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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Fairy and the Appy Tales


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In no particular order, the stories told by the old woman from the sign-up thread. No Role-playing this time, sorry..

First up, a myth about the Moon Goddess, requested by Venefyxatu.

With many thanks to Sweetcherrie for being my editor!


I wrote this mostely while listening to Theatre of Tragedy.


Thought I'd add that information with all the stories, since music's always been the better part of my inspiration. This might also explain why it's turned out so romantic.

I will link to the seperate stories in this post, so you can feel free to comment in this thread :)


- As Morning Dawns

Edited by Appy
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As Morning Dawns


The ballroom was big, stretching out for miles it seemed, and well-lit. The source of the light was unlike anywhere else, since it were the people who brightened the mirror walls and gilded statues of the room. Every person was another dot of soft light, glowing from within, adding to the whole.

It was here where the stars danced away the night, in the endless turning of the seasons.


Luna was the beautiful one. Slender and graceful, she danced around the floor. Her silver and white dress followed her every move in slow-motion as did her long silver hair. It flowed down to the floor, hiding and revealing parts of her face as her head also danced to the music. She was mysterious, and therefore, irresistible.


Sol, who was standing at the edge of the dancers, was fascinated with her as always. Luna smiled at him as she was twirled past by someone unknown to him. It didn’t matter that she danced with a stranger, her smile had been for him.

When the music stopped he straightened his jacket and rushed over to her, determined to ask her hand in the next dance. He bowed gracefully and held out his arm for her to take.


“Luna, would you honour me with the next dance?”


She smiled again and put her hand on his arm in acceptance.

He was a handsome man, clad in his red and golden suit. His blond hair was long, but bound back to give a better view of his face. She thought he had the most fascinating eyes, so deep blue that, in the right light, they seemed to be purple. There was a spark in them that she couldn’t explain, and didn’t want to either.

She couldn’t stop smiling as they assumed the dance position. He held her close with his arm as they floated around on the waltz music. The sadness that was her heritage seemed to have disappeared for the moment, and she was determined to enjoy every minute of it.


After the music stopped and a more energetic dance was set in, they stood in the middle of the floor still, lost in each other's eyes.

One of the guests laughed loud and cheerful right next to them and broke the spell. Sol, shook himself mentally and took Luna’s hand to guide them of the floor, towards the garden.


“Walk with me please, I would like to enjoy the outside air with you.”

Luna nodded, her heart racing as she was wondering what to say.


“Thank you for a lovely dance, I enjoyed it…” her soft voice trailed off again as they passed through the doors, into the cool morning air.

Sol smiled and mentioned that the pleasure had been all his.


In the tangible silence that followed they wandered around the beautiful gardens that belonged to the mansion where the ball was held. They halted at the edge of a small pond that had been hidden behind high, well-tended conifer walls.

Luna drew courage from somewhere, and turned towards the handsome man at her side.


“I wish you would be here more often, we enjoy having you around..” she said to his chest, before her voice failed her again. She looked up, and found a sad smile and loving eyes directed at her.


“I wish for the same, many times a day.” he replied in a hoarse voice. Oh, how beautiful she was!

He couldn’t help himself when he let the back of his fingers caress her soft skin, before lifting up her mouth to his. In the moment that it took for their lips to cross the short distance, the world seemed to hold it’s breath, and time almost stood still.

Just before their lips met, the sound of a war-horn rang from the mansion, calling upon all those, who would answer immediately.

Sol’s head snapped back up, the moment broken, an urgency in his eyes. They parted noticeably, before he looked at her again.


“I… I have to go..” he whispered.


Luna could only nod, her eyes pleading, before turning to the pond, away from him. Sol stood lost for a moment, his hand still in the air where she had been, before sighing deeply and returning to the mansion.


As Luna stood there, hugging herself, tears streamed from her eyes into the pond, where they lighted the water from below. Her face reflected the same sadness in the water that she had known would accompany her forever, the moment she laid eyes on him. And this pond was yet another sign of that, to the people she cared for…

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