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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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Hi! The Pen is migrating (web address will remain the same) and it might be off-line for a bit. I'm not sure how long it will take, but it WILL be back up as soon as the move is complete. So don't panic!

Not sure exactly when, but once I got everything ready, I'll start the move and it shouldn't be long. But, then again, the idiot in charge of said migration is, well, an idiot and who knows what wonderful new catastrophes he's capable of achieving, because, as previously mentioned, he's an idiot.

I'll let you know when I'm done!

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We are FINALLY switched over. BUT, the idiot in charge has proven his idiocy has absolutely NO bounds and there are a couple of problems he has to get fixed. These problems are behind the scenes and SHOULD not be noticeable on the site!

*Snypiuer, The Keep of the Pen is Mightier then the Sword (aka: The Mighty Pen) and any/all individuals connected, in ANY way, to The Mighty Pen, et al. are in NO way, shape or form responsible for any and all effects, reactions, disasters, difficulties, etc. resulting from said problems, such as, but NOT limited to:

Death, dismemberment, paralysis, dandruff, psoriasis, halitosis, boils, foot fungus, foot mold, foot funk, funk desires and/or needs, achy breaky heart, alien abduction, dimensional displacement, temporal displacement, spatial bilocation, tummy rumble, the vapors, want of mommy, being the subject of "Nanny, nanny, boo, boo", flatulence, under-tallness, over-tallness, irritability, grooveability,  mopishness, adorability, cuteness or lack thereof, grumpiness, goofy foot, flat feet, high arches, you know what . . . ANYTHING foot related, impishness, blurred vision, double vision, second sight, blindness, side eye, O.K., toss in EVERYTHING eye related also, zactly disease, yo mamma-itis, I know you are but what am I-ness, inability to comprehend the concept of Flat Land, swamp butt, deafness, tinnitus, rash, forgetfulness, forgetfulness, posterior expansion, rocking it to the bang-bang boogie say up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beat, spazitis, Devolution, ANYTHING that causes small children to cry/animals to flee/normal human beings to scream, "OH MY, DO NOT MOVE! I'M CALLING 911!!"/old war vets to say, "I've seen worse" and proceed to tell the story thereof/or 'THAT' kid who 'KNOWS STUFF' to tell you to just "Rub dirt on it", attacks by dust bunnies and/or Devil Monkeys, possession of the NimBall(TM), etc.*

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