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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

First Day


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“Why me?” was where Vasco was at. He was no longer sick, for that was when reality had donned on him, and it wasn’t terror, for that had been in the town. Now it was simply “why me?”


Finding some hidden store of energy within himself he added an extra burst of speed to his run. He gave a brief glance backward and swore at what he saw. It had to be at least fifteen maybe twenty men, all chasing him. Vasco tightened his grip on his sword as he nearly stumbled over a rock he was too busy looking backwards to see. He hardly even knew how to use the stupid ting, but he was sure to be worse off without it. He was also sure he heard snickering from his pursuit.


        Then Vasco heard something he didn’t expect, a loud thud. Unable to resist his curiosity he turned to face the crowd chasing him once again. Vasco was just in time to see the blur of a man in red doing what appeared to be a dance involving a silver streak right through the gang of soldiers pursuing him. The man skidded to a halt a pace away from Vasco, kicking up a considerable amount of dust in the process. For a split second the man looked at him with such intensity that Vasco hunched down in his light armor. Then the man simply said, “Hold, this will only take a second.” and dashed back at the stunned crowd of warriors.


        Vasco was dazed at what he had just seen. The man had looked no more than twenty, and had an incredibly fair complexion. He was even paler for the dark long hair that he wore loose about his head. He was obviously on Vasco’s side, but he wasn’t an Imperial, for he was wearing a long crimson robe, belted with a gold cord at the waist, and gold fabric lining the collar of the top. What was really amazing though was the fact that the robe was open at the top like a vest, and underneath, he wore what looked like a gold silk shirt. That meant he had no armor whatsoever, which even Vasco knew was unspeakable on the battlefield. The man’s sword was similar to Vasco’s, only thinner and slightly longer. It had fancy ruins running up it length too, which was completely unlike Vasco’s plain Imperial issue blade.


        Vasco came out of his shock in time to see the man finishing the last two of the fighters. The fighter with the spear made a thrust at the man in crimson from the side, but the guy just bent backward enough to where the curve of his back avoided the spear. He then snapped straight throwing the spear wielder off balance, and then with a blinding speed leapt and slashed across the spearman’s chest. The spearman dropped the spear, clutched at where the sword had moved, and fell over. Vasco’s savoir didn’t stop there however; he kept his stroke and body going to meet the leader of the ex-squad who had been charging the strange man in red. They clashed swords, then in a remarkable display of speed and balance; the man in red dropped to one knee and went forward, splitting the captain in two.


        The cloaked man wiped his blade across the fallen captain to keep it clean, then walked back over to Vasco.


        “Come along,” said the man, “We have work to do.” Then the man smiled. “I’ll bet it’s your first day isn’t it?”

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I agree with Peredhil, both on its quality and the need for spell checking. *smiles*


Is it me, or is this set in the Final Fantasy III/VI (depending on whether you count by American or Japanese releases of these games) universe? Or is it just your own making and there happens to be an Empire?

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Hey I reread it aloud, slowly, and spellchecked it with word a number of times, but alas, there is no hope.


It was indeed based on a video game, but on Dynasty Warriors 3, and I was playing as the guy in red...


Saw some poor basic troop guy running from 20 guys, and felt sorry for him, so I saved him. Like always I kept making up storylines for everything and everyone, so I decided to post his.

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