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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Guest Xradion

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Guest Xradion

I fly through the sky

Like Icarus, my wax wings

Melting in the morning light.


I land like Lucifer

In the deepest depths

Of the sea.


I have caused my own

Downfall, for I am

The morning star,

Cast down like a comet

From the heavens.


I’m caught up in a

Perpetual apocalypse,

As I watch Christ crucified

Over and over by

His own people.


Cain kills Able

A million times

Babylon falls,


The weak inherit the earth,

And the foolish believe It

To be the end.


I am not a believer of prophesies,

Yet I see them fulfilled

All around me.


Over and over again

The wheels of the machine



Trapped in celestial cycles

Like bikes going against traffic

And watching everyone crash

In burning blazes to try to

Avoid them.


Are we doomed to repeat

Our past mistakes?

Is history

The study of the



As the coin is tossed

Into the air, heads

And tails become indistinguishable

From one another.


And I pray for the

Minute flicker of probability

That the coin lands on edge.





The Horny Druid,

Scholar of the Ancient Arts,

Holder of the Eye of Odin.


"The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream."

-Wallace Stevens


"When at home, do as the Homans do." –Xradion

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And the Wheel turns, and Ages come and go...

In an age that once was, and will be once again,

called the Third Age by some, a wind blew from the mountains...


that wind was not the beginning,

for the Wheel had neither beginnings nor endings,

but it was a beginning...


Heh, Robert Jordan delivered from my memories, which means its off.


But your poem brought how he always starts his books to my mind- a single being watch the world spin through the ages, watching humanity repeat its mistakes over and over, and hoping, straining for a single age where humanity will break free of its pattern and do something...





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If you'll beg pardon while I quote myself-


"we claim we learn from our mistakes

But we still let the same venom come

And say there were different snakes"


Or some such thing like that (Sorry, its a bit early for me) Very invoking of the backgrounds with the names as well as their purpose, such as the flight for freedom of Icarus and the greed in the story of Cain and Able. Very nice.


WoT Rules! Even though we would like to actually have a finished series, and a non-cliffhanger book... Ah well, such is life

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