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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

My dog

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He knows,

Follows me around,

Never letting me out of his sight.

When my heart is heaviest,

He shoves his nose under my hand

and leans against me,

Shortened tail thumping against the floor.


Unconditional Love

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Very much a poem I would say, and a good one at that. You managed to capture the "Unconditional Love" of dogs in a few sentences and also conveyed the strong feeling of those being loved like this.

I wouldn't know what to improve on this, so I'm not even going to try and look into it.


Oh, and if this really is just a thought of yours, than I should pay closer attention to your actual poems too ;)

Thank you for posting.. *hugs*

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The perceptiveness of a quadruped is amazing. They see something in the way we carry ourselves, something in the eyes that's off and they respond with contact. We either can't see it or won't acknowledge that we see it because that would force us to respond. Force us to act, possibly ask “What’s wrong?” Relationships between humans are often more complicated because of the "What's in it for me?" attitude we live by. It’s a shame we can learn from our four legged friends. Nice poem Wrenwind.

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