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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Mythic Onion


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The swamp seemed darker than normal, like evil brooding over his next meddling on human affairs. A shadow came, flitting from tree to tree like the insects that clung to branches looking for a meal. A furry snake hissed at the shadows, tasting the air with its forked tongue. The shadow stopped suddenly, sinking up to his knees in the muddy waters. Hands searched frantically under the tree roots, and a sensitive nose begins to twitch when he is close to his prize.


"A *sniff* ha!" said the palaeontologist, who happened to be very geeky, trying to keep himself from crying. "I found *sniff* what I've been *sniff* looking for, all *sniff* these years." The nerdy palaeontologist struggled not to weep as he bent over to pick up the fabled Onion of Eb'zez, one of the sacred artifacts from the native peoples in this land, out of it's swampy resting place. He turned around in time to see eight furry snakes slither across his lunch.


"Hey, that's my cheese and mud sandwich!" the dorky palaeontologist shouted at the serpents as he ran towards them with a stick. "Get away from it!" He began swinging the stick wildly at the snakes, trying to keep them away from his sandwich. Instead of that, however, all he managed to do was impale the sandwich on the stick. The snakes came closer and closer, and the geeky palaeontologist ran back to his truck to yell for help on the radio.


Unfortunately, as he's babbling his plight on the radio, one of the furry snakes slithers up his leg. Panicked, the palaeontologist lets the prized onion fall. He looks in horror as a dozen other furry snakes appear and dive after the onion, and his last sight before fainting is his precious Onion of Eb'zez being swallowed whole.






This small story was written around the phrase "The nerdy palaeontologist struggled not to weep", suggested to us by Sweetcherrie and Appy. Thanks for the inspiration :)

Edited by Tanuchan
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