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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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IRC, Galaxynet, #thepen, all times in GMT.


[22:59] * Zadown calls JRR Tolkien from the grave and sics the desiccated remains on the hapless lawyer

[22:59] [star|idle] braaaainssss

[22:59] [Tzimfemme] Don't make me call Minta.

[22:59] [Zadown] eelllvvessssss

[22:59] [star|idle] or, possibly: hoooobbitssss

[22:59] [star|idle] haha

[22:59] [Zadown] rrrrriiiiiinnngggss off pooowwwwwwweeeeerr

[22:59] * Mardrax sues Tolkien too for abusing scandinavian folklore and language

[22:59] [Zadown] watch it, it bites

[22:59] [star|idle] well, it wasn't just our folklore he abused

[23:00] [Tzimfemme] wait, what'm I doing. . .

[23:00] [star|idle] I think he mixed in more of them there ;p

[23:00] * Tzimfemme unfolds a shovel and starts digging up C. S. Lewis

[23:00] [Tzimfemme] let's make this more interesting

[23:00] [Zadown] haha

[23:00] [star|idle] ok, C.S. Lewis needs to get his ass kicked though

[23:00] [Zadown] do ye think the two would talk about religion?

[23:00] [star|idle] yes!

[23:00] [Tzimfemme] No! I want their necromantic masters to sic 'em on each other

[23:01] [Tzimfemme] in a fight to the second death

[23:01] [Zadown] and they'd just sit down and talk about religion

[23:01] [star|idle] celebrity deathmatch 2006

[23:01] [Tzimfemme] You overestimate the free will of the undead--EXACTLY!

[23:01] [star|idle] the re-animation

[23:01] [Zadown] haha

[23:02] * Mardrax calls in Terry Pratchett

[23:02] [Zadown] Bone Fragmentbath!

[23:02] [Zadown] he is still alive, let's not mix him into it

[23:02] [star|idle] he's still alive, he can be the judge

[23:02] [Zadown] well that works

* Retrieving #thepen modes...

[23:02] [Mardrax] that's why he will be VICTORIUOS :|

[23:02] * Tzimfemme changes topic to '* Zadown calls JRR Tolkien from the grave and sics the desiccated remains on the hapless lawyer [star|idle] celebrity deathmatch 2006: the re-animation'

[23:02] [Mardrax] minus a spelling error 0_o

[23:03] [Zadown] poor Lewis didn't even make it to the topic

[23:03] [Tzimfemme] strictly speaking, he isn't reanimated yet.

[23:03] [Tzimfemme] I'm just digging him up

[23:03] [Morgane] if u do that ask goethe why he did werther to us yes?

[23:03] [Zadown] perhaps his coffin's door leads to Narnia?

[23:03] [Tzimfemme] Oo

[23:04] [Tzimfemme] Morgane: I foresee an industry! Abuse the dead!

[23:04] [Morgane] ooooh cooool

[23:04] * Tzimfemme scrapes against the top of said coffin

[23:04] [Tzimfemme] think we're about to find out

[23:04] [Morgane] we'll make millions!!!

[23:04] [Tzimfemme] Indeed

[23:04] [star|idle] guaranteed

[23:04] [Tzimfemme] When the Archmages take over the world, the black mages will become rich...

[23:05] [Tzimfemme] . . .then the blue mages will cast Wish and bugger it all up

[23:05] * Tzimfemme speaks from experience here

[23:05] [Morgane] i as a blue will provide the needed pretifications for hapless humans

[23:05] * Tzimfemme swaps shovel for pick and pries at the coffin lid

[23:06] * Mardrax casts Serenity on the channel

[23:06] * Morgane remembers wish such an annoying spell and soooo usefull

[23:06] * Morgane giggles

[23:06] * Tzimfemme pries up the planks

[23:06] [Tzimfemme] . . .

[23:06] [Tzimfemme] It leads _somewhere_ alright.

[23:06] * Wrenny has joined #thepen

[23:06] * Q sets mode: +o Wrenny

[23:06] [Morgane] don't tell me

[23:06] * Tzimfemme sticks her torso in the hole

[23:06] * Tzimfemme looks around, re-emerges

[23:06] [Morgane] a dinosaur rat eats the copses

[23:06] [Tzimfemme] It's not Narnia

[23:06] [Morgane] and this is his hole

[23:07] [Mardrax] is there a white rabbit?

[23:07] [Tzimfemme] neither rabbit nor cushions

[23:07] [Mardrax] or floating furniture?

[23:07] [Morgane] give a holler

[23:07] [Morgane] maybe somebody is down there

[23:07] * Tzimfemme puts her face into the grave again

[23:07] [Tzimfemme] YO!

[23:08] [Morgane] nice echo

[23:08] * Tzimfemme pulls herself out again

[23:08] [Tzimfemme] this isn't working

[23:08] * Tzimfemme tries lowering herself in feet-first

[23:08] [Morgane] maybe we slithered into jules vernes journey to the center of the earth

[23:08] [star|idle] at the risk of sleeping on the couch tonight...

[23:08] * Star|idle kicks Tzimfemme into the hole

[23:08] [Zadown] just couldn't resist? -_-;

[23:09] * Morgane muffles a giggle

[23:09] [star|idle] indeed

[23:09] * Tzimfemme 's last visible part is her hand, expressing her opinion of Star

[23:09] [star|idle] :D

[23:09] * Tzimfemme *splash*

[23:09] [Morgane] ahhh the joys of butt kicking

[23:09] [star|idle] splash?

[23:09] [star|idle] coffins don't go splash.

[23:09] * Tzimfemme *gurgle*

[23:09] [Zadown] depends what's inside

[23:09] * Morgane sidles to the hole and casts a light spell

[23:09] [star|idle] wasn't there supposed to be a coffin down there? ;P

[23:09] [Morgane] uhm she's drowning i fear

[23:10] * Mardrax wonder why tzim went down with a thumbs up

[23:10] [Zadown] alas, poor Tzimfemme, I knew her well

[23:10] [Morgane] i think the waters a live too

[23:10] [star|idle] Minta will be happy to hear that, another zombie!

[23:10] * Star|idle throws down a rope

[23:10] * Tzimfemme (Fat lot of help you all are. Bastards!)

[23:10] * Morgane lies down and tried to grab tzim

[23:10] [star|idle] ...but maybe not today

[23:10] * Mardrax tosses some scuba gear into the hole, and a tattered white flag on a stick

[23:10] [Morgane] oy common take my haand

[23:10] * Tzimfemme *gurgle gurgle ?*

[23:11] * Tzimfemme puts on scuba gear

[23:11] [Morgane] oh dear

[23:11] * Star|idle rescues the white flag and plants it near him at the edge of the hole

[23:11] * Tzimfemme *bubble bubble*

[23:11] * Morgane throws tzim a water tight lamp

[23:11] * Tzimfemme (light under the liquid, moving west)

[23:11] * Mardrax throws tzim a water tight camera

[23:12] * Tzimfemme walks out of the liquid, along the bottom

[23:12] [Morgane] i hope there's no kraken down there

[23:12] [star|idle] Look at it this way.

[23:12] [star|idle] If there is, we're all in trouble.

[23:12] * Tzimfemme shouts in the empty space

[23:12] [Morgane] that's why i hope there isn't

[23:12] [Tzimfemme] Yo?

[23:12] [Mardrax] some shout that ;)

[23:12] [Tzimfemme] Hello? (Hello. Hello. . . Hello . . .)

[23:13] [Morgane] oh well

[23:13] * Morgane shrugs and casts a fly spell and gently flies down to tzim

[23:13] * Tzimfemme scratches her head, encounters scuba gear

[23:13] * Tzimfemme removes and stares at gear

[23:13] * Mardrax walks some distance into the back of the channel, and pulls the carpet back a few feet

[23:13] [star|idle] is there a clothes cabinet down there that leads to a magical kingdom? if not, you may be in the wrong grave

[23:13] [Tzimfemme] oh, hello lady

[23:13] * Mardrax opens the basement hatch

[23:13] [Tzimfemme] where are we?

[23:13] [Morgane] hey Tzim

[23:13] [Tzimfemme] and what's this?

[23:13] [Mardrax] Yo tzim... coming up yet?

[23:13] [Morgane] in a hole in the ground i'd say

[23:13] [Morgane] nasty smell too

[23:14] [Tzimfemme] Yes. . .well, here

[23:14] [Morgane] oh and the water is trying to creep up your leg

[23:14] * Tzimfemme hands Morgane the scuba equipment

[23:14] [Tzimfemme] yes. . .it's feisty

[23:14] [Morgane] thank you

[23:14] * Tzimfemme slaps it down

[23:14] [Tzimfemme] I don't need the tzim any more.

[23:14] * Morgane blinks

[23:14] * Tzimfemme points at scuba equipment

[23:14] [Morgane] ahh

[23:15] [star|idle] well, nothing happening here and I have work tomorrow (yay battery recall, lines will be busy again :( or so I'd expect)

[23:15] [star|idle] so... nitenite

[23:15] * Morgane throws the equipment into the water

[23:15] [Tzimfemme] I needed it when I was in with the feisty. . .stuff.

[23:15] [Tzimfemme] But not now.

[23:15] [star|idle] Feist? definitely the wrong grave then.

[23:15] * Mardrax waves star goodnight

[23:15] [Morgane] (nighty star)

[23:15] [Morgane] isn't he still alive?

[23:15] [star|idle] yep

[23:15] [star|idle] could explain the lack of a body tho

[23:15] [Tzimfemme] (Yes, but he's sleeping on the couch for awhile)

[23:15] [Morgane] then this can't be a grave after all

[23:16] [star|idle] (har har :P)

[23:16] * emp has joined #thepen

[23:16] [Tzimfemme] Who?

[23:16] * Mardrax throws emp in, after tzim and morgane

[23:16] * Tzimfemme sets mode: +v emp

[23:16] [Tzimfemme] Oh dear

[23:16] [Tzimfemme] There's another one in the thingie.

[23:16] [emp] eek

[23:16] [Morgane] do we fish him out?

[23:16] * Mardrax drops a shovel down the hole after emp

[23:16] [Tzimfemme] We should

[23:16] * emp doesnt get thrown anywhere!

[23:16] * Tzimfemme wades in

[23:16] [Morgane] oh well

[23:16] [emp] lol

[23:17] * Morgane floats after tzim

[23:17] [Tzimfemme] Don't let him. . .um. . .um. . .what's the word. . .um. . .

[23:17] [Morgane] drown?

[23:17] [Tzimfemme] Don't let him go all the way in

[23:17] [Morgane] oh

[23:17] [Tzimfemme] The stuff

[23:17] [Morgane] ok

[23:17] * Tzimfemme splashes

[23:17] [Tzimfemme] This.

[23:17] [Mardrax] it's feisty stuff after all

[23:17] * Morgane grabs emps head and PULLS

[23:18] * Tzimfemme tows on emp's wrists

[23:18] [Morgane] the stuff doesn't want to let go

[23:18] * emp wont be distracted, watching House

[23:18] * Morgane thinks

[23:18] [emp] :P

[23:18] [Morgane] i know!!!

[23:18] * Morgane throws a little fireball at the stuff

[23:19] * Tzimfemme watches flame die

[23:19] * Mardrax looks under the boards, grabs a spider, sticks it in his mouth and chews a few times

[23:19] [Morgane] hmmm

[23:19] * Mardrax *crunch*

[23:19] [Tzimfemme] he'll be fine

[23:19] [Tzimfemme] He didn't go fully under

[23:19] [Morgane] i guess so

[23:19] * Tzimfemme scratches her head agian

[23:19] [Tzimfemme] I did, you see. . .

[23:19] [Morgane] lets deposit him over there

[23:19] [Tzimfemme] and now I feel different.

[23:19] * Mardrax casually walks down into the hole via the wall

[23:19] [Morgane] how different?

[23:19] [Morgane] seeing funny colours

[23:20] [Tzimfemme] I'm almost positive you used to have a name.

[23:20] [Morgane] or do u want to eat me

[23:20] [Tzimfemme] And that stuff did

[23:20] [Morgane] oh my

[23:20] [Tzimfemme] and I forgot what the tzim was

[23:20] [Morgane] not styx

[23:20] [Morgane] don't tell me we found the river of forgetfullness

[23:20] [Morgane] BLAST!!!!

[23:20] * Tzimfemme ponders that

[23:20] [Tzimfemme] It would make sense

[23:21] [Appy] what, there's a whole river of that stuff?

[23:21] * Tzimfemme sounds too serene

[23:21] [Morgane] i HATE greek myths

[23:21] [Appy] why?]

[23:21] [star|idle] a river of what? slime? this brings me back to Ghostbusters 2 at any rate.

[23:21] * Star|idle poofs for real

[23:21] [Morgane] because they come and bite u in the ass when u least expect it

[23:21] * Mardrax walks back up the wall, emerging from the hole between the floorboards

[23:21] [Appy] don't most myths do that?

[23:21] [Appy] o_O

[23:21] [Morgane] well my dear u are Tzimfemme and i am Morgane

[23:21] * Mardrax points down

[23:22] [Morgane] and u swallowed forgetfullness

[23:22] * Appy looks down

[23:22] [Mardrax] look appy, there they are

[23:22] [Appy] who?

[23:22] [Mardrax] they

[23:22] [Tzimfemme] That explains it

[23:22] [Appy] ...

[23:22] * Hedin has quit IRC (Quit ())

[23:22] [Appy] you mean us?

[23:22] [Mardrax] tzim, who doesn't seem to be tzim anymore, and morgane

[23:22] [Morgane] du u think u could erm puke?

[23:22] [Tzimfemme] Could someone tell her up there how we got down there. . .

[23:22] * empathy has quit IRC (Ping timeout for empathy[81-178-65-69.dsl.pipex.com])

[23:22] [Tzimfemme] could I do what?

[23:22] [Morgane] throw up

[23:22] [Morgane] puke

[23:22] * Tzimfemme ?

[23:23] [Morgane] get the excess water out of your system

[23:23] [Morgane] stick your finger down your throat ok?

[23:23] * Mardrax walks up to the fridge, grabs a can of Amstel beer, and tosses it into the hole

[23:23] [Appy] hrmm the only down I know is the catacombs below the #scarletpen... I'm not much help in here I'm afraid

[23:23] [Mardrax] feed her that morgane... should help in puking ;)

[23:23] [Morgane] OUCH

[23:23] [Morgane] ok

[23:23] [Appy] haha true

[23:23] [Morgane] here drink that

[23:23] * Morgane hands Tzim the opened can

[23:23] * Tzimfemme sniffs

[23:23] [Tzimfemme] blergh!

[23:23] [Appy] ooh, should've gone for heineken or oranjeboom though

[23:23] [Morgane] its medicine

[23:24] [Morgane] thats supposed to taste nasty

[23:24] [Tzimfemme] I liked the feisty stuff a lot better than this medicine

[23:24] [Morgane] well yes

[23:24] [Morgane] but the feisty stuff eats memory

[23:24] * Mardrax stands besides appy, explaining how tzim was prying the floorboards loose and fell down into a river f feisty stuff

[23:24] [Morgane] u do not want that

[23:24] * Tzimfemme drinks

[23:24] [Tzimfemme] eugh!

[23:25] * Morgane searches through the stuff in her black hole

[23:25] [Morgane] i think i have something down there

[23:25] * Tzimfemme sniffs again

[23:25] [Morgane] something to compensate bad memory

[23:25] [Tzimfemme] that's weird. this stuff doesn't seem so bad any more

[23:25] [Morgane] do u feel sick yet?

[23:25] * Tzimfemme chugs

[23:26] [Tzimfemme] No, I'm _fine_!

[23:26] * Morgane carefully floats a few feet away

[23:26] * Mardrax wonders if he just heard tzim say "that stuff doesn't seem so bad anymore"

[23:26] [Morgane] what is your name then?

[23:26] [Tzimfemme] You told me this. . .I'm. . .

[23:26] * Tzimfemme looks at the scuba gear

[23:26] [Tzimfemme] Either me or that is called tzim.

[23:26] [Morgane] tzimfemme

[23:27] [Morgane] u are tzimfemme or tzim for short

[23:27] [Morgane] that *points* is scuba gear

[23:27] * Tzimfemme goes pale

[23:27] [Tzimfemme] Scuba gear.

[23:27] * Tzimfemme nods. . .eugh. .

[23:27] [Tzimfemme] shouldn't have done that

[23:27] [Morgane] no u shouldn't

[23:27] [Morgane] but star threw u in

[23:27] * Tzimfemme nods again!. . .blergh!

[23:27] [Morgane] so its his fault#

[23:28] [Tzimfemme] I'm Tzimfemme. This is scuba gear. That feisty stuff is Star's fault.


[23:28] [Morgane] yes

[23:28] [Morgane] exactly

[23:28] * Mardrax tosses another can down.. Malt this time

[23:28] [Morgane] the medicine seems to help

[23:29] [Morgane] here tzim another antitode

[23:29] * Morgane hands tzim the can of malt

[23:29] * Tzimfemme drinks

[23:29] [Morgane] ok

[23:29] [Mardrax] that feisty stuff isn't Star's falt though... you falling down into it is

[23:29] [Morgane] i think i'll fly u out of here

[23:29] * Mardrax semi-shouts down

[23:30] * Morgane grabs tzim under the armpits and levitates up into the room again

[23:30] * Tzimfemme looks out over the cavern and her eyes roll

[23:30] [Tzimfemme] this doesn't make me feel good. . .

[23:30] [Morgane] its not supposed to

[23:30] [Morgane] its supposed to help u get rid of the feisty stuff

[23:30] [Tzimfemme] put me down.

[23:30] * Sparhawk| is now known as Sparhawk

[23:30] [Tzimfemme] please

[23:31] [Tzimfemme] quick

[23:31] * Morgane doesn't want to know what chemical reactions happen in her

[23:31] [Appy] someone mentioned that she needed to puke?

[23:31] * Morgane puts tzim down

[23:31] * Mardrax takes tzim from morgana's arms and lays her on the couch

[23:31] * Appy could help

[23:31] * Tzimfemme pokes her head off of the side of the couch and pukes :(

[23:31] * Mardrax supplies tzim with a bucket

[23:31] [Morgane] YES

[23:31] * Morgane cheers

[23:31] [Appy] ah

[23:31] [Morgane] there goes the feisty stuff

[23:31] [Appy] nevermind ^_^

[23:32] [Tzimfemme] Lethe

[23:32] [Morgane] yes i forgot the name

[23:32] [Tzimfemme] Waters of forgetful...ness. . .

[23:32] [Morgane] styx is the other one

[23:32] * Tzimfemme squints her eyes shut

[23:32] [Tzimfemme] Ok, you didn't swallow any, that's a normal memory lapse

[23:32] * Appy provides a cool cloth to wipe down Tzim's forehead

[23:32] [Tzimfemme] oh hi Appy. . .thanks. . .

[23:32] [Morgane] i fear i am bad with names

[23:33] [Morgane] shouldn't we close that hole?

[23:33] [Tzimfemme] Appy?

[23:33] [Appy] yes?

[23:33] [Tzimfemme] Free advice?

[23:33] [Morgane] so nobody can fall in?

[23:33] [Tzimfemme] Don't go graverobbing

[23:33] * lilValzZz is now known as lilValdar

[23:33] [lilValdar] 'morning \z_z/

[23:33] * Appy nods

[23:33] [Appy] well noted

[23:33] * Mardrax offers tzim a bathrobe and a folded changing booth

[23:33] [Tzimfemme] Especially in the coffins of famous literary figures. No good can come of it.

[23:33] [Morgane] don't fall into the hole val

[23:33] [Appy] ah

[23:33] * lilValdar ...

[23:33] * Appy nods even more symphatically

[23:33] * lilValdar temptation strikes!

[23:34] * lilValdar leaps (wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

[23:34] [Morgane] well its your memory

[23:34] * lilValdar has quit IRC (Quit (Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com))

[23:34] * Mardrax goes into slow motion

[23:34] [Mardrax] noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh

[23:34] [Mardrax] too late 0_o

[23:34] [sparhawk] I don't suppose anyone can hear me right?

[23:34] [Morgane] yes we can?

[23:34] [Morgane] why?

[23:34] [Tzimfemme] (23:34 here--I can)

[23:34] [Tzimfemme] (I think he's lagging)

[23:35] [Tzimfemme] (Bad)

[23:35] * Mardrax watches sparhawk in slow-mo puzzlement

[23:35] * Tzimfemme slinks cautiously to the edge of the hole

[23:35] [Morgane] (yep verry badly)

[23:35] [Tzimfemme] Valdar has an enduring breath capability. He doesn't _need_ to breathe underwater. I'd wager he wouldn't be affected anyway.

[23:35] [Morgane] and his ears are good for short flights

[23:36] [Morgane] which reminds me

[23:36] * Morgane cancels her flight spell and lands

[23:36] * Sparhawk| has joined #thepen

[23:36] * Q sets mode: +o Sparhawk|

[23:36] [Morgane] (still laging)

[23:37] [Mardrax] (very badly)

[23:37] [Morgane] (35 secs ping reply oh my)

[23:37] [sparhawk|] stupid IRC

[23:37] [sparhawk|] and stupid MSN

[23:37] * Tzimfemme restores the top planks of C. S. Lewis's coffin and nails them down

[23:37] [Morgane] good idea

[23:38] [Morgane] but i think we left emp down there

[23:38] * Mardrax wonders where the author himself went

[23:38] * Sparhawk has quit IRC (Killed (Infohigh.EU.GalaxyNet.Org (hub.pi.se.galaxynet.org [- services.galaxynet.org[] (older nick overruled))))

[23:38] * Sparhawk| is now known as Sparhawk

[23:38] [Morgane] well wherever he went by now he'll have forgotten

[23:38] [Tzimfemme] emp cast "do-over" and made like it didn't happen, and I won't ward this heavily enough for Valdar to get trapped

[23:38] [Tzimfemme] heh!

[23:38] * Tzimfemme does slap down some wards of chocolate-pantry-alarm strength

[23:39] [Morgane] oooh good idea!

[23:39] * Mardrax wonders at the amazing chocolatey magic going on

[23:40] [Mardrax] now that we have that over with...

[23:40] [Mardrax] who are we going to ressurect for round two? ;)

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Wow. I should go into IRC more often.


Oh an interesting side note. I took a class last year with an ancient professor that defended his Doctoral dissertation under C.S. Lewis and Tolkien (and one other) at Oxford. I don't think I've ever been more intellectually challenged about literature in my life. The guy literally intimated me out of the English Major. However, he gave me a nice foundation for figuring out how to read punctuation in poetry, so I'm owe him that at least.


Anyway according to my prof. it appears that Tolkien and Lewis thought highly or each other, but Tolkien never cared much for Lewis' "children's books." He did however, like his more mature works.



Edited by reverie
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