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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

an app of sorts

Guest MrInsecure

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Guest MrInsecure

This writer as im sure you can see is nothing but another ordinary guy, lost in a world full of the strange and unique that i cant really attempt to put into words...but i shall try.


it started out with me walking down a trail on a cool breezy autumn day near the town i grew up in. It truthfully wasnt much of a town, five families to tell the truth, but its what i grew up in so thats what i knew.


After wandering for awhile, i heard a the telltale sign of two other members of our town screaming at each other nearbye. Now everyone in our town knew these two, and could never understand them either. The first of the two was Nalro the shy, truly a case of someone scared out of his wits. Whether it was a curse or not, he was UTTERLY unable to talk to females, they made him nearly break down and cry when he tried to speak to them, needless to say, his lovelife wasnt quite all there.


This arguement like all the others was with a female townsperson named Emmefmizt the layered. Known in counties near and far for the fact she always managed to wear two to three outfits all at ONCE. Needless to say, these two LOATHED each other, unable to agree on anything at all, yet they always managed to run into each other.


Inevitably, there arguements eventually drew in a third member, Lihderep the rude. This loudmouth was far and wide the rudest, crudest man in the area, and his greatest joy was saying the most foul things imaginable. The only possible way to keep him in check was to literally tape his mouth shut, and seeing as how its virtually constantly open, thats a TOUGH chore.


Needless to say, i felt out of place, like always, but thats another story entirely, and even though i tried to make peace (everyone knows how much i loathe war). After a few mins of trying, i went to go fetch the wisest man in the whole township. Muhcej the Wise, known in most circles as simply MrVeteran. The story of what happened when i arrived back at the seen of the fight will be discussed at a later time, along with another one of my bizarre meetings, with Engis the chaste and Rihiawg the nympho.



*ooc yeah its lame, but bite me *

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Brushing the dust off of his tunic and making sure he looks presentable for the Elder of Initiates, Mr. Insecure clenches his application tightly in his left hand and makes his way to the door of the Recruiter's Office in the hopes of being accepted to the Pen. Reaching for the doornob, the nervous applicant's hand hesitates and trembles slightly, and it takes a bit of effort to finally get it to open the door... Insecurities were not always the easiest things to overcome...


Upon entering the office, Mr. Insecure is surprised to find a number of familiar faces waiting in line to show their applications to Wyvern... Lidherep the rude and Noclafyrg the cowardly (a trembling traveler from another town) were patiently waiting in their applicant easy chairs while Rihiawg the nympho was currently having an interview with Wyvern. As Mr. Insecure seats himself in one of the available applicant easy chairs, Lidherep the rude turns to him and rudely exclaims:


"Well, well, well!!! If it isn't Reyalsnik a.k.a Mr. Insecure, waiting to apply to the Pen is Mightier than the Sword! Hahahaaaa... Didn't know you had the guts, Nik. Long time no see! How much ya wanna wager my application piece is better than yours, eh?!!!"


Mr. Insecure sighs and shakes his head...


"Lidherep... can't you ever be quiet...?"


The conversation between the two aquainted applicants is suddenly interrupted, however, as the sound of a slap is heard and Rihiawg the nympho departs from her interview with Wyvern in a fury... She had found the overgrown lizard's extensive "terms of acceptance for nymphos (or 101 ways to massage a lizard)" outrageously unacceptable...


Noticing Rihiawg departing from the office on such a furious note, Noclafyrg the cowardly goes into a state of panic. Not wanting to face whatever it was that provoked Rihiawg's rage, the cowardly applicant quickly searches for the nearest exit and jumps out of the window just as Wyvern is about to call on him...


Upon seeing this, Wyv sighs and decides to call on the next applicant, Lidherep the rude. Mr. Insecure watches as Lidherep chats with the Elder of Initiates for a few moments, and then observes Lidherep cussing loudly as he leaves the office with a "rejected" application...


Finally, Mr. Insecure's turn is called... The uneasy applicant musters all of his courage and heads over to Wyvern's desk, handing the overgrown lizard his application and twiddeling his fingers nervously. The greedy lizard reads over his application once or twice, and then cheerfully stamps it "ACCEPTED".




OOC: An ACCEPTED application, Mr. Insecure... welcome to the Mighty Pen! Be sure to supply your password here or mail it to me at elitwack90@hotmail.com so that I can send you the password info and such...

Edited by: Wyvern00  at: 11/16/02 11:58:15 pm

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Guest lumpenproletariat

*lumpen watches Nrevyw the great Ancient Dragon fly around one of the spires of the Might Pen Keep and eventually settle down to sleep on a large pile of gold and other riches


OOC: etc etc :P

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