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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Lasiera applies


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Lasiera sat in a tree, looking down on the world. Raelyth was down below. Hunting, most likely. In the distance, there was a castle.


"Hey!" a nearby voice chirped, "that's my perch!" She frowned, and leaped off the branch, fluttering her wings to hover in place as she looked for the source of the voice.


"Over here!" She looked back at the branch, and found a brightly colored bird sitting where she had been.


"Oh," she frowned, "My apologies. May I sit next to you?"


The bird bobbed his head, which she took for permission, and she reseated herself.


"Have you ever been to that place over there?" She pointed at the castle.


The bird looked at her, cocking his head to the side, "of course. There're people like you there."


"Like me?" She mimicked his action, tilting her own head, "little, with wings?"


"Nononono" the bird chirped, knocking the branch with his beak for emphasis, "people who talk. Mostly you all just make funny noises."


A growl came from the forest floor below her, and she grinned as the bird leaped off the branch and flew away. "I'll be right there, Raelyth."


* * *

Lasiera stared at the door. Of all the stupid, ridiculous contraptions that the big people could invent... how was she supposed to open a door that swung inward? She couldn't very well brace herself on the wall and push!


Finally, it dawned on her. The door was wooden! Of course... She turned her attention to the planks, old and stiff as they were, and persuaded them to twist aside, creating a hole in the middle of the door which she could squeeze through with minimal discomfort. She turned back to close the hole behind her, but then thought better of it -- she could close it once she was out again. She turned her attention toward the rest of the room, waiting expectantly to be noticed.

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It took only a few minutes before Patham finally noticed Lasiera, patiently fluttering around a sofa by the wall.


"Please take a seat," Patham said, indicating the sofa under Lasiera. "How can I help you?"


"I was wanting to join your alliance of vagabonds and vanguards. I have come to the right place?" Lasiera's antennae turned into question marks, much to Patham's surprise.


"Yes, yes, you have come to the right place. I have just the mission for you. You see", he started saying while standing up, "there is a small village to whom our guild owes a favour." Patham opened the door and started leading the way towards the Portal Room in the basement of the AVV.


"Your mission shall be to go see the elder's of this village and in some way repay the favour that we owe them."


Patham pointed out a portal half-way down the hall.


"This should take you right inside the village."


OOC: continued here: http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?show...85entry113585

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