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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Black Inquisition


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Quick history lesson: It's been some time since I wrote poetry. Longer still since I've contributed to this board. However, I just recently finished a very long and thorough D&D campaign, and henceforth began work on a new one.


My new campaign is entitled "The Black Inquisition", and will undoubtedly feature scores of poetry and prose.


In any case, my explanation is becoming longer than my poem. What I'm getting to is that I will begin to post work with similar titles and themes, as most of it will be spawned from the sessions I have or prepare for.


This first poem has no real title. It's a quote from a main character. When you read it, read it slowly, and try not to fit the rhyme scheme or beats. It's spoken by a not-good person, and shouldn't sound like a poem to the listeners.


It's short, but enjoy.


The Black Inquisition


Eventually, all things will succumb to death.

The flesh rots and falls from the bone.

All things, in the end, fade to dust.


When blood is spilled on virgin land,

And the soul is allowed to fade alone,

It is tragic, lamentable, but not unjust.


For even Lords of men shall draw final breath,

Whether reaped by time or mortal hand.


For none are spared this iniquity.



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hmm, seems fitting for like a pronologe or something...


Under winter's spell the land lay still in slumber... Evil dude, looked out from starry heights ... fill, yadda, insert poem...


No really, it's quite good. Nice illustration of death as the ultimate equlizer...




the dreamlost

"can't talk to a phsyco, like a normal human being" (poe/the singer)

the dream continues...

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I get the feeling of an explanation for a war, particualrly with the lines about whether by time or mortal hands. Very interesting, sort of like an inspiration for a character, rather than a speech by one. Good luck on your compaign and, more inportantly, welcome back!

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