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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


Guest andrea hawk

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Guest andrea hawk

I have a little Monkey.

He's kind of chunky.

And really funky.

And hunky.

His name is Monkey

He's always really spunky.

And sometimes a little punky.

I have a little Monkey.

And Monkey is my cat!


That made my bank account go negative $53.70

Darn Monkey.


Didn't you all miss me?

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*raises an eyebrow* Welcome back, m'dear. I recognized your signature saying from the title...and why on god's green earth would you spend that much on a CAT? *shrugs*


By the way, are you going to be at the Marine Corps Ball? I'm going with Rachel Garner, so I might see ya there and if Matt's not feeling all Matt-y, then I might chat with you for a while, a lot's happened. If I don't see ya there,then message me, I accidentally deleted your name off of my list.


Welcome back, by the way, and nice little ryme.


Cioden Darkeye<BR>


<img src="http://home.earthlink.net/~gyrfalcon/images/SilverSig.jpg">Quill-Bearer - The Pen is Mightier than the SwordOwner of the Reply Raven - Enemy to all those who never post responses

"Oh my God, I'm LEAKING POETRY!"

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Peredhil hugs the errant Andrea.


Welcome back. you were missed indeed. Only you look at the world, and write about it from your perspective.


In a Guild of writing, every voice is missed when it falls silent.




I like your works. Usually fresh, honest and from the heart.




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