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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Elana's Battle Call

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The door swung opened with a clash of hard wood and iron. Elana stood in the opening glaring at those who were gathered around the oak table dominating the room. Her eyes were flaming with anger as they searched out the face of her father. "Damn you old man!" She screamed letting the anger control her tone of voice. "How dare you tell that fool brother of mine he can lead the troops into battle? He can barely lead himself to supper most nights."

Her father turned from the men at the table to face the anger of his daughter, "He shall lead them into battle in the morn. He is the eldest of the family, and shall stand in my stead." his own voice was strong and solid, a feeling that did not fill his heart.


"But father, there must be a way to save him, if you send him into battle not only shall his body return broken but also his spirit." she knew this to be true as well as she knew that it was she whom should lead the men she trained with daily into the coming battle. Only with her at the head of the charge did her father's troops stand a chance of winning.


It was as if he had heard her thoughts when he spoke again, "Young lady you forget your place. You are the lady of this Holding, though I allow you to train it does not mean that you are a warrior." his heart was not in the fight, but he knew with his high ranking troops sitting at the table there was little he could do.


Her anger was over powering, "Train, you say you allow me to train. I think not father, It is I that train your men, the ones you hand over to your foolish son to lead to their deaths in battle." she stormed on into the room, her voice carrying back out through the doorway towards the rest of the Holding house. "Even some of these men have trained under my knowledge," she looked at some of her star pupils one by one, "What say you men? Should Leeland lead the battle cry on the morrow?"


The men looked from her to her father then on to each other not knowing what to say. One man took a deep breath and rose to his feet. Turning to men he thought of as a second father he paused for a moment to ready himself for the response to what he was about to say. In his memory no one had stood against the Lord of Rivers Holding and remained in his employ. "Master Owen, "he paused to steady himself as the golden green eyes turned from the beautiful raven haired woman near the door to feel as if they were cutting through him. "I fear your daughter is right, and this time I will stand behind her. If you send us into battle behind Leeland I shall not fight." he looked around at the men gathered around the table, "Who here has the courage to stand with me?"


Master Owen swung his gaze to each man sitting at the table, his heart half hoping they had the courage to stand against him on this one. His voice was calm and strong when he spoke, "If anyone here shall stand at her side, then I shall step back and allow her to lead the army.”

Edited by Luna Silverthorne
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