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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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~Brief Description~



Revery: a conflicted archmage of old, seemly stuck in his early twenties. He stands about average height for a human with a medium build. The dreamlost is his self proclaimed mantle and realm. He shares some aspects with that of a low level plane walker, but is really more of a leaper: A sentimentalist to the end, leap frogging his way through the disparate stories whose gateways are the written word of man...

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Blue in nature, he always detested open war. However he would when pressed waged it with an almost fanatical zeal. Rev's preferred weapon of choice is diplomacy. In the past he was prone to the occasional fits of rage, but has since enrolled in several 12 step programs inorder to calm the internal fires... Revery reports that he's feeling much better now, and is intrigue that you asked... because he didn't know you cared...


Despite the fits, he's really quite good nature, though when not engaged directly with anyone will often take on the appearance of someone weary of some deep obligation. Regardless of any of this, he love's to talk and is a bit of rambler if you get him get him going... Usually the more he talk's the sillier he gets... So silly in fact, you could almost forget the weary look he wears most of the time...

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Appearance never met much to revery, but being an archmage did cause for certain attire to present in his wardrobe. In battle he wears riveted hero's mail with a lightly padded brown gamberson underneath. Over that he wears a leather brigandine with three bucklers on the side . All are enchanted for extra strength and durability with some small resistances to the wild magics. Throwing convention off, rev chooses not to where a helm. Instead he choose a war or kettle hat with a blue and green arming cap underneath... Emblazened on the hat is a small castle resting on clouds with a light like dawn breaking through them... He arms himself with a simple wooden quarterstaff with no apparent magical abilities. If pressed with need for a weapon of more potency, he'll switch to a Pollax or Raven's Beak enchanted to be near unbreakable and light...


When not in battle, he wears a simple blue and green hood and tunic combination.

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A short history of revery, in verse form...

As seen in the draft room...


Rev's intro.


Once a time, few years ago

A mage was born, his color blue.


The very air was dragon's bane

And unicorns held, a lofty reign.


Before the shift in phatasmic fad,

This rambling lad was illusion clad.


In wonder he watch third age die

Out of embers he saw the blitzers rise


Guilded they banded against the dread

-Guilded they channeled, magic bright red:


'Heralds on the horizon-

our own deaths instead

We dared all the wizards,

But lost all in pain.

Fell short- in our toil,

Forgot, it's a game.'


He wandered alone so long and so far

a weariness soon over took his heart.


Chaos followed all that he sought,

Guild houses crumbled,

-friends were lost.


The banquet hall of long ago,

Fell to abuses, was overthrown.


Bouncing back, set for an attack

A ball blazed in fury, but the moment did pass...


So he retired, but always came back

A glutton turned weary, past glories distract.


Even his castle, once loyal so true,

Gave up to go questing with a dreamlord or two


Alliances so honored, a trail to defend

The empire faded a chapter unhinged.


Taken refuge in fear,

Infinity took him


So sickened his stomach

He left all again.


To give up all questing, and retired once more

To go far off dreaming, and behind heavy closed doors


And thats now how you find him,

Awake or asleep

Building castles of glory, away in his keep...



the dreamlost

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