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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

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Gwaihir ambles in. He's cleaner than usual and looks as though he may have washed up lately, but he is more inkstained than usual. He is holding a book in one hand and has a paper stuck in his hair. "Hello, Pen! Sorry that I've been so quiet lately. I tried to practice only coming into public when I was neat and proper, but it's not done much for my social life. I did remember to wash my face yesterday though, so maybe I'm improving?


Either way, I hope you'll forgive my coming. I have news that excites me. Another half-elf I know is publishing a book of poetry, Advice Column. She's published other stuff before but nothing as cool (or impractical) as poetry. If anyone likes good sonnets or blank verse, you might be interested.


Just in case, I'll include a couple links to her published poetry here. Also, I'll include a couple sneak preview poems in The Muse and Quill Cafe (For safety's sake, my apologies to those who can't read it. PM or Email me if you would like information but can't see there.)


Here, in Wild Goose Review, the poem "Palm Trees" by Kathryn Jacobs is about half way down: http://www.wildgoosepoetryreview.com/files...ng_08_issue.pdf.


Also, on a completely different note, here is my favorite of her really silly poems: "'TWEETING' WITH THE PHOENIX MARTIAN"

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Wyvern barges into the Cabaret Room and raises a claw to Gwaihir in greeting, flashing a grin full of razor-sharp teeth and carrying what appears to be a pile of drippy black goop in his claws. He hands the Almost Dragonic Brand Extra-Messy Clotted Mudpie™ to Gwaihir as a Cabaret welcoming gift, ignoring the verdant elf's timid objections as the messy substance drips all over his hands and clothes. Wyvern examines the half-elven documents that Gwaihir has set around the Cabaret tables, then nods in an excited manner and begins flapping his wings back and forth in spite of himself.


"Oooo, sssounds exciting. Y'know one o' my troglyodyte newsss crew told me 'bout this piece of newsss, and I sorta got to scribbling myself." Wyvern lifts his tail stinger and plucks a crumpled sheet of paper from it, smudging it with whatever Clotted Mudpie remains on his claws. "After all, if the Phoenix Martian'sss really are coming, I figure I need a proper Pen greeting for'em!"


Gwaihir frowns slightly and hesitates, then sighs to himself and stares down at Wyvern's sheet.


"Tweaking" the Phoenix Martian (With Almost Dragonic Brand Products)

by Wyvern Q. Almostdragon


For Phoenix Martian Lander to be awesome

Phoenix Martian Lander should hop on board.

Abandon all that red-brown Martian nothing!

Almost Dragonic Brand Martian Lander Phoenix Warb™!


Our new-made Martian Warb's fixed in Phoenix glitter,

only flamable when newbie matches' chose.

But fear not, for here to quell your jitters:

Almost Dragonic Brand Martian Lander Dousing Hose™!


If A.D.B.M.L.D™’s a little tiring,

what with the booze feed and all that other gloop,

you can always consider the other option --

Almost Dragonic Brand Martian Soup™!


"Ssssimilarities to '"Tweeting" With the Phoenix Martian' by Kathryn Jacobs are purely coincidental." Wyvern clears his throat, then examines Gwaihir's face, trying to read his blank expression. "Sssssso... ya think the Martian'll buy it?"




OOC: Nice news indeed Gwaihir, sounds exciting. :) I really like her "Palm Trees" poem.

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