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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

A mystery of Steel and Earth


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A large tree blocks the road. The tree has evidently been growing there for some time, because it towers nearly 100 metres to the top, but also obviously hasn't, as I walked this road only yesterday. I cast a spell to dispel any illusion, but when I look again, the tree still stands solidly in the middle of the road. Being a somewhat inquisitive person, I examine the tree more closely. The bark has a different texture to that of the trees lining the road, the leaves are an odd hexagonal shape, and all sections of the tree are in twos. The trunk is split in two, each of the two sections of the trunk has two limbs reaching out from it, each of those limbs has two boughs branching out, and so on, until it reaches the leaves. Having now examined the curious tree to some extent, I decide that I should probably climb the tree, as I cannot see the top through the somewhat thick foliage.

When I grasp a section of the tree, in order to climb, there is an awful shriek, as if the earth itself were in pain. Then, several of the hexagonal leaves fall from their branches, and sail down towards me. I soon discover that they are quite sharp, as I suffer a nasty cut to my hand. I immediately jump out of the tree.

This time, I decide to analyze the magical nature of the tree. To my surprise, I find no arcane residues whatsoever surrounding the tree, other than those which would be found around a well-crafted suit of armour. There is no magic involved, but metalwork has surely been practiced here. How is this possible? I come to a decision, and knock on the tree as if it were a door. It feels metallic under my fist. I wait a few minutes for some result, but nothing more happens.

I come to another decision, and return to the town I currently reside in, seeking a Ranger, druid, or possibly a cleric for a second opinion. Unfortunately, this town happens to be rather lacking in magic, and I soon discover that there's not a single magic-user wielding a different type of magic in residence. I also soon discover that all roads out of here are blocked in the same treelike manner. Very puzzled, I- I suddenly notice the incredible sunset. I've never seen a sunset where all the clouds are covered in indescribably beautiful patterns of so many colours, and the brilliant sight is so wondrous it's - No! I tear my gaze from the wondrous sight, angry now. They tried to hypnotize me? Whoever it was, they'll pay for this! I realize that I have no choice but to get into a place where I'll no longer see this amazing- I cut that thought off, and run into my home. I magically force myself to sleep...

When I wake up, I find myself in a completely different place. Here there is a nasty tang to the air, and every breath feels as though I'm being awfully poisoned. I whisper a few words to cleanse some of the air I need. Then, I look around to see that I'm in a factory of some kind. The townspeople are all around me, pounding at metal with hammers, making parts in a production line. I see the end result: More of the "trees" are being made. Here, their roots are raised above the ground, so they must not be permanent yet. With this realization, anger returns. How dare they enslave all these people? Not all technology is evil, but this certainly is! I decide to put a stop to this. I shout out, "You're all slaves to hypnotism! Fight it with all your willpower!". Now I begin to feel fear, as all the workers turn at once, and charge at me...

They stop, forced to a halt by a glowing barrier of my own making.


(To be continued)

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I try to use my magical barrier to push my way through the lines of slaves, but whenever one is knocked aside, they just move into a new blocking position. I add a minor pulse of lightning, but the shock is not enough to stop them reforming their lines again and again. A new idea seems to be forming in my mind, but if I think about it, the idea merely moves further away. I decide to keep pushing, and let the idea come in its own time.

As I continue pushing through the mob, I hear a strange sound. It seems to be some sort of growl, but somehow different to any creature I have ever seen. Then, I see the source. A large steel cart is moving at an amazing rate (and without a horse!) toward the mob. It screeches to a halt just before the first enslaved townsperson, and the doors open. Out jump two people, bearing the thunderweapons known to be deadly artifacts of Science. They open fire with the incredibly loud weapons, and hundreds of metal pieces bounce off my magical shield. Several townsfollk are riddled with holes from the rebounds, and fall dead upon the ground. This tragic loss of life is not lost on me, and so I endeavor to hold the projectiles still at my shield, but that is so draining... Then the idea which was hiding at the back of my mind comes out. I immediately begin spellcasting, and suddenly a bright light flashes out. I have my eyes closed, and so I am not harmed, but the light banishes the hypnotism of former lights, and is temporarily blinding. In the time the Science-warriors take to recover, I walk over to them and disarm them. The furious townsfolk leap upon them and tear them apart.

I summon a portal to return the people to their town, and as they mournfully drag their dead through, I remain behind. I will find out what is wrong here. I will not let these evil creatures get away with this! I search through the dark, smoke-filled room for some clue, but all I find is more horseless carts and metal "trees". I am just about to leave, but then I step on something which moves... and fall down a trap door.

Dust follows me down a long, winding tunnel as I slide. Evidently, this trap door has not been used for a long time. I prepare a shield to stop myself from being killed when I reach the bottom. I pass several side-passages as I go down, down, down, for several minutes, until at last I land in a small cave filled by a pond. I climb out of the pond and into a corridor leading to the right.



(To be continued)

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