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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Beginning.

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Long, long, long before even the long, long, long forgotten ancient times, there was the Parame. For an infinite moment the Parame was All, sleeping a vast trackless sleep. But then the Parame came to dream, and dreaming, came to the vast emptiness of it's own lucidity, immediately to realize there was no 'other'.


In it's perception, it created the Void. The Parame and the Void danced the dance of Love, creating Time. The Parame, now slumbering in it's lucid dream-dance with the Void, peacefully floated down the river of time, and dreamed of many things, which began to imagine and fill all the cosmos and it's many shades.


The cosmos and it's many shades were infinitely various and dynamic, springing eternal from the Parame, but the Void was always unsatisfied. Unlike Parame, the void knew only of 'other', inherently lacking the Self of the Parame, so desperately sought to continually fill it's Being, but though there was action and form, all was chaos.


The Parame, in mirror awareness, shared the Void's realization, and so concentrated it's dreams into One, creating yet another, the Demi-Urge.


The Demi-Urge sought to express and experience the source of the universe in unending achingly beautiful emotion from Parame to Void, thus filling the Void with Being, and sharing the boundless Being of the Parame.The Demi-Urge was One but manifest itself into a coherent many, always dancing the Love-dance of the Void/Parame, each manifestation an aspect of the desire and awareness for the fulfillment of Being, sharing the Parame's unending dreamtime, fulfilling the Void's insatiable need, Being that Creation, flowing with the deep, deep waters of Time.


And the demi-urge took to happily playing many games with it's new found power and freedom, though of particular interest to us was the corner of one particular galaxy in one particular shade in one particular system on one particular planet, where the demi-urge manifested as seven gods; Nature, Sun, Moon, Magic, Science, Satan, and Lucifer...

Edited by The Portrait of Zool
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