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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword



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George lurks in the shadows, wondering why she's been named George, and when the fighting shall begin...


For surely this hallowed ground filled with light shall be stained with blood before long... and no doubt this is not the first time...

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A tiny skeleton in a balack robe wanders in dragging a bulging sack.


It stops, considering Anna and he r circle for a long moment. Then abruptly it turns, unties the sack, and climbs in, rummaging. First, a bottle of glue is thrown out. Then, some polaroids. Then some CDs. Then some loosleaf with random scrawling on it. Finally, a small back phone book.


After it finishes affixing all of tghese items to Annba's circle, the skekeleton steps back, cocks its head, and from its toothy muzzle utters a satisfied, SQUEAK.


It wanders out again.





An houir later, it wanders past the egde of the spotlight, methodically rubbing gorund beef on the floor.

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Anna first notices Silver and tries to ignore the intruder. She does a pretty good job before Silver began to speak and Anna opened one eye...starring rather angerly. Not long after, a rather odd George showed up, as Anna opened her other eye and followed her with an equal glare.


The Slayer was losing her cool as the skeleton walked in and forced Anna to...yes...open a third eye in a freakish attempt in magic and follow the skeleton in an interesting manner. The Slayer looked in intrigue...turning her head from side to side as the items were set up. After waiting an hour, Anna watches the mysterious creature start to rub ground beef on the floor...in an odd manner...well...how is this action not odd?


Anna-"I am the Slayer of the third eye and I demand to know what you are doing!"

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George has set a comfy chair far enough away from the slayer's spot as not to anger her, and with popcorn freshly popped sits back to watch the show with interest.


Then, thinking that the skeleton's redecoration of Anna's spot is lacking a little something, she rummages around beneath the chair's cushion and comes up with several items.


Ignoring the fact that Anna has just yelled angrily at the skeleton and should perhaps not be provoked any farther, George walks up boldly, knowing that sneaking would be futile.


Getting down on hands and knees she begins digging small holes which she places something in. Covering them up again, she makes her away around the circle, ignoring the immense glaring and careful not to disturb any of the skeleton's items.


Then she takes a bottle and pours a few drops of wine upon each spot. Placing a teddy bear and rubber chicken among the other items, she then retreats to watch the fun, and pours herself a glass of wine.

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George settles back into her seat and takes a small sip of wine, only to bite into a hard kernel of popcorn as she notices a scaly red figure crawling into the area of Anna's circle. She spits the kernel out as she watches the lizard rapidly devour the trail of ground meat as he slithers along, and stands from her seat as he begins licking up the damp areas of wine that she had poured around the room earlier.


"Halt!" Anna's voice booms out through the room in thunderous tone, causing the scaly figure to pause his filthy eating habits. "Who else dares to break the Circle of the Slayer of the Third Ey-"


"Anna?" Wyvern raises his head from the ground and hops to his feet, brushing off a feather from the teddy bear that's now impaled on one of his horns. "Hah! I shoulda known."


"M-Mr. Wyvern?"


"Quite a nice ssset-up." Wyvern glances around at the lighting of the room and the various items strewn across the floor, then belches a short jet of flame that narrowly misses Silver's hair. "I see you've got the dance CDsss, the phone book to spread the word, the food and wine, the glue to fix tables and chairsss, and the photographic evidence. Given the sssize of this space, I'd say this might go down as the smallest party in Pen history if everything goes off without a hitch."


Wyvern hops closer to Anna, moving well beyond the established comfort zone as he walks into her circle of light and nudges her with a scaly elbow.


"Hey, bonusss points on getting rubber chicken here early, though looks like he's already passed out cold or something. What's he been drinking, Rooster Cocktails?"

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George looks in surprise at the rubber chicken she pulled out from under the chair cushion, now lying in Anna's spot. "Wait, he's an old hand around here? I thought he was a toy, but then I wasn't exactly checking for a pulse."


Standing up, she looks at the chair uncertainly. "How'd he get in my chair?"

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A little figure in a black cloak hops in, races around the room to check things out and stops abruptly at seeing the rubber chicken.


"Oooohhh no ... this is not a matter for the VLF. The ALF gets so angry whenever we interfere ... I'm outta here!"


That said, the little figure hops out even faster than it hopped in ...

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Anna Gave a smile and leaped upon Wyvern with a big hug. Squeezing maybe a little too tight...seeing as the the Almost Dragon was turning blue...Anna let go and began to speak in a very happy gitty voice.


Anna-"BOSS, BOSS, BOSS! I'm so happy to see you've noticed! I er...planned this...ya...I planned this!" Wyvern was just catching his breath as Anna witnessed George study the Rubber Chicken and lept up to do some good...ya...good! Using the glue to fix various objects together to make a table, Anna nabbed the bottle of whine and the various food articles and in a flash of light and some type of magic apparently...how else can one explain it? The Slayer put together a nice meal with one beverage! Hey, it's all she had and she's not going to spend her own money! Now noticing that the little figure starting to leave...Anna raced into action...after all...a good party needs guests! Blocking off the path of escape...the Slayer spoke.


Anna-"And where would you be rushing off to?"

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Ignoring the confrontation, George looks at the food, then with a sigh goes fishing in the comfy chair again, hoping to find another bottle of wine. Instead she pulls out a spider which she throws on the ground with a shriek.


"Someone please tell me that he's not an old hand," she says, trying to keep as much room between herself and it.

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"Ooooohhhh no missus ... no way I want to have anything to do with ALF business, they'll be bombing the place and setting fire to it while trying to drown us all if they even think the VLF tried interfering, so please get out of my way so I can leave and keep you all sa..."


The little figure's rapid speech was abruptly interrupted as a shriek pierced the room. It spun around and started racing towards where the shriek came from without looking, making trumpetting noises and yelling, "Have no fear, Tom is here!"


The second it noticed the spider, though, it shrieked as well, spun around again and darted once more for the exit.



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Anna stood tall...we'll...tall as a small girl could! While the little figure charged toward the exit...which she happen to be standing directly in font of! Bravely and boldly the Slayer was trampled over and in a big cloud of dust and smoke and some strange substance she had no idea...a voice was heard...faint as it may be.


Anna-"It's was only a spider!"

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George did not hear the words as she was too busy trying to keep as far away as possible. The spider moved back towards the chair and she hurriedly pushed it away, wanting to keep her chair as spider-free as possible.


The spider followed, and after glancing back to see that it was catching up she quickly abandoned the comfy chair in favor of running towards the door. Spotting Anna she hid behind her, then peeked out.


"Where... where'd it go?" she asked nervously.


Anna turned around, the spider cupped in her hand, a happy smile on her face. "I have it now, see? You'll be--" George shrieked and ran out of the room as fast as her legs would carry her.

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Bruised up and dusty...with some type filth on her from the rampaging bull...Anna's head turned toward the door as George ran out...the Slayer couldn't move if she'd wanted to...that is...unless the spider got free! The spider jumped from her hand to her nose and in a seconds time she got over her, "Can't move state", and ran around the room in a nervous wreak screaming...


Anna-"Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!"

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Attracted by the noise, a gangly figure entered the room, rhythmically gyrating his cervical vertebrae. The dim light outside the spot contained several figures: a skeletal rat lurking in the shadows, a dragon-like creature, a three-eyed slayer, and-- whoah, was that a spider???


Dun-dan-DUNH! Fangs glistening in the spotlight, the eight-legged nightmare gathered itself melodramatically for a final attack. Even the rubber chicken lay motionless in fear.




The aerosol can in Ted’s hand hissed, and a stream of mist glittered in the air like fairy dust. The spider seemed to shrink in on itself. With a boneless plop, it slid to the floor, a random collection of hairy legs.


As the slayer rubbed her watering eyes, no doubt wishing for a third hand to rub with, Ted became aware of general disapproval building in the room, the kind that could be directed towards someone who might have just sprayed a cloud of poison in an enclosed space. He smiled. “Arachnid fever, “ he said, as if that explained everything, and held up the spray-can. The label read:


Krelbin’s Anti-Viral Agent #16 (maximum strength). For use on Spiders, Scorpions, Ticks, Chiggers, Mites, Daddy Longlegs and Vinegarroons (especially Vinegarroons).


Mood-lightening music played just outside the range of audibility, and the tension eased. Nervous laughter came from somewhere. “Yep,” Ted continued, “when they get the fever you just can’t get near them with a needle, so vaccinations are out of the question. Cheers!”


He snapped his fingers twice. Without a trace of remaining menace, the spider righted itself and followed Ted out the door.


A voice was audible from behind them, possibly the wyvern speaking: “Was it my imagination or did that guy have theme music?”


Even fainter, an answer: “Yeah, and a background score. I would have sworn that was Warren Zevon playing when he came in.”

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George--who was lurking outside the door--watched Disco-neck Ted emerge and then jumped backwards at the sight of the spider following.


"It's ok. I took care of this one," he said and she listened to his background music until he was out of sight. Peeking back inside the room, she sees Anna looking rather worn, and her comfy chair now occupied by a certain lizard.


Stalking inside, she glares at Wyvern, who looks up blandly. "Quite a comfortable chair," he remarks, then reclines and closes his eyes.


Opening and shutting her mouth, she looks towards Anna, but she's in no condition to give advice. In fact it looks like the slayer of the third eye needs a nap herself. Unfortunately the only comfortable spot is currently taken.


Trying to decide whether to laugh or cry, George sinks down to the floor and hugs her knees.

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Anna, worn to a pulp, slides over to George and gives a smile, whispering to her...


Anna-"I'll try and help ya get your chair back for a price. How is 5 gold?" George looked unconvinced, but decided she wanted her chair back, so she handed over 5 gold rather reluctantly. The Slayer managed to get to her feet and walked over to The Boss Almost Dragon and speaking in a happy but lazy tone...


Anna-"Hey! Boss! I'll give ya 3 gold for that seat?"

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Deciding she'd rather not watch this deal, George went over to inspect the brightly lit area in the middle, tentatively reaching down and putting a finger to the side of Rubber Chicken's neck. "Eek!" she shrieked when he sat up.


Quickly backing away, she turned and hid behind her comfy chair. "What?" Anna asked, seeing George crouched down. Pointing hesitantly towards the middle of the room, she could barely make out Rubber Chicken putting a wing to his forehead and tottering a few steps towards them.

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Seeing Pillow, she races over and hugs the relative stranger. "Someone's here! You have no idea how deserted I was starting to feel!"


Looking at the scene herself, she shrugs at her form crouched down behind the comfy chair. "Looks like I'm having an out of body experience. Honestly I'm not even sure why I'm afraid of Rubber Chicken... Well, except that I do. You see, I'm not sure how to write him. He's an old hand on the forum, and me being new... I'm afraid I'll mess things up."


Pillow opens her mouth, not sure what to say, except that she thinks she's expected to say something.


"Oh, I know! Why didn't I think of it before!" And suddenly George is back in her body. Picking up a handy bottle she finds nearby she conks Rubber Chicken on the head and he passes out again.


"There we go. Unfortunately I'm still uncertain of trying to write Wyvern. Oh, I could throw in some Almost Dragonic references, and some sibilant S's, but I don't know..." She observes the frozen tableau with both Anna and Wyvern frozen in time.


"You know what? I think I'm going to claim this spot for myself since they're going to be Almost Statues. Hee!" Pulling a screen from her pocket, she screens off that corner of the room.


Heading into the well lit center of the room, she manages to produce another comfy chair, and hopes that this one will be more surprise-free than the last one.

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Appy made a humoungous bounce right over Tom as he fled from the Banquet Room.

She screeched to a halt in front of the door, wondering what the hell tom had been fleeing from, and looked up at the big doors.

Inching closer, she put her ear against a door and heard muttering on the other side. It sounded frantic and unsure.

Curious she opened the door, and saw the spot of light and some moving shadows.

The really intruiging thing was the screened off part, where she could barely make out a comfy chair and someone sitting in it.


Appy jabbed her finger into the air and shouted to herself: "Let's investigate!"

She bounced into the room. Her skippyball hit the bottle of glue which sprayed the still liquid stuff out in front of her, sending her sliding into the screen and comfy chair beyond.


"Kiyaaaaaaaaaa! *OOMPH*


After untangling her legs and arms from other legs and arms, and part of a chair, Appy bounced up grinning and offered George a hand up.


"Hiya! Sorry about the mess, I'm Appy, who're you?"

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George shook her head slightly and looked at this new arrival. "Well, um, thanks... I think. I'm George, it's nice to meet you."


Then, upon taking a closer look at what Appy held she blinked. "Does that ball have antenae?" Frowning, she wondered whether it was a shapechanging creature of some sort, and was about to ask when she spotted someone lurking amid the corners of the room.


"Well, hi...! Oh, he's gone again." At Appy's uncertain glance at the empty corner she smiled sheepishly. "Thought I saw Wyvern lurking around, but he didn't say anything and then he was gone." Shrugging it away, her eyes fell upon the table Anna had set up previously, and the food that was quickly cooling.


"Well, since you're here, would you like a bite to eat? It'd be a shame for all of that food to go to waste."

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A loud and energetic sound was heard just before Appy was tackle huged by a flying Anna. Yes, it would appear that the Slayer went a little bonkers, but who says that's a bad thing?


Anna-"Remember me Appy? From the beauty contest? We'll do ya? You look really great!" Anna then turned to George and gave a grin.


Anna-"how go's things?"

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"I'm not giving this seat up for anything lesss than four geld, and that's final!"


Wyvern signaled a roman numeral four in the air with his claws, then sighed and leaned back in his seat as he found Anna obsessing over Appy's entrance. He'd managed to haggle the price up by one geld by asking a starting price of two hundred, under claims that the chair possessed unique wine stains made by the soon-to-be-celeb-pennite George. The overgrown lizard cursed to himself and sprung to his feet, wiping a few popcorn crumbs from his tunic before wandering across the room towards the group of ladies. He butted into the space between them and raised his claws for a moment, then pulled out a small pad of paper and turned to George.


"Concerning the worries over writing about me, I'm always open to folks such as yourself writing heroic fan fiction on my subject after being stricken by my charm and scaly handsomeness. 'Wyvern: the Autocratic Introspective' remainsss the definitive life work at this point." Wyvern reached into his Devil's Advocate folder and handed George what appeared to be a blank sheet of paper. "As you can sssee, Almost Dragonic Brand Crash Test Almost Dragonic Training™ courses are available for a minor investment and a taste in potentially fatal situations."


Wyvern nodded to Appy, then lifted his pad to his snout and cleared his throat in Anna's direction.


"Decent party thusss far, m'dear. The lack of proper booze is something that needs fixing, though." Wyvern paused as he spotted a note on his pad about competing with Krelbin's Anti-Viral Agent. He scratched his chin, then let out a low hiss. "... You may wanna hail that Ted back here as well if ya can. He might have some party-oriented dance moves or something, y'know? I'll leave it to you."


Wyvern bowed to the three ladies, then proceeded to make his way to the new easychair that George had brought in the room. The overgrown lizard scooted the chair over so that it was adjacent to George's previous chair, then lied across both of them at once as if they were a lounging couch.


"Four hundred geld for this two-chair 'dauna deluxe' ssspecial set, by the way."



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