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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Picture Poems

Guest Phoenix

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Guest Phoenix

hey guys


this is an idea i've been playing with for a while - i wanted to do it a few years ago, but i cant draw. the idea is to write a piece for a specific image, or find an image that fits a piece you've (i've) written. its supposed to add to it, or add elements to it, that give more meaning to the poem, while leaving it open to the readers interpretation.

i've got one up on deviant art, here


be interested to hear what people think, and to see other people's if it fires anyones imagination

i'll add more to this thread when i manage them




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hmm, link seems not to working at the moment.


Still, I was assigned couple years ago to select a painting or photograph then write a poem about it. There's a term for it, but I can't remember it. I mistakenly thought it was called Ars Poetica, but apparently that means to write a poem about writing a poem or on poetry in general.


I say go for it. Multi-genre art is awesome! It's not poetry, but the rock band the "The Never" created a graphic novel like storyline to go with their album. The visual artwork is so good that the original paintings tour with band and is shown at local galleries / universities.



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