol ). The screen fades out and we see the words "1 year ago". End scene.


"Got it?! Racouol old boy, I'm counting on you to give it your best performance!"


Racouol comes up to Wyvern


"Wyvern, the script please..."


"Oh THAT?! Well actualy, due to budget problems, we don't have one! :D"




"Annnnnnnnnd ACTION!"

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"Life, what is the meaning of life. Is there some greater porpose or are we here just to die? Death, what perpose does death serve? Is there a way to prevent the death that lies await for us mortals? Why must we eventually die?" Looks up then purches his foot onto the lower part of the stone. "Is it possible to have life without death? Does something that can not die really live? Ha, so many unanswered questions for a relitivly simple consept. A simple consept that many take for granted. Why do we live? Do our live really in our control or are our lives just a game for someones amusement. If it is just a game then does death really mean that the game just got boring and they threw us away like some unwanted toy. I have seen many throw there lives away for what they beleave to be true. Are these people brave or just fools? I guess that they are both. Life is too precious to waste but in the end Death awaits us all. It is each persons choice wether they want to face death or have it chase them down."

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"Cut! That's a rap! Beautifull, Racouol, just beautifull! With actors like you, it'll be a box-office smash hit!"

Right, on with the filmings...


-Scene 1: Sinistro's lair

-Actors needed: P51mus (Sinistro), Ozymandias (Nemphis), Rubber Chicken (Terrorizer)

-Scenario: The camera zooms around the dark, forboding fortress of Sinistro. The weather is dark, and thunder crackles in the sky. The camera zooms into the lair, where we see Sinistro is meditating in his personal chamber. Thunder and lightning. He opens his eyes. His meditation is finished. It is time to show the elven race the true meaning of fear! Sinistro walks briskly out of his chamber and walking down the halls passes Nemphis. He tells Nemphis that the plot against the elven race will commence, and that his first action will be to destroy the loving and peacefull elven village of Crystal Falls. Nemphis obeys and Sinistro leaves to another chamber. Nemphis then heads to the lair of Terrorizer found in Sinistro's dungeons. He tells Terrorizer to destroy Crystal Falls. Terrorizer nods in agreement, and flies off to Crystal Falls. Screen fades out. End scene.


Right! All actors, take thier positions! Lets roll'em!

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*slapping Immortalis along side his head, unfortunatly knocking him to the ground Immortalis lands right on Hammel's small and now squishy body. grabbing him by the arm and pulling him toward the door marked "An OOC thread for Gyrfalcon: The Movie"*


This is where we brainstorm, Silly! You had better be careful playing on the set. Wyvern has a temper these days if you hadn't noticed!

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Sinistro is sitting in his chamber...apparently meditating

Suddenly there is a flash of lightning....and by some odd chance a single meteor lands nearby, shaking the castle


His eyes slowly open, he has awakened from his meditative state


He slowly rises to his feet in an unnatural way


He walks down the hallway of his castle...and meets Nemphis


It is time that we show those elves the meaning of true pain. It is time for my revenge gainst Gyrfalcon. The first part of my revenge will be the complete and utter destruction of Crystal Falls. Once we are through with it, there will be nothing left but ashes, blood, and bones.


He descends through the levels of his dugeons...passing by cells which hold the long dead, rotting bodies of forgotten enemies


After he descends several floors of the dungeon, he arrives at Terrorizer's chamber


Terrorizer's chamber has many riches gathered in it, as dragons like collecting them, and there are several skeletons strewn about


Terrorizer....You are to destroy Crystal Falls. Completely annihilate every last elf. Burn their town to the ground. Leave nothing but ashes and the charred remains of the elves. Of course you can keep any shiny objects you find...

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Quickly boring with standing at attention at the cave door, Nemphis glides smoothly forward beside Sinistro. Fixing the dragon with a cold stare, he freezes for a long moment. Then in a flurry of feathers and uncoiling muscle, he lunges at the relaxing dragon, pulling up only at the last second to lightly cuff the dragon's muzzle with a laugh.


"Did you hear that, boy?"


His quicksilver voice rebounds through the cavern like a crazed insect. "Did you? Huh? Did you? Do you want some elves?" Nemphis is scratching Terrorizer's nose animatedly now, by turns quickly raking his fingernails across the scales and throwing quick jabs at the bone. He fishes in a hip pouch and pulls out a severed, rotting hand. He tosses it to the dragon. "Of course you do! Pretty boy, good boyyy! You want some more? Do you? Huh? Do you? Yes you do! Yesyesyes!" Nemphis stops dead in his tracks and looks down his nose at Terrorizer as if contemplating squashing an ant. "Then go. Chew their meat. Splinter their bones. Drink the blood of every last motherless bastard in that village.







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Deep in the wilds of the black forest, at the base of thunder mountain, there is a crystalline lake, filled with the pure waters that fall from the cliffs high above. The crystal waters of the lake are so bright and clear it is said that if you row to the center of the lake and concentrate long enough, you can see all the way to the bottom. It is in this pure and untouched land that a band of Elves have made their home, in a village they call Crystal Falls.


The main part of the village is on the lake next to the falls. Intermixed with the emerald trees and salt and pepper granite boulders are stables, stores, a small Inn, Smiths, and a few peirs where the mountain folk and a few others willing to make the long trek come from the other side of the lake to trade. The rest of the village is little more than a wide area of treehouses with a central clearing, where a natural fountain bubbles up from the rocks.


Crystal Falls is always full of the happy bustle of full and productive lives. This particular morning the laughter of the elven children fills the air, with the help of a flute and drums playing from a nearby tree house. Nod, One if the village Elders, was entertaining a group of the younger children with a story.


"And then, Sir Goodwin saved the princess, and that's the end of the story," said Nod.


"Oooh!" said the children in unison, except for one curious little youngster. "What happened after that?" asked the one curious youngster.


"Well," said Nod with a bright smile, "They lived happily ever after."


"What does that mean?" persisted the youth. "I mean, it seems kind of silly for Sir Goodwin to go through all that effort and pain, just to meet some girl, and then it seems odd that all of a sudden nothing dangerous happens to him anymore. Is she like a lucky charm or something? Is that why he fought so hard for her?"


"Hehehe, well, sort of. You see, young men are very attracted to young women, and they very often desire to share their lives with one, so it becomes very important to find the right women. When that happens, it is a very lucky thing."


"But why are young men attracted to young women, and how does that change the world?" The curious ladd looked dubiously at a little girl next to him, who gave him a little smile, which he met with a raised eyebrow. "I just don't see it," he said, looking back at Nod.


"Hohoho," laughed Nod. "When girls and boys get older, they turn into young men & women, which you haven't yet. But when you do, you'll know what is so special about the right woman"


"I don't see what's so special about women period!" said the youngster.


"Heh heh heh. Oh my child, the things you will miss if you are not careful. You see..." Nod stopped, his hands in front of his chest, his head cocked to one side as if listening intently.


The children, noticing his rapt attention, were silent. He had held the pose for a long moment when suddenly the sunlight from the windows grew dark, as the village fell under a tremendous shadow. Nod jumped to his feet to call the alarm, but it was too late.


Nod, the treehouse, and the children all exploded in a shower of flaming splinters at the force of a tremendous fireball from the sky. A hurricane force whirlwind followed, and more fireballs, striking the village in rapid succession. Panic ensued, and was quickly quelled under the lethal barrage of fireballs and high winds. When the forest was totally ablaze, the tremendous shape that was blocking the sun descended, and walked the hellish ground that seconds before was the center of a carefree happy existance, and now was a land of glowing coals and roaring flame. In several long heavy strides the Dragon finished his eradication of the village, the shops and peirs, and even blasted the crystal falls themselves for good measure.


Satisfied, Terrorizor took to the winds, looking forward to his reward for a job well done.

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"Cut! Right! Nice going guys! Keep it up like this and would should have a brilliant film in no time!"

O.K., time for the next scene...


-Scene 2: The Encounter (or nuddie scene)

-Actors needed: Racouol (Gyrfalcon), Immortalis (Bardis), Cheyenne (Elemestra).

-Scenario: Gyrfalcon and his faithfull ally Bardis are on their way towards the beautifull city of Crystal Falls. They are traveling through the lush, gourgeous wilderness of Terra, having a happy conversation. Bardis is in a particularly good mood, as Crystal Falls is one of his favorite villages. The adventurers spot a clearing in the wilderness with a waterfall and decide to take a little break and bath in the crystal clear water. Bardis arrives to the clearing before Gyrfalcon and through the foilage spots a beautifull woman bathing there (to his delight, of course). When Gyrfalcon arrives, Bardis tells him to look towards the pool. Gyrfalcon looks and see's nothing. Surprised, Bardis also looks again to find that the woman has disappeared. He then turns around only to see an angry Elemestra (the woman) behind him with a hand charged with energy pointed at him. Elemestra is furious, and threatens to kill Bardis for what he just saw. Gyrfalcon calms her down, assuring her that his friend meant no harm and that it was an accident. Gyrfalcon also notices she has power, and finds that she is headed towards Crystal Falls as well. After relaxing a bit, Elemestra reluctantly decides to travel with the two adventurers. They head off towards Crystal Falls together. End scene.


This movies great so far! It can only get better... I'm counting on you guys.


Alright, lets roll'em!

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Archivers note: at this point in the film, there was a great deal of confusion as Immortalis quit his role as Bardis due to lack of time. The position of Bardis was taken by Lumpenproletariat, and the scene was redone from the top. Archived here is the finished take of the scene.


Those who wish to view the unsuccessfull takes can view them here: arch17.magewar.com/ubb/Fo...106-2.html

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Slipping off the last of the restricting clothing, Elemestra gingerly steps into the crystal blue water. Never had anything felt so good as to wash off the dirt and grime of daily drudgery. Diving under the water, playfully kicking droplets of water into the air, She laughs. It has been such a great day! Singing softly under her breath, she starts to lather her body with the fragrant soap that she conjured just special. Gliding under the waterfall to rinse off, totally at peace with herself and nature. As she was now clean she knew she should get out and get on with things but this day had to last a couple moments longer. Decideing to stay awhile, Elemestra lazily starts swimming around, daydreaming of love.

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"You will love Crystal Falls Gyrfalcon."

Staring at the lush green wilderness, and the crisp blue sky, Bardis realised that it was good to be alive, and to be heading to Crystal Falls aswell? Brilliant.

"Bardis, continue on, I need to get out some provisions, why I could eat a whole wild tusked Boar."

"Indeed I shall Gyrfalcon."

The crunches and snaps of twigs and dirt from underneath Bardis' footing, soon ceased, and Bardis found himself looking into a wide, and very grassy, clearing.

"Wow." Bardis pondered silently. "Can this day be any better?"

Noticing a crystalline blue lake to his left, Bardis decides to settle under a large tree near the lake. While walking to the tree, Bardis notices a stunning and elegant woman swimming in the water. He quickly ducks and waits for Gyrfalcon.

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Gyrfalcon, with a backpack full of provisions, walked down the trail while cursing the shop keeper for trying to cheat him. He then noticed Bardis staring off into the distance. "Bardis, what is it that you are looking at."

Bardis turned around and put one finger on his lips trying to tell Gyrfalcon to be quiet while waving him to come closer. Gyrfalcon cautiously creeped forward not sure what was going on. Bardis then pointed at the lake. Gyrfalcon cautiously looked only to see nothing.

Gyrfalcon stood up and said, "Ok my friend, I think you might need some serious help."

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"Pardon me?"

Bardis redirected his gaze back to the lake, and was shocked to see absolutely nothing at all.

"But she was stunning." Bardis continued.

"Who was?"

"A lady, I don't know who she was. Elegant and slender, perfect in every aspect Gyrfalcon." Said Bardis

While Gyrfalcon was still trying to catch a glimpse of the eledged beauty, Bardis slumped down and put his head between his knees. "She was there, she really was."


" Excuse me"

Bardis looked up. "Oh sh*t." He managed to utter as he stared at a very, enraged woman.

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Standing just a few feet away, full of indignation and anger, Esmeralda sneers "I hope you enjoyed that sight. It'll be the last you'll ever see!"


With those words she starts to chant. Low and unintelligible the words seems, yet a very powerful magical force could be felt radiating from the womans body. An arc of blue fire shoots out from the woman's hand to hit Bardis square in the forhead. At first he only seems dazed but when he opened his eyes he indeed realized he could not see!


Turning her attention to the other man, she once again prepares for battle, sensing that he would not like what she had done to his friend. Deciding to try and reason with the man first however, she speaks "Well? what is it you two want, and why did He disturb my bathing, what kind of a gentleman is that?!I do not demand answers but should you not want to end up like your companion, you should leave." With that speach made, Esmerelda turns to walk away.....

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Bardis took his best guess at where Gyrfalcon was likely to be, and aimed his speech there.

"Stop her Gyrflacon, I can't stay blind."

"Uhh, listen, I feel that I must apologise." Gyrfalcon started saying "he just gets like that sometimes, I'm sure he didn't intend any harm."

The face on Elemestra gave away nothing to Gyrfalcon, and Bardis tried his luck at another statement in his defence. "I had no intention to do anything wrong, it's just that you are so beautiful, I wasn't sure that you were human, not just another Nymph."

Gyrfalcon looked apologeticaly at Bardis, as he was talking to a tree. He ran over and whispered in Bardis' ear: "Turn around Bardis, you're talking to a tree."

"I heard him just fine." Said a now clothed Elemestra.

"If you open your your eyes, you find that you are now able to see, what was it? Bardis." Elemestra continued, " and you are Gyrfalcon I take it?"

"Yes, yes I am." Gyrfalcon replied.

Gyrfalcon suddenly had a great idea. "Say, Elemestra, would you like to accompany us to Crystal Falls, we are going there to relax, and you appear to have no particular agenda......."


"Yes, I will join your party, I need some relaxtion." Replied Elemestra.


The trio walk off and the screen fades.

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O.K, I'm going to try and continue this (how many of you actualy remmember it...?). I just feel it's such a shame, letting this great idea go to waste... But if nobody shows up, it's O.K. Then I'll forget about it.


Scene 3: Desolation

Actors needed: Gyrfalcon (Racouol), Bardis (Lumpenproletariat), Elemestra (Cheyenne).

Scenario: The party of three heads on their way to Crystal Falls. Elemestra thinks that Bardis is a pervert and Bardis is desperatly trying to convince her he is not. As Elemestra laughs at Bardis' attempts (and Bardis becomes more and more agravated) Gyrfalcon stops in his path. As Gyrfalcon stops, so does the laughter. The party looks up only to see billows of smoke rising from Crystal Falls. The party rushes towards Crystal Falls. When they get there, they find it in ruins. The once crystal clear waters now run red with blood. Not a single inhabitant is alive. The different characters have different reactions. Elemestra's is one of disbeleif and Bardis' is one of horror. Gyrfalcon, on the other hand, realises there is a greater evil behind this massacre. He suggests to the party that they should head to the Lost Mountains. The ancient all-knowing Mystic, who lives there, will know whose act of treachery this is... The party agrees, determined for revenge against whoever did this, and they head off to the Lost Mountains, in search of Mystic. End scene.


"Lights, Camera, ACTION!"

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Gyrfalcon walked ahead of Bardis and Elemestra while feverishly massaging his temples as his two companions continued their bickering. He knew that Elemestra had a very good reason for being angry with Bardis but he just wished that the both of them would be quiet. Gyrfalcon then desided to quicken his pace. The Faster they traveled the sooner they would get to Crystal Falls. Gyrfalcon then looked behind him and notice that they have not notice that he had picked up the pace. He then desided that it would be better if he stayed closer to them just in case they started fighting again.

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Walking briskly along, wanting more than anything just to stuff a rat into Bardis' mouth, anything to get him to shut up!


"Really it was an accident...", Bardis was once again mewling.


"Fah! You are nothing more than an overgrown child who cannot take responsibility for himself! If I had my way this would not be a quiet walk through beautiful countryside it would go something more like this...." As Elemestra started to get that mischievious gleam in her eyes Bardis started to truely look worried. Snapping her fingers and throwing some dust into Bardis' face made Elemestra smile even more.


Bardis, unaware that the upper half of himself now resembled a jackass, just blinked and kept on Whining.


"Please Mistress, have a care! It won't happen again, I promise you!


Listening to the Ass talk, Elemestra started to chuckle, then unable to help herself she launched into full blown laughter.


Not understanding why she was laughing, like a true gentleman Bardis reached up and wiped the tear away that was running down her cheek. More surprised than anything else Elemestra, still chuckling, turned back toward Gyrfalcon, just to realize he had stopped.


"What is wrong, Gyrfalcon?", Elemestra called out.


Gyrfalcon just pointed.

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Looking down at himself, Bardis realises he is quite the fool, exercising what little magic he has, he turns himself to his more normal remsemblence, then he looked to what Gyrfalcon was pointing at, he quietly sat down, and just stared.

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Without looking behind him, Gyrfalcon knew that his friend, Bardis, was sitting down. "Get up Bardis" Gyrfalcon barked, "We need to get to Crystal Falls as soon as possible." Gyrfalcon then started Running off to Crystal Falls with Elemestra and Bardis not far behind.


They reached Crystal Falls or atleast what remained of it. The Rivers were now crimson, building now in ruin, Half burned bodies scattered here and there.

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Standing amist the carnage in disbelief and shock, Elemestra looks down to see the bloody stump of a child's arm almost touching her shoes. The fingers seem to reach out in a plea.


"NO! This can't be true! What has happened here?!", silent tears of sorrow run down Elemestr's cheeks. Bending low, picking up the arm and bringing it to the child that it belonged, only to find the body in much worse shape than that of the arm.


At that she just sits down and starts to sob.

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Bardis got up and ran straight into the Crystal Falls. It was a shock, the place of so many happy memories, turned to hell on earth. "I can't bear to take this in." And with that, Bardis ran straight through the little town, and started up the path to the lost mountains, not waiting for either of his companions to catch, he knew one person would now, and one only...


... Gyrfalcon and Elemestra follow his lead. End scene.

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Wyvern applauds)


Good acting! Very dramatic.


O.K, we're going to give our heros a little break now and do another scene with the baddies. P51mus: post if you can. If not, Gyrfalcon himself will temporarily play the lead villain role.


Scene 5: Sinistro's Lair II

Actors needed: P51mus OR Gyrfalcon (Sinistro), Ozymandias (Nemphis).

Scenario: The scene opens with a view of a large mythical chamber. The circular abode rests in the conservatory of Sinistro's lair. The chambers walls are covered in arcane ruins, and what appears to be a small black orb levitates in the center of the room. Sinistro stands in front of the orb. He does an ancient incantation, and black lightning strikes at the orbs center. Sinistro fails the incantation, however, and curses the one known as Mystic who is stopping him from completing it.


Nemphis enters the chamber and tells Sinistro about Gyrfalcon and the others. Sinistro brushes Nemphis off, already knowing these things. He commands Nemphis to set up an ambush at a mountain clearing near Mystic's house, and that none of the adventurers should leave it alive. Nemphis obeys and commences setting up an extremly powerfull ambush for the poor travelers. End scene.


This scene might look long, but it's not really (I just described the setting in the beginning. Lets roll'em!

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