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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A Message From Peredhil


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I've moved back to the Pen - Myspace is dead, Facebook is too much drama, and so I've come home. With the help of a few others, we've been been rearranging a number of things, applying board and security updates.

Along the way, we discovered that the formatting in many of the older posts has gone. This isn't an issue for most of the works, but is of concern for poetry, where the format is part of the mood and message.

If you have posted a poem or song in the Banquet Hall, and can spare the time, it would be very nice if you could come by the Pen and reformat your works. They'll either be in the Banquet Hall, or under the Vaults of Time, in the Banquet Hall Archives.

If you've forgotten your username, and/or password, please email me at peredhil31@hotmail.com, and let me know. If you have forgotten your username, it would help if you remember the email you used.

I can update emails and passwords for you, if that would help.

I'm currently dedicating two to three hours six days a week to the Pen, and look to be doing so for the foreseeable future.

If you haven't the time to reformat your Poetry, let me know and I'll make my best guesses as to what you intended.



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