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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

An Aplication Poem

Guest Fire Walker

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Guest Fire Walker

I made this up as I went along...

If you want to see some of my previous work, just whistle.

I can be contacted at mad_20002@yahoo.com


There is a great Wyvern,

Greatest one of them all!

He wants to get rich,

Because his fortune is small.


He takes many bribes,

To get lots of money.

Who cares how he wastes it,

But he very funny.


And then it happened one day,

A young man approached him.

He wanted to sign up for The Pen,

And then be welcomed in.


The dragon was stubborn,

"This is completely absurd!

Why should <i>I</i> let you in,

You big ugly [censored]?"


The man was surprised,

Shocked, but undaunted.

It was quite a new feeling,

It is strange being unwanted.


This young man is ambitious,

He has wonderful hopes.

He could become good,

If he learned the ropes.

Edited by: Fire Walker at: 6/12/02 11:06:36 am

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Fire Walker sits in an applicant easy chair that rests adjacent to the Recruitment desk as Wyvern thoughtfully strokes his scaly chin while reading over the walker's poem. The eager applicant snickers silently to himself as he notices an enormous grin slowly spreading over Wyvern's face. Melba, the Almost Secretary of Initiates, had spoken true when she had mentioned that "the key to an overgrown lizard's heart lies in his ego"... The application poem certainly seemed to be working it's charm...


After having finished reading Fire Walker's poem, Wyvern turns to the applicant and gleefully hisses:


"Good poem Fire Walker, particularly the pieces about how great a wyvern I am!"


With that, Wyvern lets out a highly egotistical laugh and Fire Walker manages to force himself to laugh along with him. After the incredibly self-centered lizard has finished his gale of laughter, he turns to the hopefull applicant and says:


"You're also obviously a creature of the flames, which I can certainly relate to... thus I'd be willing to accept your application if you pass a short series of rigorous tests."


Fire Walker's smile quickly fades.


"Rigorous tests...?"


Wyvern grins sinisterly and takes a long swig from his Decanter of Endless Booze, afterwards muttering:


"Yes, just a few tests to prove that you truly are a Fire Walker. It's simple really... all you have to do is walk over several miles of burning charcoal, take a swim in a volano's molten lava, cram yourself into an oven for a couple of hours, and breakdance to the Doors song "Light my Fire"."


Fire Walker's mouth drops open as Wyvern props his feet up onto his desktop and wips out a huge bag of popcorn, waiting for the applicant to perform the tasks he had mentioned. Wyvern's anticipation of the events is shortlived, however, as an angered Melba quickly appears behind the overgrown lizard weilding an enormous mallet. The overgrown lizard gulps, then sighs as he stamps Fire Walker's application "ACCEPTED".



OOC: A funny poem, Fire Walker, and an ACCEPTED application. Welcome to the Mighty Pen, I'll send you the password info immediatly.






Almost a Dragon...

"My life is one big crime, I try to scheme through it." -Common, "The 6th Sense"


Owner of the Decanter of Endless Booze.

Edited by: Wyvern00  at: 6/18/02 6:17:40 pm

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Guest Fire Walker


That was pretty funny!

It was worth the wait!

Oh, and thanks!


You spelled vol cano wrong.

Edited by: Fire Walker at: 6/19/02 6:42:45 am

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Actually if he gave us all the letters, he told us he'd have to start charging more for his 'services', so we've agreed to do without.



Ancient, The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.


Bard of Terra, Patron Saint of Aspiring Bards.


Elder than dirt, more foolish than a jester, able to trip over the smallest logic in a single step. It's... Oh, you know.

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Heeheehee... I think a better excuse would be that I used the mispelling as an appropriate counter to the title of this thread, which should be spelled "A pplication". An eye for an eye, they say... ;p


With that, Wyvern winks to Fire Walker, lets out a lazy hiss, and gets back to slacking off at his desk...

Edited by: Wyvern00  at: 6/20/02 11:17:46 pm

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Cool! Being in the subject line, according to the fine print in our contract, we can take the extra letter and put it in out letter bank for future drafts. Now, where is that administrator?


Thanks Wyv, I didn't even see that! Sometimes I think your reputation of greed and self-centeredness is just another nasty rumor.


But then again...





Ancient, The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.


Bard of Terra, Patron Saint of Aspiring Bards.


Elder than dirt, more foolish than a jester, able to trip over the smallest logic in a single step. It's... Oh, you know.

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